The Dimensional Architect: Crafting Realms Beyond Reality

The ink barely dried on the final contract before Vincent was thrust into the whirlwind of pet shop ownership. A flurry of paperwork, vendor negotiations, and permit approvals later, the "Cats and Dogs Pet Shop" proudly displayed its new name under Vincent's proprietorship. The previous owner, a kind soul, had even left behind Alice, a curly-haired prodigy with a knack for transforming scruffy pups and matted felines into canine and feline supermodels. Her expertise was a godsend for Vincent, a wide-eyed novice in the pet care industry.

After signing the contract, settling the payments, and dealing with some documentation, the ownership of the pet shop had been transferred to Vincent. The documentation for the pet shop was rather simple and only ended up costing a few hundred yuan.

Vincent started becoming busy after taking over the pet shop. He got a contractor to carry out some minor renovations for him, and just like that, the new Cats and Dogs Pet Shop was ready fo

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