The Dawn of Destiny: Akhenaten’s Path to Kingship

“You must be the one to avenge the lives of your loved ones with your own hands,” Vincent said, leading Akhenaten away from the hut. “I am only here to provide you guidance from the glorious Goddess of Light, Gaia.”

“But why won’t the gods kill off the evil wolf-men?” Akhenaten asked, clearly unsatisfied with Vincent’s answer. “Why did the gods watch the orcs killed my parents and my clansmen? How could gods who stood by and watched these things happen still be called gods?”

“What do you think gods are? Your servants?” Vincent turned back and looked at Akhenaten. “They gave you lives, intelligence and power. They also gave you lush lands and a world to explore. Do you still want them to watch over every second and every aspect of your lives? Fulfil your every wish and desire? You are too greedy!” Seeing that Akhenaten didn’t say anything in response, Vincent continued. “The

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