Chapter 110. A Wrench in One's plan.

I need to get out of here.

Quickly, I crouch low, using the lush foliage and scattered debris as cover.

Absentmindedly, I can't help but notice the area. There are clear signs of activity in the clearing- a tattered backpack, crumpled energy bar wrappers, and a discarded water bottle.

This has become a temporary base of operations for a group of the students, likely hunting for flags, returning and regrouping.

It's unsettlingly organised.

Swallowing hard, I tighten my grip on the wooden stake concealed in my jacket pocket. I need to be extra vigilant; these students have been working together, which means they pose a severe threat.

Silently, I inch towards the flag lying on the ground, my eyes darting from one student to the next, watching as they converse animatedly.

I need to get that flag and escape before they notice me. Seven against one is not a fight I'm eager to engage in.

With each cautious step, I keep my movements fluid and silent, my senses heightened as I navigate the u
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