Chapter 111. The Ruse.

"You can't run forever, Ande!" the leader bellows from behind me, his voice laced with fury. "We'll find you, and when we do, you're dead!"

I push myself harder, my legs pumping as I race through the dense foliage, the sound of my pursuers' footsteps echoing behind me.

I need to lose them, and I need to put them off my trail.

Adrenaline courses through my veins, fueling my desperate sprint towards the cave.

As I dart between the towering rocks, I can feel my lungs burning and my muscles aching, but I refuse to slow down.

The thought of those students catching up to me spurs me onward, propelling me forward with a frantic sense of urgency.

I dart left, then right, weaving through the winding paths in an attempt to lose them.

The uneven terrain threatens to trip me, but I maintain my balance, my eyes scanning the landscape for any place I can hide.

Finally, I spot a rocky outcrop, partially obscured by a tangle of vines and bushes.

Without hesitation, I veer towards it, my heart
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