Chapter 131. Lost and Found Closet.

(Ethan's POV)

I tighten my grip on the stolen access card as I lead the three boys down the dimly lit corridor.

Moving as quietly as possible, I crept along the maze-like hallways of the school followed close behind by Jackson, Ava, and Diego - three other students who had agreed to join my mission.

I can't believe I'm doing this - sneaking back in after what happened. But I have to try, I have to make things right somehow.

"You sure about this, Ethan?" whispers Jackson, one of the boys following close behind me.

"It's crazy dangerous, going back in there."

I nod, not trusting my voice.

The guilt is eating me alive. If only I'd been braver, if only I'd tried to help the other kids instead of running away.

Maybe I can still make a difference, even if it's just for these three.

We make our way down the dimly lit corridors, the stolen keycard granting us access to the lower levels.

The further we go, the more the place The usual bustle of activity is gone, replaced by
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