Chapter 132. Cracker the Code.

There is a dismembered hand lying on the floor, partially obscured by the doorway.

My stomach lurches at the gruesome sight, bile rising in my throat.

The skin is pale, the fingers contorted, and there's still fresh blood pooling around it. I freeze, my eyes fixed on the grisly scene.

Ethan and the others hadn't noticed it by the looks of things, their focus probably only on getting into the school undetected.

But I can't tear my gaze away. Something about the hand catches my eye - it appears to be clutching a small electronic device, a tablet of some kind.

Swallowing hard, I slowly approach the severed limb. I need to get a closer look.

Crouching down, I carefully pry the fingers open and retrieve the tablet, wincing at the sticky, warm sensation of the blood on my skin. My heart is pounding as I examine the device, realizing it's emitting some kind of frequency.

An idea struck. Quickly, I pull out my jammer and connect it to the tablet, grinning as I gain access to the video.

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