Chapter eleven
Lord Wilson clinked his glass of champagne with a fork, aiming to grab the attention of the guests as he walked to the stage.

Smiling over the crowd, he started, “I welcome all my family and friends, partners and esteemed guests to the banquet tonight. Thank you all for coming to celebrate with me.”

“First and foremost, I’d like to express my gratitude to certain individuals by specially recognizing them here.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, join me in extending a warm welcome to my best friend, Lord Derik…”

“It’s a great pleasure to have the Honorable Henry Thompson, former Secretary of State and the esteemed Senator Margaret Davis. Their presence here tonight is appreciated and their contributions to the nation are truly remarkable…”

Lord Wilson went on and on to introduce special guests.

“Last but not the least, allow me to introduce to you a very special guest I have here today, who has demonstrated a rare blend of courage and kindness. And I am honored to call him a son…”

A very special
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