The Extraordinary Oliver Smith
The Extraordinary Oliver Smith
Author: Author Promise
001: A Teenage Son-in-law

Of course, he is a teenager but that doesn't make them treat him like a slave. Oliver was washing the dishes when Miranda threw some plates at him. Looking up, he had to keep his mouth shut.

He wouldn't want to have himself argue with his mother-in-law.

But something! The plates broke. Miranda turned back immediately and their eyes hit.

"I'm sorry..."

Oliver stammered but Miranda continued walking back to him. He knew what his fate would be.

She picked up the plate and said strictly to Oliver

"Sorry? But for what?"

She inquired and threw the plate at him. He was only a teen, disrespecting her is similar to disrespecting his grandmother.

"I should have picked the plate... it's all my fault"

He added and Miranda grinned. Her smile tells that she is the definition of luxury!

"How many times do I have to make it clear to you that this house is nothing like the basement you used to live in? This is the luxury you're living in, how difficult is it to understand the rules?"

"I apologize again, Mom..."

"Who is your Mom? Don't you dare call me mom!"

She cut in his utterance and he bowed


Oliver said in the best possible voice he could think of. She attempted to walk away when she stopped and turned to him

"That doesn't mean that this will slide! The plates you broke cost ten dollars each! Five plates were broken, summing up to fifty dollars, I will have them deducted from your salary!"

Oliver dropped the sponge he held and turned to her.

"But Ma'am, I have so much hope in this month's salary. Deducting fifty dollars means I have nothing left to earn this month. My salary is fifty dollars..."

"And how is that supposed to be my concern?"

Miranda cut off his speech and walked closer to him. Every word Oliver said increased the anger in her. She lifted another ceramic plate and said

"Tell me, what does an eighteen-year-old dude like you need fifty dollars for? Besides, you should have thought about that before marrying Zora!"

She dropped the plate and it broke. A voice echoed immediately


They looked and saw Zora. Her black eyes made way for her beauty. She was slim and tall and had the body of a model but dressed simply.

Seeing Zora kind of pissed Miranda off. She put on her fake smile and walked to Zora who was standing at the kitchen exit.

"Mom, you don't have to do this to Oliver!"

"And who are you to defend him?"

Miranda inquired immediately and Zora sighed. She ignored her and walked to Oliver who was silent.

"Are you okay, babe?"

She inquired and Miranda busted into laughter


She later walked to them and said

"Zora, when will you learn how to accept the fact that Oliver is a nobody?"

"Mom, Oliver is my husband"

Zora dashed back at Miranda with her widened eyes.

"Zora, you should be ashamed of yourself for calling that idiot your husband. He ruined your life, destroyed your future, and tarnished our image! What more will he do? Will you finally get him thrown out of your life the moment he spills our family's secret to our business foes for money?"

Zora held Oliver's arm and inquired again about his current situation. He giggled and confirmed that he was okay.

She asked the reason he got into an argument with her mom but he advised they let go of the problem.

Zora turned to her mom and said

"Mom, the best decision here is to let my husband and I be! You can't have us obey you all the time"

"Furthermore, we are no longer teenagers! We are now adults. For crying out loud we are eighteen, it gives us the right to do what adults do!"

"You shouldn't have approved of our marriage knowing you will be against it later!"

Zora yelled as Miranda continued gazing at Oliver who couldn't gaze back at her.

"Excuse us, Mother!"

Zora said and attempted to walk away when Miranda yelled

"Hold on!"

They stopped and turned back.

"What is it now, Mom?"

Zora inquired and Miranda gave her an envelope.

"What is this?"

She inquired and her mom responded

"Open it!"

She opened the envelope and saw what it contained. She looked at her mother surprisingly and said


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