002: Game of Luxury

Zora was stunned as she opened her mouth and read the invitation card. She hadn't expected her mom to give her such a letter after banning her from the family business.

Oliver requested to see the card so Zora handed it to him.

"Why are you stunned? Is the card a snake?"

Miranda inquired and Zora sighed. She had no idea where to start from.

"Mom, I don't want anything to do with your business conference! Count me out of your deals! I'm not interested"

"You have to be, Zora!"

Miranda said with her clenched fists. Obviously, she is gazing at Oliver for manipulating her daughter so much. The blame is his, as far as Miranda is concerned.

"Tell me, will you also reject this proposal?"

"You are specially invited to the party not just because of our business, but because of my new... Forget it and get ready"

Zora said immediately that she refused to attend the party, adding to Miranda's anger. Once again, it will be Oliver's fault.

She walked to Oliver and pushed him

"You immature good for nothing son, how dare you..."

"Mom, you don't have to pin the blame on Oliver whenever I turn down your offer!"

Oliver patted Zora before adding

"You don't have to worry anymore, Mom. Zora will attend the business party"

Miranda grinned but her happiness was cut short when Oliver said

"But if Zora will attend the party, I will also do the same!"

The smile on Miranda's face disappeared after Oliver's utterance

"You must be kidding me, right?"

"I am damn seriously here, Mom. I will go with Zora wherever she goes. I can't leave her side!"

Oliver said immediately after Miranda and Zora supported his motion. Miranda was speechless at this point, she only gazed at them believing that they were not mature enough to understand all these.

"That is not a problem!"

She said and Zora walked away along with Oliver. Miranda gazed at them and said in her mind

"I only agreed you'll come along to this party because I want one thing in return. I want to see you humiliated in front of everyone and nobody will help you, not even your wife. Then, you will finally learn that you are nothing but a piece of premature trash!"


Zora bought a beautiful dress for Oliver to wear to the party. She wanted to give it as a surprise for his birthday but knew her mother's type, so she offered it to him to wear to the party.

Oliver was looking hot in that suit of his. Zora stared at him and said

"You don't look like a teenager at all! You look like a family man!"

Oliver grinned and as he wanted to utter a word, Miranda interrupted by knocking on the door.

"We have to leave now!"

They both exchanged glances and walked after Miranda.


The party had a lot of luxurious guests who were all in partnership with Q company in one way or the other. It was a general assembly for all the sub companies under Q group including Zora's family.

Oliver was the youngest among the guests. He held Zora as they walked to the luxurious hall. While walking in, many murmured about them.

Some who said

"Miranda acts like the wisest but nobody had the idea that she would have her only daughter get married to a premature piece of trash!"

Zora patted Oliver to pull his attention away from the guests who said so many awful words about him.

Miranda comforted herself after sitting at the same table with Oliver. Three of her friends came to them and they all exchanged greetings.

Well, none of them even looked at Oliver. One of Miranda's friends who was there with her daughter said to Miranda

"This is Sophie, she is my third daughter. She had her white wedding yesterday and this is her husband, Edwin Lambert. He is a financial accountant at the Q Group"

Miranda couldn't stop her jealousy after looking at the tall and eligible guy Sophie got married to.

She congratulated them and Sophie's mother said

"Is he your son-in-law? "

She asked and Miranda nodded. Edwin said to him

"How possible is he your son-in-law? I mean he is so young to be married to Zora. What a weak premature basket!"

Oliver swallowed his spit so he wouldn't cause trouble for himself as well as Miranda.

"Excuse me..."

"No, I have a game in mind!"

Edwin said and stopped Oliver from living. Miranda smiled as the drama she hoped to happen was about to come to reality

"What game?"

Edwin looked around and many of his friends gathered.

"It's a game of win-win! We all keep on mentioning amount of money. Anybody who drops out of the game loses and the others who have, continue the game. This continues until we have a winner!"

"Remember, don't bet what you can't afford!"

Edwin said and a voice uttered immediately

"I bet 10,000 dollars!"

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