003: Humiliated

I bet 15,000 dollars!"

Another voice added and it was Edwin's turn

"I make it 50,000 dollars!"

Everybody turned to Oliver who it was his turn to bet an amount. They waited for him to utter a word.

Miranda smiled because it'll be his problem if he loses.

"I bet nothing!"

All of them busted into laughter

"Come on, Kiddo! This is not a child's play. This is business okay? You call yourself a husband but can't even take responsibility for a man"

One of Edwin's husband said and they all chuckled. Meanwhile, Miranda held Zora back to prevent her from defending Oliver.

"Come on, nobody asked if I was interested, you can't expect me to participate in a game I don't have an interest in..."

Oliver uttered and they looked at him. One of the guests said

"I thought as much! How can such a college dropout pay such an amount? He is a failure, he can never make it!"

Sophie said to Edwin

"Come on, Edwin. You don't have to blame Oliver. He is poor and only depends on the small amount Miranda pays him, you can't blame him for losing interest. Even in the next fifty years, Oliver can't afford such an amount. Just let him be, okay?"

She said and Zora attempted to make a move but Miranda held her back.

"Miranda, take care of this amateur you call a son-in-law! We will proceed to our table "

Sophie's mother said and they all left.

Zora asked Oliver if he was fine which he confirmed by nodding. Miranda smiled and said to Oliver

"You piece of trash, when will you learn the easy way? Did you by any chance see your mate around here? You have to act mature"

Oliver kept his cool and respected her declaration. Zora didn't retaliate as they gazed at each other before a call entered Miranda's phone.

She was shocked to see who it was. After answering the call she said


"Miranda, Miranda!"


Miranda said and the caller started laughing

"You weren't able to do anything right! I kept Zora in your protection, yet, you were stupid!"

The caller said and Miranda panicked

"I will correct my mistake "

"No need for that, Miranda! Because I am on my way to the States! Expect my presence and tell that useless teenager of a son-in-law to be ready for me in three days!"

He hung up and Miranda smiled. Zora asked if there was any problem. She said to Oliver

"There can only be one problem in our lives and that is Oliver! Sooner or later he will be out of our lives!"

Oliver was stunned at this utterance. He couldn't tell why Miranda said such a thing but was sure something more than his expectations would happen.

Their attention was diverted to the woman on stage who said

"And here, we have the woman of the year, Miranda Carson!"

Miranda stood up to receive the award from the presenter. Zora and Oliver also stood up but Miranda gazed at Oliver and said

"Did you hear Miranda Smith? She said Miranda Carson and you are not a Carson! You are a Smith!"

"That means you can't receive the award with me! Zora, let's go "

Zora attempted to back off but her mom pulled her away. When they got to the stage, people were shocked to see Oliver sitting alone.

Miranda collected the award and said happily

"On behalf of the Carson family, we say a big thank you to everyone who voted me as the woman of the year!'

"I am also thrilled to announce that the Carson family will be receiving the greatest patriarch in our family, Ronald Carson!"

Zora's eyes moved sideways after Miranda's utterance.

Oliver dropped the glass of wine he held.

"Grandpa Ronald? Is he returning?"

Oliver's mind quickly flashed to the last encounter he had with Ronald Carson. How he got him arrested and even sued him.

"Grandpa is coming back?"

Zora inquired from her mom but she ignored her and continued with her speech. Then, the presenter asked her

"Mrs Carson, can you tell us why your son-in-law is not here with us? Or don't you have a son-in-law yet?"

This question hit Miranda in the chest. She doesn't know how to answer this question.

Everyone waited patiently to know if she would accept Oliver as her son-in-law.

She shocked everyone after saying

"Of course I do! I have a handsome son-in-law. He is also here with me!"

"Call him on stage so that he will be recognized"

The presenter added and Miranda gazed directly at him! He was putting on a golden necklace worth seventy million dollars!

She grinned and said

"I am glad to announce my son-in-law, Mr..."

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