004: Arrival Of Luke Walker

"...Mr. Luke Walker!"

The smile on Oliver and Zora's face disappeared. Miranda continued grinning as Zora stared at her and asked

"Mom, what are all these?"

But Miranda ignored her and continued grinning.

Oliver who was still baffled by Miranda's announcement, looked back to see who Luke Walker was. He was shocked to see the billionaire walking towards the stage with his bodyguards.

"Who is he?"

He thought to himself as Luke Walker continued walking forward.

He was putting on an expensive necklace worth approximately fifty million dollars. His hands were in his pocket as he walked to the stage.

"Mom, what is Luke doing here?"

Zora inquired remembering how he vowed never to disturb her family again.


"Take your granddaughter, Ronald Carson! I don't want anything to do with her again"


She remembered how Luke sounded to her grandpa, but now he is back!

Miranda likewise smiled seeing Luke Walker. She was happy to see that he accepted her plea.

Luke Walker is the man whom Ronald Carson brought to marry Zora immediately after she finished college. They wanted to get Zora married to Luke Walker because he is the son of the chairman of C Group.

Marrying Zora to their family means expanding the Carson family's business. Zora rejected Luke Walker on several occasions as her husband which made him turn back and leave her for good.

Now, he has returned and in good terms with Miranda. In their last conversation last night, Miranda sought his help to extend the Carson family business. He promised to do it on one condition; she would announce him as her son-in-law in the award presentation and further get him engaged to Zora

Luke walked to the stage and exchanged greetings with Miranda but Zora turned him down when he approached to greet her.

Miranda forced Zora to receive the gift with her. She didn't want to cause a scene so she listened to her Mom.

Immediately the presenter wanted to hand over the gift to Miranda and Luke, but a voice interrupted

"Hold on!"

The entire guests were shocked to see Oliver walk up to the stage.

When he finally got to the stage, Miranda gazed at him but it seemed as though those gazes weren't frightening to Oliver.

"What could he be up to?"

Some murmured in the background as Oliver stepped on the stage and held Luke's hand and they both stared at each other.

"I am Zora's husband which makes me the only son-in-law in the Carson household! Not Luke Walker!"

They were all surprised by his utterance. Nobody thought he would say such a thing. Luke's guardsmen attempted to attack Oliver but Luke asked them to stop.

"Do you know what you are? You are a good-for-nothing fool! How dare you hold..."

"You can save your threats for another day, today, I will receive the award alongside Mom!"

Oliver said Immediately after Luke and they all exchanged angry sights. Oliver may be young but Luke was only three years older than him, which makes them peers.

Everyone was stunned at how brave Oliver was. Miranda faces him with those signs to lower his ego but he doesn't adhere to her threats.

Zora on the other hand tried to glance at him to stop him from going against Luke Walker but Oliver didn't listen to her either.

The presenter decided that was not the drama the guests subscribed for. She said to Miranda

"Mrs Carson, can you please show us who is your son-in-law between them? The award had been pending for minutes now, we need to move to another category as soon as it is possible "

"Like I said..."

"No, Mom! Let the truth make a way for us!"

Luke interrupted Miranda's utterance and stretched his left hand before his arm man who handed him a suitcase.

"I support this award with one million dollars!"

He said immediately and handed the money to Miranda. Oliver's eyes froze, his gaze fixed on the suitcase as his face drained of color. His lips parted slightly, but no words came out. He took a step back, his eyes moving quickly between Luke and Miranda, as if struggling to understand what was happening.

"Come on, Oliver! Beat my price if you can!"

"I shouldn't have bothered, you are just an average heir! You don't know anything"

Luke said immediately as Miranda embraced the suitcase. Oliver was speechless, the whole guest stared at him.

"Money is not everything, you can't compare everything to wealth..."

"Then you shouldn't have bothered impregnating my daughter, you bastard!"

Miranda said immediately and Oliver kept his mouth shut. She turned to the presenter and said

"Luke Walker is my son-in-law! We will collect the award together!"

Zora had no option but to do as her mom said and received the award along with Miranda and Luke. Oliver stood not a distance far from the stage.

After collecting the award, Miranda said to everyone present at the party

"You all may be surprised that I pronounced Luke Walker as my son-in-law, that is true because my daughter here will be getting married soon to the son of the chairman of C group, Luke Walker!"

They all cheered by clapping their hands. Oliver turned angrily to Miranda and said

"But how, Mom?"

Immediately after his utterance, Miranda slapped him before everyone in the party on the stage.

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