006: A Refused Luxury

The aged man chuckled for a long time before responding to Oliver.

"My dear, you don't even recognize the voice of your legal guardian! It's me of course"

Oliver couldn't help but doubt that it was the person in his thought that is on call.

"Grandpa Charlie?"

He inquired and the man laughed

"How are you, my great-grandson?"

Oliver seemed pissed by Charlie's call and voice. The mood of his face changed and even worse.

It seemed as though the person he didn't want to speak with called him. He said calmly

"Tell me, Grandpa, why did you call?"

"I called to tell you that your years of suffering have come to an end, my lovely great-grandson! It is time to take over the business your father failed!"

Charlie said as Oliver clenched his fists and held the phone tight.

"Grandpa Charlie, I don't have anything to do with you. Precisely, we've cut all connections we had many years ago after you let Mom and I beg on the street like..."

"I get to go, Grandpa! Please don't call back this number. If you do so, I won't think twice before blocking you!"

He hung up immediately and swallowed some spit while still trying to cool his nerves. Then another call was entered from another number

"Oliver, my boy! I called again to remind you that I am always here for you. Call me anytime you need my help and I will respond to you ASAP!"

Oliver hung up immediately and put his phone in his pocket. He sighed and took off.

He had no idea where Zora might be. He stood at the city's busy road and thought precisely where or to Whom Zora might have gone to.

Then he remembered Luke Walker. He squeezed his hands immediately and said

"That beast! How dare him?"

There could be only one place he will find Zora and Luke, and that is in his club.

He stopped and entered a cab immediately. What will happen in the launch will be history to Oliver. No matter what comes his way, he must save Zora.


Luke had ordered for Zora to be brought into his VIP vicinity full of tough bodyguards. Zora inquired why he asked her to meet up with him.

He demanded she have a drink first before they could further discuss their fate. Zora stared at him throughout their dinner as he continued asking so many questions about her likes and dislikes.

She was fed up with his boring discussion and had to inquire with a strict voice

"Tell me, Luke, why did you ask me to meet up with you here in this club?"

"Calm down..."

"I refuse to calm down, Luke!"

Zora said and stood up after hitting the table. This angered Luke who closely clenched his fist and bit his teeth.

"Will you settle down, Zora?"

He added in a quiet tune but Zora took her phone and said

"If you don't have other things to do, I suggest I leave. I am a married woman, my husband will be worried sick about my whereabouts"

She turned and attempted to walk away when Luke clutched her arm and squeezed, hurting her.

"Excuse me but you can't leave just yet, Zora! I am not done here"

Zora tried to set herself free from Luke's grip but he pulled her closer to himself as she yelled

"Let go of me!"

He pushed her to a sofa and pulled his wristwatch. Zora was shocked as she gazed at him surprisingly.

"What are you doing?"

She inquired and Luke responded

"Being a man! I want to do that which your worthless husband can't do! The grip of a man is better than that of a teenager!"

He unbuckled all his shirts and turned to his guards giving them signs to exit the room.

"Don't do this, Luke! Don't do this to me!"

Zora's pleas weren't coaxing to Luke. He licked his lips and pulled his belts.

"You will taste what it feels like to be a real man!"

He threw his belt and hopped on Zora's body which he further caressed. He sniffed her neck while holding her hands to prevent her from moving.

He was ready to get the deal done when he attempted to f*ck her but someone gripped him from behind and pushed him away.

Turning, he saw Oliver who gazed at him angrily.

"Tough one, huh?"

Luke said and walked closer to Oliver. Zora dressed her body and attempted to run to Oliver when Luke held her hand.

"Where are you going to?"

Oliver clenched his hands as if he would punch Luke.

"Let go of Zora, now!"

"What if I don't? What can a premature dude like you do?"

Luke said and grabbed Zora's waist. Oliver attempted to punch Oliver when he said

"Take a very good look around you! Who do you see? There are men around here, just a command and you will be done for!"

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