007: Accept It Or Refuse And Die

Oliver looked around and saw that Luke had plenty of guards who looked fierce. Some pointed their guns at Oliver while others were ready to beat him up.

Oliver chuckled and said

"Do I look like I give a damn about your guards and threats?"

"Then, go on and hit me! Tonight will be your last night on earth!"

Zora shook her head as she feared the possible outcome of Luke's wrath.

"To save the strength of our respective views, I suggest you let go of Zora!"

Oliver said, focusing closely on Luke's eyes. Luke grinned and said

"Teenagers like you make empty threats! Come on, show me what you got!"

He pulled Zora closer to himself and moved his hands carefully around her thighs and later to her ass.

Oliver yelled

"You punk!"

And attempted to hit Luke when three of his guardsmen grabbed him. He struggled to pull himself out from their grip but they were very strong to let go of him.

Zora was sad to see the condition Oliver was in. She said in tears

"Let him go! Don't hurt him, you are here for me so vex your anger out on me!"

"You better stay out of this, Zora!"

Luke pushed Zora to the sofa and walked to Oliver.

Before Oliver could utter further words, Luke punched his belly. He groaned in pain as Luke added another fierce punch.

"You didn't think about the territory you are! You dare to challenge me in my territory?"

Luke said angrily and punched Oliver in his face, making him spit out blood.

"Come on! Show me the skills of a teenage son-in-law. I want to see your skills "

Luke added and slapped Oliver. Oliver was at this point, weak. Luke grabbed his neck and squeezed it tightly. He gazed at Oliver's bleeding face and grinned.

"You bastard, you should have let this be man to man challenge and not the other way round "

Oliver said in a weak voice as Zora approached him instantly.

"Let him go, just leave Oliver out of this!"

"No, you should be the one to stay out of this!"

Luke pushed her again to the sofa!


At the luxurious mansion of Charlie Thale, he was sitting in his sitting room reading the magazine when a call entered his phone.

"Mr. Charlie, your great-grandson is in a precarious situation!"

The caller said and Charlie stood up with an angry face

"Who dare touch a member of the Thales?"

He inquired and the caller responded

"Luke Walker of the C group, his master is Alexander Grey and he has such domination over the C group!"

Charlie grinned in his white beard which he had around his chin. He sat down again and sighed.

"I will get back to you shortly, Michael"

Charlie hung up the call and chuckled. The news seemed to be a great news to him.

"This is the only way to get you back on our side, Oliver! Thank you, Luke Walker"

He said to himself and dialed a number instantly.


Oliver was still in Luke's captive. Luke adjusted his boxers and said

"I would have preferred it if you stayed and watched me ride on Zora, but no! You are nothing but a piece of liability to me"

Luke said and turned to his guards

"Take him away and give him the most interesting torture on planet Earth! Beat him mercilessly "

The guards bowed and took Oliver away. Oliver was yelling

"You will regret this, Luke! Mark my words!"

Luke turned to Zora who held herself tight and tried to covet her body from him. He said to her

"You don't have to be shy, Zora! Nobody is here. That useless husband of yours is gone now, it's the both of us left now!"


Luke was breathing profusely as he struggled to take a deep breath. There was blood all over his body and his face was covered with bruises.

He wouldn't give up on Zora. He attempted to stand up when a call entered his phone from an unknown number. The caller said

"You still have time, Oliver! Accept the offer and you will be free from all this torture!"

"This is the last hope as of this moment! This is the only way to save yourself as well as Zora!"

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