008: The Phone Call

Oliver was more angered after hearing that voice. His answer is clear through his gaze. He clenched his fists as he listened carefully to the caller.

"Like I said and will always say, I don't need help from anybody particularly not you! You are the last person I will ever seek help from!"

Charlie grinned and said

"The ball is in your court, my great-grandson! I guess you enjoy suffering!"

"Don't call this number ever again!"

He hung up and gazed at the VIP launch.

"I am coming for you, Zora!"

He stood up weakly as he groaned and walked to the launch. Immediately Luke wanted to ride on Zora, Oliver dragged him out and pushed him far away from Zora.

He turned to him angrily as he yelled

"You've got some nerve showing your face here!"

"You like it tough, Luke! Just let Zora be already, is that hard for you to do?"

Oliver said angrily and Zora walked to Luke with her knees on the ground

"Please let him be, Luke! You can do whatever you want from me"

Luke ignored her and yelled

"Wei! Wei"

Wei entered the launch and was shocked to see Oliver there.

"Assemble your private army, team elite precisely! I want this garbage here to be dealt with"

Wei touched himself as though the order wasn't to him. He inquired


"Of course, you are a top personnel in team elite, gather them here to take care of this dude "

Wei couldn't stop stammering. Luke was fed up when he asked his guards to do the job instead. In his statement, he said that Oliver

"Just because I let you survive the last time, you thought I would take it easy on you this time around? I am well prepared for you!"

He sat down and said to Zora

"I won't do anything to you but this teen's life is at stake here! He will die for you to be free"

He finally turned to his guards to beat Oliver up.

They pushed him on the floor. One of the guards held his head and the other gave him a chin kick. Another landed three punches on his belly while Luke sat and relaxed the drama.

Zora wasn't happy with what was going on. She asked him to stop his guards but Luke wouldn't give in to her orders.

"Make him suffer!"

Luke added and another guard lifted Oliver and was about to throw him to a glass table when Zora said

"Stop! I will allow you to do whatever you want to me! Just don't let kill Oliver"

Luke shook his head giving the guard a sign to drop Oliver. Oliver was very weak at this point. He could barely speak as he tried his best to stop Zora from doing what she had made up her mind to do.

Luke grinned and said

"Come on, get to work! I want to cum without even riding you"

Oliver groaned as he couldn't stand Zora doing what Luke asked of her.


Luke groaned and pushed Zora away. She'd previously bit him making Wei giggle.

"How dare you bite me?"

Luke turned to his guards and asked them to beat Oliver up.

Oliver found a way to grab his phone. He said to Luke

"This phone call will bring your stupidity to an end!"

Luke asked his men to stop what they attempted to do; killing Oliver.

"Let's see how this phone call of yours will help!"

He added and stood up. The receiver answered Oliver's call. He said to him

"I am ready!"

Immediately after his utterance, the door of the launch broke down. Before they noticed what was going on, there was a large troupe of army.

Wei couldn't stop himself from exclaiming

"Team Elite! How on earth is this possible?"

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