009: They Will Pay!

The number of armies increased and summed up to one hundred soldiers inside Luke's launch.

Wei hid his face so that Luke wouldn't notice him. Luke was at the same time shocked to see the soldiers.

"What is the meaning of all these?"

He inquired and the soldiers bowed and chorused

"Sorry for being late, young master Oliver Smith!"

"Apology accepted"

Oliver said and the soldiers raised their gazes. Luke wore his shirt and walked to Oliver

"Does this look like a cinematic stage? What is this drama you are displaying here?"

Oliver turned to Luke speedily and said

"The drama you asked for is here, Luke Walker!"

Luke honestly believed that there was drama going on in his launch. He couldn't stop himself from laughing.

Zora was weak and couldn't understand what was going on in the launch.

Luke said again while still trying to understand what was going on

"You teenage brat! The nerve to..."

A gun was placed on his head before he could complete his utterance.

"Not another word against our master!"

Luke busted into laughter

"Tell them that the script is over!"

The triggers of the guns were pulled. Luke knew that it was no longer a child's play and that the men standing before him were real.

He yelled


His guards groaned and attacked team elite soldiers but every gunshot heard had one guard on the floor, dead.

The team concentrated on their target as they shot down all of Luke's guards except Wei whom they were familiar with.

Everywhere was silent as Luke watched his men fall to the floor lifeless. He shone his eyes and raised his gaze at Oliver.

Oliver grinned and said to him

"Does this still look like a teenage or child's play in your eyes? Is this also part of the script, Luke Walker?"

Luke was silent after hearing this. He turned to Wei who slowly walked out of the room.

"I love serving my enemies at any given time I have the chance to do so! Today is your turn!"

Oliver said and turned to his army that surrounded the launch.

"You can't do more than a dead being! My father is the chairman of C group and Alexander Grey is our..."

"Go men, Go!"

The soldiers kept their weapons in their pouch and approached Luke.

"What the..."

Luke exclaimed to himself. Before he could observe anything further, one of the soldiers hit his head on the nearest wall.

Another grabbed his chin and kicked his ass to another soldier who slapped him to the ground.

"You all will..."

His utterance was cut shut by a quick slap from one of the soldiers who lifted him and threw him on the glass table; allowing him to spray his ankle.

"Tell me, Luke Walker, are all these still a child's play? Are they still Bollywood movies?"

Luke was weak as he could barely see again. His body was likewise covered in blood as he swallowed and spat out blood.

"Young Master Thale, should we finish him?"

One of the soldiers inquired and Oliver grinned. He walked to Luke whose fingers were being stepped on.

"You bastard! You will pay..."

Oliver slapped out the utterance from him. He held his chin and grinned

"You know I could have finished you off right now and right here but I have other things to do!"

"In addition to that, your suffering doesn't end here, Luke Walker! I have many more plans installed for you!"

He hit Luke's head on the glass table and said to his army

"Unfortunately, there is no need to kill him! He still needs to learn the hard way"

"Copied Sir!"

They echoed and Oliver ran to Zora who had almost dozed off. He carried her in his arms and turned to his army.

"I appreciate your efficiency!"

"No worries, Young Master. We're always at your service!"

The army echoed and Oliver saluted to them and walked away.


The bell rang and someone opened the door for Oliver and Zora.

As Oliver wanted to enter the house, someone slapped him immediately. He looked up and saw Miranda.

"How dare you?"

She inquired and Zora came down from his grip. She was so weak that she couldn't even talk to her mom.

Miranda helped Zora to have a sit before turning to Oliver.

"What did you do to Luke Walker? You had a private army beat him up?"

Oliver couldn't respond to her inquiries. He kept his cool and stood all of her insults.

"Mom, Luke Walker is at fault here. He did this to your daughter! He attempted to..."

She slapped him again and said

"Your opinion is not needed, Oliver! You are wrong in this situation"

"I am not done here! I will still come back to you!"

She said and walked away

"Likewise me, I am not done here as well! Because the vengeance I've been seeking in this family is here! Now, you all will pay, including Ronald Carson!"

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