010: Secret Teenage Billionaire

Luke fumed as he gazed at himself in the mirror. It was still astonishing to him how Oliver was able to control so much army.

He cleaned his face and gazed at the mirror as he remembered how Oliver sounded to the soldiers as well as how obedient they were to him.

What amazed him was how they addressed him as "Young Master Thale!"

He couldn't stop himself from worrying but at the same time, he was full of anger and disdain for Oliver.

He broke the mirror angrily as he said to himself

"How dare him? Who on earth does he think he is?"

"The nerve to order that I got beaten up! I will teach you a very big lesson, Oliver!"

Luke said angrily to himself before Wei interrupted. He thinks of letting his anger out on Wei for abandoning him but knows that he needs Wei because he is close to the General of the team elite.

"Why did you leave me here to face those men alone?"

Luke inquired as Wei tried to conceal his weakness. He cleared his throat before saying

"Those men were not from team elite! They were paid by Oliver to mess things up..."

"Where could that trash get the money he paid them? He is poor and dependent on the salary that the Carson pays him"

Wei found a way to move out from Luke to prevent him from hitting him. Then he said

"He might have borrowed the money! A loan precisely"

Luke didn't think twice before believing that Oliver might have borrowed the money he used to rent those private armies.

"Now, the question is, how do we make him pay for disrespecting me? Look what he did to me "

Luke said and added immediately

"I heard that Ronald Carson is returning in two days, that will be the perfect time for a payback!"


It was morning and Oliver had wake up preparing breakfast for everyone. His phone beeped. He checked it, discovering that it was a text message from an unknown number.

It read

"You accepted the offer, Oliver, no turning back. You're officially Young Master Thale. Meet me at this address to sign all the necessary documents!"

Oliver grinned as what he wished for had finally come to reality. He needed the money not just to help save Zora last night but there are other reasons why Oliver accepted help from Charlie.

He changed and walked away without informing anyone where he was off to.

Arriving at the huge skyscraper which had the denotation "Thale's Tower", Oliver grinned because he knew what was going to be his fate.

The building was huge and had a lot of sections. Then, he met a guy who asked him

"Young Master Thale?"

He turned with a grin trying to convince the fellow that he wasn't Young Master Thale. He diverted the attention of the latter by saying

"Michael Vale, can I meet him?"

"Sure! He asked me to pick you up, young Master"

The fellow who was approximately forty years old said and they both left for the elevator which lifted him to the floor of the CEO.

The floor was the last and final floor in the skyscraper. It was huge and designed with a lot of furniture. The floor had three categories considered as rooms. One for the Personal assistant, one for the Young Master, and the other for board meetings.

Young Master's apartment was definitely the biggest.

Oliver hand shakes Michael Vale who stands up after seeing Oliver.

"Welcome, Young Master"

He said and Oliver grinned. That young master was already making him feel like he was special.

"Could you stop the young master stuff? I don't like it when people call me that"

Oliver tried to say to Michael Vale but he didn't succumb to that. He said

"You are called Young Master because you are the youngest among all the managers of Q Group. Not just the youngest, but the richest young guy in our corporation!"

Oliver grinned after hearing this. Then Michael Vale said

"Back to business, your great-grandfather already released his will. Here with me are the documents pointing to your possession of all the properties owned by the Thales!"

"Signing this paper states that you're officially the owner of and head of all our corporation. Such which includes our top business corporation, Q Group. Later, you will learn about companies under our group "

Oliver signed the papers and Michael Vale took them.

He handshakes Oliver and said

"Congratulations, Young Master, you're officially the owner of our corporation. Let's explore our headquarter"

Michael Vale attempted to walk out when Oliver inquired


"Yeah, this is the building where the heads of all our corporations are headed!"

"They have been waiting patiently to meet the Young Master, here you are. It's time for everybody to know who the Young Master is"

Michael Vale added and Oliver panicked. He stopped Michael Vale instantly and said

"No, you can't do that!"

"But why?"

"I don't want the world to know that I am the Young Master! I have plans of my own"

No matter what Oliver's reason is for not revealing his identity, Michael Vale has to obey it.

"That's not a problem. Nobody will know your identity but I think that you should have this!"

Michael Vale said and handed it to Oliver who widened his eyes after collecting it!

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