011: Billion Dollars Fortune

Oliver quivered after collecting the card from Michael Vale. He didn't what the card entailed but was sure that the card was very much important.

"What is this for?"

Oliver inquired and Michael Vale grinned

"The card in your hand is a fortune of $70 billion!"

"Seventy billion dollars?"

Oliver exclaimed and Michael Vale nodded.

"With that money in your hand, you can live a life of fortune. It's just for your upkeep. You can collect more than that from our account, it's all yours now!"

Oliver grinned learning that he is billion billion-dollar son-in-law. He remembered how Miranda slapped him, how Luke punched him, and how he was sent out from the party. He chuckled

"This is just the beginning, Mr. Vale! I am about to do that which nobody expected"

"What do you mean?"

Michael Vale inquired and Oliver responded

"I will be the billionaire in a shadow. I won't spare the Carson. I am the teenage son-in-law that they will never imagine to be their worst threat, only Zora will be spared!"

Michael Vale already understands where Oliver is coming from. He is well aware of all the secrets. He sat down and said to Oliver

"Part of the reason Grandpa Charlie made you the heir to all these! Never forget your mission"

They exchanged handshakes once more before Oliver left his office. He reminded Vale that nobody, especially the Carsons should learn about his identity.

Michael informed Oliver that some business allies know his secret but he will inform them to keep their mouths shut!


Oliver was still lost in joy, his aim was finally coming to reality. He couldn't believe that at his age, he already had so much in his possession.

Immediately the door was opened, and a slap landed on his face. He looked up and saw Miranda.

As usual, he kept his cool and didn't utter any word. His fortune card was in his pocket. Miranda yelled

"What kind of human are you? Don't I pay you well enough to take care of this house? Tell me, where did you go to this morning?"

Oliver was silent, this made Miranda suspect him more.

In addition to his right hand which has been in his pocket, Miranda knew that Oliver was hiding something.

Oliver noticed how she was glancing at his pocket and comported his stature.

"Tell me, what are you hiding in your pocket?"

She inquired and Oliver stammered. She grew more suspicious and grabbed his shorts.

"You've gone dumb, right? No problem, let's see how this goes!"

She attempted to force her hands into Oliver's pocket but Zora pushed her away. She yelled at Zora for being protective of Oliver but Zora retorted by saying that her husband deserves her protection.

Miranda observed Oliver clearly and said in her mind

"No matter what you do, I will find out what you are hiding, my lovely son-in-law"

She attempted to leave when she said

"That reminds me, your grandfather is on his way here! We're preparing a welcome party for him and a lot of people will be invited "

"I don't want Oliver to wander around like a fly so he is not invited to the party!"

Even at the utterance of Ronald's arrival, Oliver was pissed off. It seemed as though he didn't share a lively relationship with him.

His fists were clenched but he controlled his temper because a plan boomed into his head.

Zora on the other hand was trying her best to convince her mom to let Oliver attend the party.

"I don't want to see Oliver there! That's on period!"

She walked away and Zora followed her. Zora finally convinced her to let Oliver attend the party. Oliver was at the exit door, listening to their conversation without their knowledge.

He was intrigued after Miranda said to Zora

"You've to win your grandfather's trust and love again. I can't stand him hating you forever"

"What do you suggest I do?"

Zora inquired and Miranda grinned. She gave Zora a debit card and said

"Go out there and get the most suitable present for your grandpa! He will enjoy it and love you again!"

Oliver smiled and walked away to his room. There he said to himself

"If I can give Ronald Carson a gift, he will be amazed at me too! I have to win his love as well! It's important in this mission of mine "

He dialed a number and said

"Ronald Carson is returning tonight, I want you to prepare the best gift for him. Make it luxurious!"


"It's time for us to pay back! That Oliver may have borrowed another money to Please Ronald Carson!"

Luke said to Wei angrily. Wei inquired

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to be the best option for Ronald Carson! That's why I want you to find out if Oliver Smith has something installed for Ronald!"

"If there is, I want you to terminate it and make it the opposite of what he had budgeted for!"

Luke said and grinned.

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