012: Arrival Of Ronald Carson

Everywhere was decorated as everyone waited for Ronald Carson's return. Miranda was happy for reasons best known to her while Zora hoped that her Grandpa doesn't do anything wrong to Oliver.

A few family friends were invited to the welcome-back party. They all looked at Oliver, especially after learning that he was the son-in-law of the Carson family.

He was the youngest in the party but secretly the richest in the party. Miranda requested for his presence where she held his head and said

"I don't want you to mess up in this party. My father-in-law isn't someone to be dealt with. Control yourself, Oliver!"

He nodded and Miranda gave him that fake smile. She walked away and Oliver who was holding a glass of wine sipped it and said

"I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they receive my presence. Ronald Carson will definitely be shocked to see my Lovely present!"

He walked away. Arriving at the launch, the lights were switched off. Immediately, someone entered the house and the lights were turned on.

"Welcome back!"

Everyone echoed and they all embraced Ronald Carson who was in his sixty's. He had beards only surrounding his mustache with his walking stick which helped him to stand properly.

His mouth fell open, a silent 'wow' uttered in a frozen way. He embraced his friends and business partners.

Oliver smiled from a far distance as he watched Ronald Carson closely. His phone beeped and it read

"The gift has arrived!"

He smiled again and walked away. Ronald Carson used his eyes to search for Oliver. He knew he still existed but why wasn't he here to meet him or even greet him?

Miranda interrupted his eyes which were moving hastily to see Oliver.

"Father, Zora has a gift for you"

Ronald Carson reacted

"Wow, my stubborn granddaughter bought a present for her grandpa"

He opened it and it was a luxurious walking stick made up of gold. Approximately worth six million dollars.

He exclaimed and embraced Zora. Zora grinned as well. Then Ronald Carson spotted Oliver.

"And where is my teenage grandson-in-law? I didn't see him around?"

Miranda's laughter faded because he wouldn't want Ronald Carson to get into a misunderstanding with Oliver.

"I'm here, Grandpa!"

Oliver said and stepped forward. Ronald Carson held his elbows in disdain but covered all of those with a smile.

"Here you are, my youngest son-in-law!"

"Tell me, what are you still doing in my house?"

He pushed Oliver away instantly. Zora attempted to help Oliver stand up.

Ronald Carson added

"You trash! It was my welcome party and you didn't give me any gifts! How dare you..."

"Don't judge a book by its cover, Grandpa. I bought this for you "

Ronald shut his mouth after Oliver's utterance. He didn't expect him to respond to his utterance. He took the package hoping to see what it contained.


He screamed and threw the package back to Oliver who was at the same time shocked.

Oliver as well couldn't believe his eyes. He took a quick recap of what he ordered his men to do.


"I want you to produce a wristwatch with the best raw material, fresh gold. It should be the most expensive in J city!"

"Copied Sir!"

The men responded!


Oliver remembered this and was shocked the same way Ronald Carson was.

"You trash! How dare you present me with a fake wristwatch? That wristwatch is..."


Oliver interrupted but Ronald Carson cut off his utterance with an excruciating slap.

"Shut up your trunk! The wristwatch you presented to me is not even up to ten dollars! You have some nerve giving it to me?"

Oliver couldn't raise his face to the guests around. He was shut of words as no explanation could justify his action.

Zora held Oliver and said

"Grandpa, that's enough!"

Ronald pushed Zora out of the way, making her trip. He walked to Oliver and pushed him down

"You bastard, you don't know who you are messing with. Do I look fake to you!"

"Long story short..."

Ronald Carson said and stretched his hands after yelling "Gideon "

Gideon, one of his guards proceeded with a file on his hands. He gave them to Ronald Carson who took them and said to Oliver who was on the floor

"It is finally time..."

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