chapter 12: The set up

As Tyler and Nicholson arrived back at the villa, the atmosphere grew tense. The grand estate loomed ahead, its elegant facade belying the turmoil within.

The car came to a halt, and before Tyler could gather his thoughts, two mafia members swiftly moved in. They grabbed him roughly by the arms, holding him tightly as they yanked him out of the car. The forceful grip sent a jolt of pain through Tyler's shoulders, but he bit back any signs of discomfort.

The men dragged Tyler across the gravel driveway, his feet barely touching the ground. His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline surging as he struggled against their iron grip. His mind raced, searching for a way to escape, but the mafia members' firm hold left him little room to maneuver.

At that moment, the door to the villa opened, and Old Ms. Harrington emerged, followed closely by the rest of the family, coming from the private room. Their expressions ranged from curiosity to contempt as they took in the sight before them. Old Ms. Harrington's cold eyes locked onto Tyler, her lips curling into a slight, disdainful smile. It was clear she relished the sight of him being manhandled.

As the mafia members dragged Tyler closer, Old Ms. Harrington stepped forward, her elegant dress sweeping the floor.

"So, this is how you return, Tyler," she said, her voice icy and dripping with sarcasm.

"Dragged in like a common criminal. How fitting."

The rest of the family gathered around her, their faces a mix of satisfaction and curiosity. They seemed to enjoy the spectacle, eager to see how this confrontation would unfold.

Nicholson approached the group, his expression calm but with a hint of smugness. He looked at Old Ms. Harrington and gave a slight nod, a silent acknowledgment of their shared understanding.

"Ms. Harrington," Nicholson greeted her with a respectful bow.

"As promised, here he is."

Old Ms. Harrington glanced at Nicholson, then back at Tyler.

"You've outdone yourself, Mr. Nicholson," she said, her tone smooth and condescending.

She turned to Tyler, who was still held firmly by the mafia members.

"You really thought you could defy us, didn't you?" she continued, her voice low and dangerous.

"Did you honestly believe you could escape the consequences of your actions?"

Tyler glared back at Old Ms. Harrington, his jaw clenched in defiance.

Despite the circumstances, he refused to be intimidated.

"I didn't come here to escape," he replied, his voice steady.

"I came here to confront the truth."

"Confront the truth?" Andrew echoed with a mocking laugh.

"Hahaha! Look at him, just like a dog being dragged around!"

He leaned back, clearly enjoying the spectacle of Tyler's humiliation.

Richard, standing nearby, couldn't contain his rage.

"You fallen-from-grace wretch!" he hollered, stepping closer to Tyler.

"Weren't you very arrogant just a moment ago? You even had the audacity to hit my son! Try doing that now, if you dare!"

Tyler's gaze shifted to Nicholson, the sting of betrayal sharp in his voice.

"Mr. Bradford," he began, addressing Nicholson by his full name to emphasize the seriousness of his words.

"I heard that your contract as a proxy with Zuckerberg General Hospital ends this month, right?"

Nicholson was taken aback, his smug expression faltering for a moment.

"What does that have to do with this?" he asked, trying to maintain his composure but clearly unnerved by the unexpected turn in the conversation.

A knowing smile played on Tyler's lips as he chuckled softly.

"You don't have to go to the superior to discuss the contract renewal anymore," he said, his tone laced with quiet confidence.

"You're no longer the general agent."

Tyler's mind flashed back to the past, remembering the owner of Zuckerberg General Hospital.

His grandfather had once rejected the founder of Zuckerberg attempt to align with the powerful William family.

Tyler knew that with a single call, he could ensure Nicholson vanished from San Francisco's social and business circles.

Nicholson's face contorted with fury. He had pinned his hopes on earning more money and power as the general agent, and Tyler's words threatened to shatter those ambitions.

"Who do you think you are!?" Nicholson snapped, his voice rising with indignation.

"Do you really think you can dictate my position? Am I going to lose my status just because you said so? Do you know how close I am to the boss of Zuckerberg?"

He continued, his frustration spilling over. "Back then, no one believed in the potential of Zuckerberg General Hospital. But I stepped in, risking my own money to save it! This time, I'm prepared to invest a million dollars to secure my place!"

Tyler sneered, unperturbed by Nicholson's outburst. "No matter how much money you throw at the problem, it won't change anything. You won't be the general agent anymore. You can try if you don't believe me."

Nicholson's anger boiled over, and he sputtered, "You—!" He was at a loss for words, his frustration evident.

At that moment, Old Ms. Harrington's voice cut through the tension like a knife.

"Tyler, you fallen-from-grace wretch, don't you dare brag!" Her tone was icy, filled with disdain and authority.

Everyone fell silent, all eyes turning towards the matriarch.

She stepped forward, her presence commanding attention.

"First, you sabotaged the family's reputation," she began, her voice steady and condemning.

"Second, you cheated on Emily, disgracing her and our name. And third, you had the audacity to lay hands on my grandson. Today, you will face the consequences of your actions under the family rules."

Tyler's jaw tightened, his defiant expression unyielding. He knew this was coming, yet the accusation still stung.

The Harrington family had always wielded their power with ruthless efficiency, and now, they intended to use it against him.

Old Ms. Harrington's eyes were cold and unforgiving as she delivered her verdict.

"Take him in!" she ordered, her voice carrying a finality that left no room for dissent.

The mafia members, still holding Tyler, tightened their grip and began dragging him further into the mansion. Tyler struggled briefly but knew it was futile.

The Harringtons were determined to punish him, to make an example of him for daring to challenge their authority. As he was pulled through the grand hallways of the villa.

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