chapter 11: Unknown chairman of Hope Bridge Corporation

Andrew cut off Old Ms. Harrington with a smirk.

“Haha! Drunk? Emily, don’t take this the wrong way, but you share some of the blame. You never let Tyler get close to you in the four years you were married. Even if you’re beautiful, it doesn’t matter if he can’t be with you. No wonder Tyler spent the night with Agnes!”

Emily’s mother couldn’t stay silent any longer.

“Andrew, that’s unfair. Emily’s status is far above Tyler’s. If she had been intimate with that disgraced son-in-law, it would have been an insult to her. It would have tainted her.”

Andrew scoffed. “You’re just trying to keep her pure so she can marry a wealthy man after you find a way to get rid of Tyler, aren’t you?”

Ms. Jenner said, "You..."

"Any word from you again, and you're going out!" Old Ms. Harrington hollered. "Even if Emily is like that, he has no reason to have an affair! What does he take our family for? I can't wait for that beast to arrive here!"

After saying old Ms Harrington reach to her stroked poodles while sitting on are mahogany chair.

After that, Old Ms Harrington said, "Today, an unexpected yet intriguing figure was appointed as the new chairman of Hope Bridge Corporation. While his name remains a mystery, what we do know is that he has just returned from an extensive trip."

"As you know, Hope Bridge Corporation is the largest organization in town and they are the one hosting the nomination. I’ve heard that they are negotiating a $70 million prize for the lucky winner who comes first in the nomination. The deal is still being finalized with the new chairman and the organization.

The most important thing we can do now is to build a strong relationship with the newly appointed chairman of Hope Bridge Corporation. This way, we can ensure that the funds are allocated to our family. We have bills to settle and businesses to run, so let’s focus on making a positive connection with him!"

Golden Heights Estate, owned by the Harrington family, was renowned for developing the new city residential area where Emily resided.

Golden Height Estate recently encountered financial difficulties, prompting an urgent need for the new Hope Bridge Corporation chairman to invest $10 million into their family account.

Following Old Ms. Harrington’s declaration, it became evident that the person who could successfully secure the $70 million Emily nomination deal with the newly appointed chairman of Hope Bridge Corporation would be handsomely rewarded.

The rewards might be a promotion in the family business or something related to the final authority over the family inheritance or business!

Carolina was the first to speak up, “Grandma, leave this matter to me. I will do everything I can to build good relations with the new chairman of Hope Bridge Corporation!”

Richard scoffed, “What right do you have to be in charge? I’ve always handled the financing. My brother and I will take care of this.”

Seeing that both of them were eager to contribute, Old Ms. Harrington smiled warmly.

“Let’s return to the villa; the guests must be waiting for us. While we’re there, I want you all to gather information about the new chairman while entertaining our guests. I’ll leave the matter to the first person who finds out.”


As Nicholson's car stopped, the tinted back window slowly rolled down, revealing Nicholson's stern but encouraging face.

He leaned slightly toward the window, giving Tyler a reassuring nod, his eyes conveying a mixture of concern and determination.

"Come inside and let's have our conversation in the car," Nicholson called out, his voice calm and authoritative.

The air between them seemed charged with unspoken tension, a crossroads of decisions waiting to be made.

Tyler, however, stood his ground, his expression hardening.

"Let's talk here. I have no time to waste!" he replied firmly, crossing his arms as he looked directly at Nicholson.

There was a fire in Tyler's eyes, a stubborn resolve that made it clear he wouldn't be swayed easily.

Nicholson paused, taking in Tyler's defiance. He respected Tyler's determination, even admired it in a way. With a slight sigh, he pushed open the car door and stepped out, the gravel crunching under his polished shoes.

As he did, he gave a subtle nod to the driver, a burly man in a tailored suit—clearly part of Nicholson's security detail, possibly with ties to the mafia. The driver understood the unspoken command and remained in the car, keeping a vigilant eye on Tyler moves.

The air was warm and thick with the scents of summer—freshly cut grass and the faint aroma of the restaurant's cooking.

Nicholson approached Tyler, the difference in their stature noticeable. Nicholson's presence was commanding, while Tyler, though tense, stood tall with a quiet strength.

"Alright, we'll talk here," Nicholson agreed, his voice steady, but Tyler wasn't in the mood for small talk.

"And where are the documents?" Tyler asked, his tone sharp and eager.

He was clearly in a hurry to collect them and leave. The tension between them was palpable, as the memories of Nicholson's past betrayal flashed through Tyler's mind.

The old wounds were far from healed, and the mere sight of Nicholson stirred up feelings of anger and resentment.

Nicholson hesitated for a moment, reading the impatience and pain in Tyler's eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to find the right words.

"I know you're still annoyed with me about what I did to you in the past," Nicholson began, his voice tinged with regret.

"I know I betrayed you, and I'm sorry about that. This is why I had to come see you in person and apologize. I needed to set things right."

Tyler's expression softened slightly, but there was a bitter edge to his smile.

"I see you're now the general agent of Zuckerberg General Hospital," he said with a touch of sarcasm in his voice.

"That's what you've been waiting for all along, isn't it? You know I was the first person to contest for that position. But you used my issues with my family to sabotage me in the office. You got what you wanted, Nicholson."

Tyler continued, his voice filled with frustration and anger.

"I came to you as a friend to seek advice. But instead, you gave me bad advice and went behind my back to set me up with the organization so that they can fire me, all because you wanted this position! Just give me what I'm here for and let me leave!"

Nicholson's expression remained unreadable as he listened. "Not that easy," he finally said, his tone cold and calculated.

Tyler's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?" he questioned, a sense of unease creeping into his voice.

"I'm not with the documents right now," Nicholson replied, a hint of smugness in his tone.

"If you want them, come get them in the car."

Tyler smiled warmly, masking his rising irritation.

"So, you called me here just to waste my time?" he said, exasperation seeping through his calm facade.

As Tyler turned to leave, Nicholson subtly nodded to his driver. The burly man stepped out of the car, along with a couple of others who had been waiting nearby.

They approached Tyler, surrounding him. Tyler quickly assessed the situation, recognizing the familiar faces and realizing that this was more than just a simple meeting—it was a setup orchestrated by the Harrington family.

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