All Chapters of The Famous Doctor return: Tyler Revenge : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
13 chapters
Chapter 1: Tyler gaint his freedom
"Sir, you're under arrest for the murder you committed," a police officer's voice echoed through the night air. The wail of ambulance sirens and the flashing red and blue lights of the police cars bathed the surroundings in an eerie glow."You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court," the officer recited, his hand hovering over his holstered gun, finger poised on the trigger."Turn around, hands in the air!" he barked, his voice firm and commanding.Tyler complied reluctantly, raising his hands to rest atop his head in a gesture of surrender. Despite his cooperation, the officer advanced aggressively, thrusting Tyler's head forcefully against the unyielding surface of the police car's bonnet. Bound by handcuffs, his arms contorted behind his back, Tyler's eyes met those of his brother-in-law Andrew, whose once immaculate clothes now bore crimson stains, betraying his involvement as the mastermind behind this unfolding chaos.The offi
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chapter 2: The Unwanted Guest
The loud clang of the gate slamming shut jolted Tyler back to reality. He watched Diego return to his post, then shifted his gaze to the mansion entrance, where red and blue lights flickered through the downstairs windows, casting an ominous glow.Fueled by hope, Tyler tried to force his way through the gate. He imagined his wife's family throwing a welcome-back party, explaining why no one had picked him up at the prison entrance they were too busy preparing a surprise celebration. He clung to the belief that his wife, Emily, still loved him and that their bond was unbroken. However, his efforts were futile; the gate was securely locked by Diego, leaving Tyler frustrated and defeated.After a few minutes in the scorching sun on Haight Street, Tyler slumped against a waste bin, feeling hopeless. Suddenly, the click of the gate unlocking made him lift his head, wondering who was on the other side.That's when he saw her—a maid in a black top and Nike trousers, holding a black trash can
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chapter 3: A surprising Twist
"Could he have escaped from Alcatraz?" the one in the middle speculated, glancing around at the group."Maybe. The commander of Alcatraz Island held a press conference yesterday, announcing that three prisoners had escaped," the person on the left added, leaning forward with interest."He’s probably one of them, and that's why he's here today," Keisha, the light-skinned girl on the right, chimed in, her eyes wide with excitement."How do you know?" Sophie asked, her tone playful but curious."It's obvious - it was all over the news yesterday, and now he's suddenly appeared!" Rachel exclaimed, clearly impressed by the unfolding mystery."Rachel’s absolutely right!" Sophie agreed, nodding at her friend's keen observation.As the group erupted into laughter again, drawing the attention of the crowd, Tyler felt his patience snap."I don't have time for your jokes!" he exclaimed, pushing his way past them.Tyler knew Emily's three friends had never liked him, and the feeling was mutual. Th
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Chapter 4: Accusations and Secrets
Diego understood that without proof of how Tyler gained access to the mansion, his job as the gatekeeper would be in jeopardy. He knew that Old Ms. Harrington was not one to forgive those who crossed her easily.A guest's sharp voice broke through the tension. "How did he get that gate card?" She pointed her wine glass at Tyler, her finger accusingly aimed at him, while Tyler's gaze remained locked on Diego with unsettling intensity.Tyler's eyes narrowed in disbelief. He never expected Diego to act this way after everything he had done for him over the past few years."After all I've done for you, this is how you repay me?" he thought, his voice barely a whisper.Memories of his last humiliation at work still lingered, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He had revealed the cost of Diego's son's treatment, thinking he was helping, only to face backlash. His boss had punished him by deducting a portion of his salary, but Tyler never disclosed this to Diego or anyone else. He brushed
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Chapter 5: Unfaithful wife
"I'll take this," Tyler said, his hand delving deeper into his pocket to bring out his phone. Glancing at the caller ID, he noticed it was a familiar number he used to call back then. "It's urgent!" he added, pointing at his phone as he walked away from the guests into a quiet corridor to pick up the call."Father, let me go check the security footage to confirm all this," Andrew said, walking alongside Tyler.In the quiet, cold corridor, the light casting a growing glow all around, Tyler was about to pick up the call when Andrew suddenly pushed him against the wall. "What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay away from this mansion and the Harringtons?" Andrew's finger pointed at Tyler's face. "Let me make this clear: if you expose what happened in the past, I'll make sure to bury you alive," he threatened. Releasing Tyler against the wall, Andrew walked away, disappearing into the distance.Tyler watched him go before redialing the number he had missed due to Andrew's bul
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chapter 6: The Unveiling of Truth
Old Ms. Harrington's frustration was evident in her voice. "This doesn't prove anything! What are we achieving here?" she asked, her tone soft yet firm.Andrew shrugged, his expression uncertain. "Some aspects remain unclear, Grandma."Her eyes narrowed as she replied sharply, "If we can't even establish how he gained entry, then all of this is a waste of time. But that man owes me an explanation!" Her anger simmered just beneath the surface, palpable in her words.Andrew paused, gathering his thoughts before speaking again. "Grandmother, why doesn't Emily just divorce Tyler? He's brought nothing but disgrace to our family. I'm embarrassed to be associated with him in public."Old Ms. Harrington's expression hardened. "Divorce is not an option, Andrew. It goes against your grandfather's wishes, and I won't allow it. Your grandfather and Tyler's grandfather had an agreement - our families only marry within our social circle. We cannot betray that trust."Tyler's and Emily's grandfa
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Chapter 7: A web of Deceit
As Tyler stumbled out of the mansion, trying to process the betrayal, he barely noticed the sleek black car speeding up the driveway. Before he could react, the car screeched to a halt, and two men in dark suits jumped out. Strong hands grabbed him, dragging him into the back seat.He fought back, but their grip was ironclad. A cloth was forced over his mouth, and the last thing he saw was the mansion's grand entrance fading into the distance.When Tyler awoke, his head throbbed, and he realized he was tied to a chair, his arms bound tightly behind him. A coarse, black cloth covered his eyes, shrouding him in darkness."Who's there?" he demanded, his voice echoing in the silence.A door creaked open, and he heard footsteps approaching. The air grew colder, and he sensed someone standing directly in front of him."Tyler," a familiar, cold voice spoke, dripping with disdain. "I see you're finally awake."Tyler's heart pounded. "Who are you? What do you want?"The man chuckled. "You rea
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Chapter 8: undisputed fighter-degree.
Meanwhile, Tyler, unaware of the storm brewing against him, made his way home. He took a shortcut through a secluded alleyway, his mind preoccupied with the day's events. As he turned the corner, three men stepped out of the shadows, blocking his path."Tyler, right?" the leader of the group said, cracking his knuckles. "We've got a message for you from the Harringtons."Tyler's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. "I don't want any trouble," he said, trying to stay calm."Too late for that," the leader sneered. "You crossed the wrong family."Before Tyler could react, one of the men swung a bat towards him. Tyler ducked just in time, but the second man lunged at him, catching him off guard. A fierce struggle ensued, with Tyler fighting back with everything he had.However, Tyler dodged the incoming punches from the leader, who was covered in tattoos, with ease. He leaped onto the alleyway's railing effortlessly and then kicked one of the attackers in the face."Damn! This as
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chapter 9: Unveiling Secrets and Brewing Storms
Old Ms. Harrington turned to Andrew and said, "I'm sorry, Andrew. I know I was the one who put you in this mess!" Her voice was firm as she embraced Andrew in a tight hug. "I won't allow that to happen to you anymore!" Andrew nodded his head, tears welling up. "Grandmother, I'm also sorry for the shame I brought to today's celebration. I was just trying to protect myself from the man who was bullying me, saying I had to pay up for the drug money I owed him, even after I said I wasn't into drugs anymore! After that, he tried to kill me!" "I know, Andrew. You can't kill anyone; it was just self-defense, wasn't it?" Old Ms. Harrington asked, her voice gentle but strong. A devilish smile played on Andrew's face. "Yes, Grandma. I can't kill anyone," he said, lifting his head. Old Ms. Harrington held Andrew's face in her hands, looking deeply into his eyes. "How was the agreement between you and Mr. Blackwell? I hope the government has pardoned our family!" she asked, her voice full
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chapter 10: The wrongdoer is the first to complain
"Please continue enjoying yourselves while I have a little conversation with my family," Old Ms. Harrington said, her voice calm yet authoritative. "And I apologize for any discomfort I may have caused." She smiled warmly, her eyes sweeping over the guests, who responded with nods and encouraging smiles.As she made her way toward the private sitting room, her children and grandchildren followed her immediately, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. Old Ms. Harrington’s composed demeanor reassured the guests, and they resumed their mingling, the hum of conversation and clinking of glasses filling the air once more.Old Ms. Harrington paused at the doorway, turning back to give one last, reassuring smile before disappearing into the room, her family trailing behind. The grand chandelier cast a warm glow over the gathering, and the soft music playing in the background created an elegant ambiance.Inside the private sitting room, Old Ms. Harrington took a deep breath, ready
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