chapter 6: The Unveiling of Truth

Old Ms. Harrington's frustration was evident in her voice.

"This doesn't prove anything! What are we achieving here?" she asked, her tone soft yet firm.

Andrew shrugged, his expression uncertain.

"Some aspects remain unclear, Grandma."

Her eyes narrowed as she replied sharply, "If we can't even establish how he gained entry, then all of this is a waste of time. But that man owes me an explanation!" Her anger simmered just beneath the surface, palpable in her words.

Andrew paused, gathering his thoughts before speaking again.

"Grandmother, why doesn't Emily just divorce Tyler? He's brought nothing but disgrace to our family. I'm embarrassed to be associated with him in public."

Old Ms. Harrington's expression hardened.

"Divorce is not an option, Andrew. It goes against your grandfather's wishes, and I won't allow it. Your grandfather and Tyler's grandfather had an agreement - our families only marry within our social circle. We cannot betray that trust."

Tyler's and Emily's grandfathers were close friends and business partners, staunchly opposed to their children marrying outside their wealthy social circle. They feared outsiders might seek to exploit their wealth, leading them to forbid marriages into families of lesser means in the town.


Returning to the room, Tyler noticed Andrew showing his grandmother the camera footage capturing everything that had transpired.

Tyler remained composed, knowing he had nothing to hide. He suspected the maid was trying to frame him to deflect from her own negligence.

As Tyler processed what he had seen inside, his heart sank. The woman he thought loved him unconditionally was now in bed with another man. Despite the shock, Tyler refused to let it overwhelm him as he headed towards the main entrance.

"And where do you think you're going? I'm not finished with you!" Old Ms. Harrington rose to her feet, hands firmly on her hips.

Tyler turned to face her, his voice steady. "Have you reviewed the footage? I'm innocent of the accusations against me," he asserted confidently.

Andrew, having viewed the footage, understood that Tyler was innocent and Agnes was trying to shift blame onto him for her own mistake. Despite this knowledge, Andrew chose to protect Agnes, shielding her from consequences and preventing Old Ms. Harrington from unfairly targeting Tyler.

"Even if it was on the floor, you had no right to pick it up!" Old Ms. Harrington admonished.

"As long as you're here, there's something my family and I have been discussing," Old Ms. Harrington continued, pressing forward.

"I spoke with the family lawyer the day you were arrested about my granddaughter Emily needing divorce papers!" Old Ms. Harrington emphasized.

A voice filled with satisfaction rang out upon hearing Old Ms. Harrington mention the divorce agreement - Ms. Jenner. She had advocated for Emily to divorce Tyler long ago, but Old Ms. Harrington had dismissed her words due to the agreement between Emily's and Tyler's grandfathers.

"Now, Old Ms. Harrington, you are finally taking action!" Jenner, Tyler's mother-in-law, exclaimed with joy.

A guest rose from her seat with a glass of wine in hand and toasted, "Congratulations, Ms. Jenner!" Her smile radiant with happiness as they celebrated together.

"Finally, my daughter will be free from him!" Ms. Jenner rejoiced.

"The divorce agreement will be finalized today, once the party is over," Old Ms. Harrington confirmed.

"That's a great News!?!" Tyler voice carrying confluence tone.

"Now this bastard won't cause any more problems for this family!" Andrew interjected sternly.

"I saved your ass!" Tyler retorted sharply to Andrew's words.

"Do you realize you should be in prison instead of me by now?" Tyler's words stunned everyone present.

"What are you talking about?" Old Ms. Harrington demanded, her expression incredulous.

"Your so-called grandson committed the murder, not me," Tyler asserted, his gaze piercing as he spoke.

Gasps and murmurs filled the room as everyone looked around, seeking more answers.

"What are you saying? It's like you've lost your mind," Andrew's mother, Ms. Kylie, interjected, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"I know exactly what I'm saying!" Tyler replied firmly.

"I saved this family's name! Can you imagine what the press would do if they got wind of your heir being involved in a murder?" Tyler's voice carried a mix of urgency and accusation as he pointed at everyone in the room.

"Do you all remember the statement that came out in the press? 'Three young drug dealers caught in an argument, one shot dead,'" Tyler continued, pausing to let his words sink in.

Old Ms. Harrington's face paled as she exchanged a quick glance with Andrew, who looked visibly shaken. The other guests murmured among themselves, realizing the gravity of Tyler's accusation.

"If the truth comes out, it could destroy everything you all have worked for, even your influences," Tyler pressed on, his voice filled with a hint of vindication.

"I tried to prevent that from happening. I did everything I could. But what did this family give me in return? A divorce agreement!"

"I'm not even worried about that," Tyler's voice trembled with a mix of anger and heartbreak.

"The woman I thought still loved me was in bed with another man!"

Gasps echoed around the room, but it was Old Ms. Harrington's exclamation that broke the silence.


Ms. Kylie stepped forward, her voice wavering slightly.

"Tyler, what evidence do you have for these claims? This is a serious accusation."

Tyler locked eyes with Old Ms. Harrington. "I have enough to expose the truth. But I won't do it unless I have to."

The room fell into a heavy silence, tension thick in the air as everyone processed Tyler's words and the implications they carried.

Tyler reached into his jacket once more, producing a small USB drive. "And this," he said, holding it up for all to see, "contains surveillance footage from the night of the murder. It will show the truth."

Andrew's face paled as he saw the USB drive, his confident demeanor crumbling.

Tyler plugged the USB drive into a nearby laptop and connected it to a projector. The room fell into an anxious silence as the screen lit up.

The footage began to play, showing a dimly lit alleyway. Four figures came into view—Tyler, Andrew, and two victim. The camera's timestamp matched the night of the incident perfectly. As the footage continued, it became clear that Andrew was the one who pulled the trigger, not Tyler.

The room erupted in gasps and whispers. Old Ms. Harrington's face drained of color as she watched the undeniable evidence unfold before her eyes.

"No," she whispered, shaking her head in disbelief.

"This can't be true."

Andrew, realizing the gravity of the situation, tried to make a run for it, but Tyler was faster. He grabbed Andrew's arm, forcing him to face the screen.

"See for yourself," Tyler said coldly. "You thought you could pin this on me, but the truth is out now."

Ms. Jenner, who had been reveling in the thought of Tyler's divorce, was struck speechless. Her eyes darted between Andrew and the footage, unable to comprehend the betrayal.

"You should have known better than to trust him,"

Tyler said, addressing the entire Harrington family.

"Andrew killed that man, and I took the fall to protect your family's name. But no more."

The room was heavy with silence, broken only by the sound of the incriminating video playing on repeat. The weight of the evidence was undeniable, and the Harrington family's carefully constructed facade was beginning to crumble.

Old Ms. Harrington finally found her voice.

"Andrew," she said, her voice trembling with anger and disappointment.

"Is this true?"

Andrew, seeing no way out, hung his head in shame.

"Yes, it's true," he admitted.

"I killed him, and I framed Tyler."

The confession sent shockwaves through the room. Tyler stood tall, his expression a mix of vindication and sadness.

"I saved your family's reputation once," Tyler said.

"But I won't be your scapegoat any longer."

The guests, stunned by the revelations, began to murmur among themselves, the realization sinking in that the Harrington family's dark secret had been exposed.

Old Ms. Harrington, her face etched with regret, turned to Tyler. "We owe you an apology," she said, her voice breaking.

"We were wrong."

Tyler nodded, accepting her words, and said, 'If the divorce procedure is ready, Emily knows how to reach me." With that, Tyler left the mansion.

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