Chapter 5: Unfaithful wife

"I'll take this," Tyler said, his hand delving deeper into his pocket to bring out his phone. Glancing at the caller ID, he noticed it was a familiar number he used to call back then.

"It's urgent!" he added, pointing at his phone as he walked away from the guests into a quiet corridor to pick up the call.

"Father, let me go check the security footage to confirm all this," Andrew said, walking alongside Tyler.

In the quiet, cold corridor, the light casting a growing glow all around, Tyler was about to pick up the call when Andrew suddenly pushed him against the wall.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay away from this mansion and the Harringtons?" Andrew's finger pointed at Tyler's face.

"Let me make this clear: if you expose what happened in the past, I'll make sure to bury you alive," he threatened. Releasing Tyler against the wall, Andrew walked away, disappearing into the distance.

Tyler watched him go before redialing the number he had missed due to Andrew's bullying.

Tyler dialed the number. It rang several times before the call was picked up.

"Is this Mr. Tyler William?" the caller asked.

"Yes, you are speaking to the right person," Tyler said confidently.

"Okay, sir, we heard about your arrival," the caller said.

"I just want to inform you that your character development experience as a live-in son of the Harrington family officially ends today."

"So, your next task is to build experience in doctoral management. Before Mr. William Senior passed away, he had already arranged for you to become the chairman of Hope Bridge Corporation."

"Okay, I understand," Tyler answered indifferently.

If it were any other person of his level, they would have been ecstatic to suddenly become chairman of a company overnight. However, Tyler remained composed.

The caller continued, "Mr. William Senior has written that you are getting along well with your wife. Do you want to officially allow her to join the William family and become one of the inheritors?"

Tyler couldn't hear the last words of the caller as he was interrupted by a familiar voice coming from one of the twelve rooms in the corridor. He turned towards the sound, curiosity and tension pulling him away from the call.

"Excuse me, give me a minute," Tyler said, holding his cellphone to his ear as he approached the room. The door slid open slightly, revealing voices from within.

A female voice filled the surroundings as Tyler walked through the door and discovered his wife, Emily, with another man. As the caller's voice repeated in his ear, Tyler muttered, "She's not worthy of it. I can't let Emily Harrington inherit my family's assets worth billions. No need for that."

Upon entering, Tyler's words cut through the room, startling Emily who quickly moved away from the stranger, clutching the bedsheet to cover herself.

"Who's this? Why are you rude? How could you just walk in without knocking!?" Emily yelled in embarrassment.

"I see you've found a replacement for me already, Emily," Tyler stated coolly.

Tyler's sudden appearance agitated the stranger, who was caught off guard by Tyler's unexpected arrival and the awkward situation.

Reacting swiftly, the stranger retrieved his underwear from the floor and appeared ready to confront Tyler when Emily interjected in shock.

"Hubby, you... I thought you wouldn't make it back! And what are you doing here!?" Emily exclaimed, her voice tinged with surprise and guilt.

Startled, the stranger began to assess Tyler cautiously, uncertain of what would happen next in this tense and unexpected confrontation.

Tyler was of medium build, shaped by his time in prison where access to a gym allowed him to maintain a fit appearance despite his unkempt beard. The stranger, seemingly unfazed by Tyler's presence, addressed Emily with a smirk.

"Emily, so your husband is a prisoner, huh? If I had known earlier, he wouldn't have wasted any time in there."

Despite encountering Emily's husband unexpectedly, the man remained nonchalant. He was well aware of Tyler's status as a fallen son-in-law among the Harringtons, knowing he held a lower position in their esteem.

Tyler had only served a one-year sentence, shorter than many others might have faced. His words to Emily carried a mix of emotion and defense.

"Emily, we've been married for three years! I only went to prison because of the misguided love I have for you. I don't want everything we've built together to disappear. Do you really believe I committed the crime I was accused of? You know I couldn't harm anyone, not even a cockroach."

"So, all this time we've been together, it's clear you never really knew who I am, despite all I've done for you," Tyler lamented, his voice tinged with hurt. "I cooked your meals, took care of our puppies without complaint, and supported you when you needed it most, even going the extra mile to help fund your trips."

Emily, shocked initially, quickly adopted a haughty demeanor. She got off the bed, retrieved some cash from the bedside table, and placed it on Tyler's chest. "If you're expecting repayment for what you've done, consider this a gesture for your future generations," she declared coldly. "And enough with your nonsense, Tyler. The consequences are serious."

She turned to the stranger, Marcus Collins, introducing him with a tone of pride. "Marcus is a model, heads an investment firm, and is from a prominent San Francisco family. He's here to discuss a business deal that will solidify my position among esteemed doctors. If you doubt me, I can show you the contract, but I doubt someone like you would understand its complexities. And why am I even justifying myself to you?"

Tyler shook his head, his expression resolute. "You may fool others, but not me." His words carried a mixture of disappointment and determination, refusing to be swayed by Emily's actions or Marcus's presence.

How can someone who received a first-class degree not understand?

The situation escalated as Emily's anger flared, accusing Tyler of arrogance for entering without knocking and threatening to call security.

"Instead of begging for forgiveness for your audacity in barging in, and me reaching for the phone to call security to escort you out, you're still here shamelessly seeking validation? You must be out of your mind!" Emily yelled, her tone cutting through the tense air.

Tyler shook his head in disbelief at Marcus's demeanor, sensing his provocation. Marcus seemed intent on belittling Tyler, misconstruing his actions.

"Do you realize I have the influence to send you back to prison through my connections? But, considering Emily is your wife, I'm willing to offer you two options to avoid that fate. All you need to do is offer a sincere apology. How does that sound to you?" Marcus stated with a smug expression.

In a city where power and influence held sway, Marcus wielded the ability to dictate Tyler's future, threatening to accuse him of trespassing without hesitation.

Marcus wore a sinister smirk, portraying himself as the victim in the situation. He neither explained nor apologized for his role, instead expecting Tyler to humble himself and apologize to him.

Tyler had hoped Emily would intervene and stop Marcus's shameless behavior. However, to his astonishment, Emily instead said, "Tyler, apologize to him. I can't bear the thought of you spending another year in prison! He's not someone you can afford to offend."

Enraged, Tyler lashed out, "You two have been nothing but bullies! Not only do you refuse to apologize to me, but you also have the audacity to demand an apology from me instead, huh? That makes absolutely no sense!"

Tyler clenched his fists, feeling the urge to confront Marcus. But just as Tyler moved forward, Marcus stepped back in surprise.

Emily positioned herself between Tyler and Marcus, shielding Marcus and threatening, "Tyler, look at yourself. You're not fit to step foot in a room worth over a million. Leave now, or I'll call security!"

Tyler looked at Emily with a mix of disappointment and hurt. "Emily, I hope you won't regret this someday," he said quietly.

With that, Tyler turned around and walked away.

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