Chapter 4: Accusations and Secrets

Diego understood that without proof of how Tyler gained access to the mansion, his job as the gatekeeper would be in jeopardy. He knew that Old Ms. Harrington was not one to forgive those who crossed her easily.

A guest's sharp voice broke through the tension. "How did he get that gate card?" She pointed her wine glass at Tyler, her finger accusingly aimed at him, while Tyler's gaze remained locked on Diego with unsettling intensity.

Tyler's eyes narrowed in disbelief. He never expected Diego to act this way after everything he had done for him over the past few years.

"After all I've done for you, this is how you repay me?" he thought, his voice barely a whisper.

Memories of his last humiliation at work still lingered, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He had revealed the cost of Diego's son's treatment, thinking he was helping, only to face backlash. His boss had punished him by deducting a portion of his salary, but Tyler never disclosed this to Diego or anyone else. He brushed off the incident, believing he was above such matters.

What bothered Tyler now was Diego's cold shoulder, his metaphorical black eye, exposing him in front of the esteemed guests.

"Diego, I never thought you'd be so ungrateful!" Tyler exclaimed, struggling to maintain his composure among the guests.

"After all I've done for you and your son, going above and beyond to ensure his treatment, you have the audacity to treat me like this? You begged me for help, telling me you couldn't afford his treatment, that the Harringtons hadn't paid your salary! And yet, you treat me like a nobody in front of everyone?"

Old Ms. Harrington interjected, "I never withheld his salary, Tyler."

But Tyler pressed on. "I know that, ma'am. But I still paid for his son's treatment out of my own pocket, despite my own financial struggles. And this is how he repays me? With silence and disdain?"

Diego's eyes widened, his fingers twisting his uniform as he struggled to find the words to respond. "Umm..." he stuttered, his face reddening with shame.

Seeing Diego struggle, Old Ms. Harrington intervened, understanding that he was following her instructions and refusing to betray her trust.

"Stop this nonsense, you fallen-from-grace son-in-law!" she exclaimed, cutting off Tyler's words.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the heavy confrontation in the villa. It was Mr. Harrington Richard, who managed the family assets and business alongside Old Ms. Harrington. He had been chosen for his responsible heart and serious approach to family matters.

"And who does that card belong to?" Mr. Richard, Andrew's father, demanded.

The room fell silent, interrupted only by the sound of chairs as the guests, seated four in a row, adjusted their positions to see what would happen next. These guests were adorned in expensive fabrics, and their body spray filled the villa with a heady mix of scents.

"I... I found it on the ground," Tyler said confidently.

Mr. Richard's expression turned incredulous. "On the ground?" he repeated. "Do you expect us to believe that? And whose name was written on it?"

As Diego was about to read the name, Andrew, the family heir, snatched the card away from him. "Diego, why are you so dense? Will it take you all day to pronounce the name?" Andrew yelled impatiently.

"Agnes the kitchen keeper!" Andrew exclaimed before his father interjected.

"Summon her here, right away!" Mr. Richard commanded, his tone firm and urgent.

A few minutes later....

Agnes appeared before the family, feeling a thousand gazes fixed on her as she tried to comprehend what was happening.

"Sir, you sent for me?" she said calmly.

"What took you so long, Agnes? Did you intentionally delay, or are you simply incompetent?" Mr. Richard bellowed, his impatience evident.

"I-I was attending to my duties, sir. I didn't mean to keep you waiting," she explained, maintaining her composure in the face of Mr. Richard's frustration.

"And how in the world did this card end up in Tyler's hands?!" Richard thundered, his eyes blazing with fury as he waved the card in Agnes' face.

Agnes' eyes widened in shock, her voice trembling as she protested, "I swear on my life, Mr. Harrington, I had nothing to do with his presence here! I didn't let him in, I didn't give him the card... I don't know how he got it!"

Richard's face turned red with rage, his voice rising to a crescendo. "Enough of your lies, Agnes! You're the only one who left the mansion a moment ago. You're the only one who could have betrayed our trust!"

Agnes' eyes filled with tears as she begged, "Please, Mr. Harrington, believe me! I didn't do it, I swear!"

But Richard's expression was unforgiving. "You're finished, Agnes. Your betrayal will cost you your job, and maybe even more..."

At this point, Agnes felt it was high time to tell the truth. She could not afford to lose the sum of money she received from the Harringtons, and certainly not the unknown father of her unborn child.

Agnes' eyes blazed with indignation. "Tyler, you pickpocketed me! I remember clearly when I wanted to report you at the galvanized steel plant, where you were among those beggars who always littered the floor. Your quick move didn't give me a chance to realize you had taken my card! You stole it from me, and now you're trying to frame me?!"

The room fell into a stunned silence as everyone processed Agnes' accusation. Tyler's face went pale, and his confident demeanor crumbled.

The guests' gasps turned into screams of shock, their faces pale with disbelief.

"Oh my god!"

"How could you, Tyler?!"

"This is outrageous!"

"At the galvanized steel!?" Old Ms. Harrington exclaimed, grabbing Tyler's hand and dragging him to the center of the room.

With a dramatic flourish, she clashed a glass cup and fork, silencing the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, I warmly welcome each and every one of you to today's celebration of the greatness that is about to unfold for my beloved granddaughter, Emily. Your presence and effort hold a special place in our hearts!" she said, placing a hand on Tyler's shoulder before continuing.

Tyler recognized that all the guests had strong reputations in San Francisco. They were government officials, mafia lords, businessmen, and artists with influence that ordinary people couldn't imagine. However, Tyler remained unconcerned in the presence of these powerful figures. They were only significant in the tiny metropolis of San Francisco, and those who lost their advantage or legitimacy would be belittled.

Old Ms. Harrington sat in an elegant chair in the center of the living room. Despite her height of 1.6 meters, she exuded dignity and grandeur.

"Bastard, kneel right now!" she commanded.

Tyler looked around and inquired, "Why should I do that?"

"Three years ago, when you became a son-in-law of the Harrington family, you promised never to go against the family's laws. Not only did you demonstrate a lack of awareness about the galvanized steel rules, but you also broke them and committed murder! Does that promise still stand?" she demanded, her voice unwavering.

Tyler straightened his back and exclaimed, "Of course it does!"

Old Ms. Harrington's gaze intensified. "On what level? Were you not caught red-handed at the galvanized steel?"

Tyler's confidence faltered for a moment before he regained his composure. "No, no, this is a gross misunderstanding! Agnes is just trying to cover her own tracks!" he exclaimed.

Agnes interjected, her voice firm and resolute. "There's proof, Tyler! The cameras around the galvanized steel plant caught you lurking around, and the security footage will expose your lies!"

Tyler sneered, "Let's go check the security footage. She's just trying to frame me to cover up her own involvement!"

Just then, his cell phone vibrated in his pocket, a timely reminder of the secrets he harbored. The room fell silent, all eyes fixed on Tyler as he hesitated, his fate hanging in the balance.

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