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By: ZWRITES07 OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 12 views: 347

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Brooke Rancher was known as the harbinger of misfortune. Everywhere he went, disaster followed. They believed his presence brought them bad luck. But Brooke turned his luck around when he found a fortune-teller cookie and ate it, then he was now the host of THE FORTUNE-TELLER SYSTEM, where he saw threads of destiny, predicting outcomes with uncanny accuracy. People began to seek him out, eager to know their futures.

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12 chapters
Brooke Rancher was always sitting in his wheelchair, staring out the window of his small, dingy apartment. It was a gloomy day that matched his mood perfectly. Ever since he was a kid, he always felt like the universe was against him. Everyone in the orphanage had avoided him, talking behind his back that he was cursed. They believed that his presence brought misfortunes to those around him. Well, it all started when his parents died in a car crash when he was just nine years old. He was left alone at an early age and had no family to turn to. The Hope Orphanage took him in, but it wasn't long before he was adopted by a new couple. However, fate had other plans. They died too, and Brooke was left back in the orphanage. All alone once again. Kids in the orphanage started to bully him and call him names like 'Bad Luck Brooke, and 'JINX'. They also believed that he was the reason why the orphanage was almost burned down. As Brooke grew older, the bullying only intensified
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"Everyone! This crippled boy thinks he's got a purpose in life. But he's nothing but a waste of spacing, got nothing to do with his life so he's resorting to scamming people with his fake fortune-telling nonsense!" Oliver said, and his voice was loud enough to draw attention from passersby. Brooke's eyes narrowed, but he maintained a calm tone, "I'm not a scammer, Oliver. I'm just trying to make a living. And my readings are free, so I'm not taking advantage of anyone." Oliver snorted, "Save it, Brooke. You're just trying to prey on people's superstitions. Don't believe a word he says, folks. He's cursed and his visions are just a bunch of make-up garbage." Brooke sighed heavily, "You asked me for your fortune and I just simply answered you. And I'm not forcing you to believe me but be careful anyways." Oliver's smirk faltered, "You're ridiculous. I'm not going to let some cripple wild imagination scare me." As Oliver turned to leave, his girlfriend Sabrina approached
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"System, can you please bring me back to my apartment now?" Brooke begged, he was now exhausted as it seemed like no one was interested in his service. "Of course, Brooke. But before I do, I just want to congratulate you on making your first fortune telling today!" the system replied. Brooke let out a dry laugh, "Yeah, It was a real success. One client a day." "It's a good start, Brooke. And I have to say, I'm impressed that you managed to sell that amulet to Sabrina for 1000 dollars. You're a natural-born salesman." Brooke rolled his eyes, "I guess, I just got lucky." As he waited for the system to teleport him back to his apartment, his mind began to wander. He couldn't help but think about Oliver Miller, the bully who made his life a living hell in the orphanage. "I hope he's not in danger tonight," Brooke muttered to himself, and he also hoped Sabrina successfully made him wear the amulet, just in case. "You know, system. I never thought I'd say this but I ho
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"I've been expecting you, Mr. Frederick Saunders," Brooke said and his eyes narrowed slightly as he sensed the man's aura. "You know my name?" Frederick's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Brooke smiled with a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes, "I know many things, Mr. Saunders. Please have a seat." Fred sat down his eyes scanning the fortune teller's face. "I must say, I'm intrigued by your abilities. I've heard rumors, of course, but I had to see it for myself." Brooke leaned forward, and locked his eyes on him, "And what do you hope to gain from this reading, Mr. Saunders?" The old man snorted, "Well, I want to know if you're legit. If you're just some charlatan preying on the gullible, or if you truly possess some kind of gift." Brooke chuckled, a low, throaty sound, "Oh, Mr. Saunder, you want to test me? Very well. I shall indulge you." With a snap of his finger, Brooke conjured up a vision of Frederick's past. The old man's eyes widened as Brooke began to spe
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Today, Brooke was in the hospital waiting room. flipping through an Archie comics. It had been seven months since the trailer truck accident that left him with broken legs but he luckily got a monthly check-up and treatment. "Brooke Rancher?" a nurse called out, her voice piercing through the hum of the waiting room. Brooke rolled his wheelchair and made his way to the examination room. Dr. Garcia, a kind-faced man greeted him with a firm handshake. "It's good to see you again, Brooke. Let's take a look at your legs." Dr. Garcia said his eyes scanned the X-ray images on the computer screen. Brooke watched as the doctor's expression changed from curiosity to astonishment. "Woah, I don't know how to explain this but your leg is healing at an incredible rate. The bones are reassembling themselves and the tissues are regenerating faster than I've ever seen before." Brooke's eyes widened and a smile spread across his face, "I knew it. The cookie is effective." Dr. Garcia
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One month had passed since the fortune teller's warning. Trevor Dawson walked into their mansion and was greeted by his wife who was reading a book in the living room. And she could sense something was amiss. "Darling? What's wrong?" Isabella asked. Trevor's expression was somber and he avoided her gaze, "I've brought something for you to sign." He said and pulled out a folder from his briefcase. Isabella's heart sank as she saw the divorce papers. She felt a lump form in her throat, but she refused to show any weakness. "I know that this is what your family wanted," Isabella said bitterly. She took the pen from Trevor and signed the papers with a flourish. Trevor's eyes flickered with guilt but he said nothing. He had made up his mind, and there was no going back. His family had been pressuring him to produce an heir and Isabella's inability to conceive had become a liability. As they parted ways, Trevor said his farewell, "Take care of yourself, Isabella. Stay safe.
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Brooke sat in his wheelchair as he looked at the screen he could only see in front of him. 'System, is there anything that can help Trevor's wife and baby?' he asked. "I have accessed the database and found an item that may be of assistance. It's the life-saving amulet, imbued with the power of the philosopher's stone, it can help stabilize the woman's condition and ensure the baby's survival." Brooke's eyes lit up with interest, 'What's the cost of this amulet?' "The life-saving amulet is valued at 100,000 dollars," the system replied. Brooke turned to Trevor, "This amulet costs, 100,000 dollars," he revealed a delicate silver chain with a small, glowing stone pendant. "You have to make your wife wear it so that the amulets' power will activate," Brooke instructed. Trevor nodded frantically, "I'll make the payments now," Trevor pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Secretary, please, transfer one million dollars- wait, what was your name?" He turned to him.
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It was another day for Brooke to visit the hospital, for a check-up. He looked around and saw other patients like him and he hated the feeling of being confined to a wheelchair, but it was necessary for his recovery. While waiting for Dr. Garcia, he was starting to get anxious when he saw the raven-haired young nurse walking in his direction. "Hey, Brooke! It's nice to see you again! How are you feeling?" Ellie smiled. Brooke's face turned bright red as he stuttered out a greeting, he couldn't help but get shy around her. She was just so pretty and cheerful, and he felt like a mess in comparison. Ellie didn't seem to notice his awkwardness, though. She chatted with him easily as she checked his vitals and asked him about his pain levels. "Okay, Brooke, we need to get you down to radiology for some X-rays. Let's get you into your wheelchair and I'll push you down." Brooke nodded and was self-conscious as Ellie expertly maneuvered his wheelchair out of the room. As they made
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Brooke tried to move his legs and to his surprise, they responded. He sat up in bed and the doctors around him were stunned, their mouths agape. Dr. Garcia, who had assisted him for months was speechless and had seen many patients in his career but never anything like this. With the help of the medical staff, Brooke slowly stood up from the bed, his legs trembled at first but as he gained confidence. He took a few tentative steps forward. The room erupted in cheers and applause as Brooke walked towards the door. "I need to take a walk," Brooke said. Dr. Garcia supported him, still looking stunned, "Be careful, Brooke." Brooke made his way out of the room, his legs carrying him down the hospital hallways. As he walked, he could hear the whispers and gasps of the hospital staff and patients. They couldn't believe their eyes, that the crippled man was walking again. Brooke felt freedom as he made his way to the bathroom. He locked the door behind him and took a long, hot showe
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"I don't know how to thank you enough, Brooke. You're my savior!" Trevor was thankful. While Abigail on the side couldn't believe that Brooke was a friend of their boss. "Excuse me, Mr. Dawson, but I need to speak with you about something." "What is it, Abigail?" "It's about Lucy, I saw her take a customer's wallet and I'm sure she's been stealing from us now," Abigail said. Trevor's face darkened, "That's a serious accusation, Abigail. I'll need to speak with Lucy about this." "But I didn't do it, Mr. Dawson. Please, believe me!" Lucy protested. Abigail's expression turned smug, "We found the wallet in her pocket and that's enough evidence." Trevor looked torn, unsure of what to believe so he turned to Brooke, "I know you can know everything, Brooke. Can you tell me what's going on?" Brooke nodded and his eyes locked on Lucy's distraught face, "Lucy is innocent and someone has framed her." Abigail's eyes flashed with anger, but Brooke continued, "I can't tell the nam
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