It was another day for Brooke to visit the hospital, for a check-up. He looked around and saw other patients like him and he hated the feeling of being confined to a wheelchair, but it was necessary for his recovery.

While waiting for Dr. Garcia, he was starting to get anxious when he saw the raven-haired young nurse walking in his direction.

"Hey, Brooke! It's nice to see you again! How are you feeling?" Ellie smiled.

Brooke's face turned bright red as he stuttered out a greeting, he couldn't help but get shy around her. She was just so pretty and cheerful, and he felt like a mess in comparison.

Ellie didn't seem to notice his awkwardness, though. She chatted with him easily as she checked his vitals and asked him about his pain levels. "Okay, Brooke, we need to get you down to radiology for some X-rays. Let's get you into your wheelchair and I'll push you down."

Brooke nodded and was self-conscious as Ellie expertly maneuvered his wheelchair out of the room. As they made their way down the hallway, Ellie chatted with him about everything from the weather to their favorite TV shows. Brooke found himself laughing and feeling more at ease, despite his initial shyness.

When they arrived at the radiology department, Ellie helped Brooke into position for X-rays. As they waited for the technician to finish up, Ellie pulled out a tray with a sandwich, apples, and a bottle of water. "I brought you some lunch, you must be starving."

Brooke shrugged, not feeling like eating. Ellie set the tray down in front of him but he didn't touch it. Ellie raised an eyebrow, "You're not going to eat? You need to keep your strength up, Brooke."

Brooke shrugged again, feeling a little embarrassed as Ellie teased him, "You still have a hand to use, come on. Take a bite."

Before he could protest, Ellie picked up the spoon and started feeding him. Brooke blushes red like a tomato as he tried to push her away. "Stop it. I can do it myself."

Ellie laughed and set the spoon down, "Okay, but you need to eat, okay? You're not going to get better if you don't take care of yourself."

Ellie seemed to sense his feelings so she patted her back gently, "Don't worry, Brooke. I'll leave you alone for now and Mr. Garcia will be back later."

Brooke nodded and watched her go away. He felt disappointed and frustrated with himself. Why did he have to be so shy around her?

Brooke sighed and talked to the system, "Can I ask for some cookies? "

"Of course, eat those and you will be fully recovered in no time." the system replied and transported cookies in his pockets.

Brooke then took the cookies and devoured them in three quick bites. As he finishes his last cookie, his body is flooded with energy and vitality.

Half an hour later, Dr. Garcia walked in and greeted him with a smile. "I have to say, I'm still shocked after reviewing your X-rays."

"What do you mean, doc?"

Dr. Garcia held up the X-rays, "These are your legs that were severely shattered by that trailer truck seven months ago."

Brooke just nodded, "Yeah, it was a close call."

"A close call? Brooke, your legs were crushed. And yet, they're perfectly fine now. No signs of damage, no fractures, no nothing. It's as if your legs healed themselves."

Brooke shrugged, "I guess I'm just a quick healer, Doc."

Dr. Garcia's eyes narrowed, "Brooke, I've been a doctor for over 20 years and I've never seen anything like this. You're telling me that your legs just magically healed themselves?"

Broome chuckled, "Well, when you put it that way, it does sound a bit far-fetched, doesn't it?"

Dr. Garcia's expression turned serious, "Do you remember when I told you that I might amputate your legs?"

Brooke's face fell, "Yeah, I do but I refused."

"Yes, you refused to let me amputate your legs, even when it seemed like the only option. But now, your legs are perfectly fine, it's as if you had some kind of miracle cure."

Brooke shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "Doc, I don't know what to say. I just got lucky, I guess."

"Brooke, I remember you mentioning something about a healing cookie last time. Was that just a joke or was there something to it?" Dr. Garcia was curious.

Brook laughed, trying to brush it off, "Oh, that? It was just a silly joke, Doc. Don't mind that."

Dr. Garcia's expression told Brooke that he wasn't buying it, but he let it slide. "Well, regardless of how this happened, Brooke. You're maybe a lucky man. And speaking of luck, I have some news that might interest you."

Brooke raised an eyebrow, "What's that?"

Dr. Garcia leaned forward, "A man named Trevor Dawson contacted me earlier today. He's offering to provide you with special treatment from the best doctors in the city. They'll be coming to check on your legs today."

Brooke's eyes widened in surprise. "I know that name."

Dr. Garcia's eyes lit up, "You do? What do you know about that rich man?"

Just then, the door burst open and a team of five orthopedic doctors, all dressed in crisp white coats entered the room.

"We are the doctors Mr. Dawson requested to provide him with the best possible treatment." Dr. Smith said.

Brooke found himself being checked by the doctors, they carefully removed the plasters from his legs, and as it was removed. All the doctors were disappointed.

"Are you kidding us?" Dr. Smith trailed off.

The doctors had seen the previous X-rays and CT scans of Brooke's legs that were shattered and broken in multiple places but it's far from the legs they saw right now.

There are no signs of injury, no swelling, no bruising as if the accident had never happened.

"Can I walk again?" Brooke asked.

Dr. Smith was skeptical, "We'll need to run some more tests but I think it's possible, Mr. Rancher. You might just make a full recovery."

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