Brooke sat in his wheelchair as he looked at the screen he could only see in front of him. 'System, is there anything that can help Trevor's wife and baby?' he asked.

"I have accessed the database and found an item that may be of assistance. It's the life-saving amulet, imbued with the power of the philosopher's stone, it can help stabilize the woman's condition and ensure the baby's survival."

Brooke's eyes lit up with interest, 'What's the cost of this amulet?'

"The life-saving amulet is valued at 100,000 dollars," the system replied.

Brooke turned to Trevor, "This amulet costs, 100,000 dollars," he revealed a delicate silver chain with a small, glowing stone pendant.

"You have to make your wife wear it so that the amulets' power will activate," Brooke instructed.

Trevor nodded frantically, "I'll make the payments now," Trevor pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Secretary, please, transfer one million dollars- wait, what was your name?" He turned to him.

"Brooke Rancher."

"To Brooke Rancher, make it happen now," Trevor commanded.

While Brooke's eyes widened at the amount, but he didn't comment. He had a small smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you for this, Brooke. I'll make sure to repay you, not just with money but with my gratitude and respect." Brooke said.

"Time's running out, make her wear it. Their safety is all the repayment I need." Brooke replied

He watched Trevor rush to his car. Brooke gulped as he received the notification that a million dollars had been transferred to his bank. It was shocking he made such money.

"System, it seems that sometimes, even the most unlikely of people can change their ways. Maybe there's hope for Trevor Dawson." Brooke said.

"The universe is full of surprises, Brooke. Sometimes, it takes a second chance to make a difference.

Trevor was back in the hospital and he burst through the door and saw Dr. Carter. "Please, let her wear this. It's a life-saving amulet. It can save her life." He sounded desperate.

"What are you talking about, Trevor? This is a hospital, not some fantasy novel. We can't just put one magical amulet on her and expect it to work." Dr. Carter dictated.

Trevor's eyes pleaded with the doctor, "Please, I know it sounds crazy but I have no choice but to believe the fortune teller."

Dr. Carter sighed, clearly torn, "I understand your desperation but I can't just introduce some unknown object into the operating room. It's not sterile, it's not approved. It's just not possible."

But Trevor was relentless and grasped his arm, his grip tight, "Please? I'm begging you."

Dr. Carter shook his head, "Fine, I'll take it." he grabbed the amulet and put it in his pocket before entering the operating room.

The medical team was trying to revive Isabella who was in critical due to the cancer cells that had ravaged her body. They worked tirelessly to save the fetus but as the minutes ticked by, their faces grew more and more grim.

"I'm not getting anything, her heartbeat is slowing down." One of the doctors muttered shaking his head.

Dr. Carter's face was set in determined expression, "Keep trying. We can't give up yet." But despite their efforts, Isabella's heartbeat continued to slow. The doctors lost hope as she was no longer responding.

Then Dr. Carter pulled out the amulet in his pocket and put it on the patient's wrist. Suddenly, the monitor beeped, loudly. The doctor's head jerked up, their faces shocked.

"What's going on?" Nurse Harris rushed to the monitor. Her eyes widened as she stared at the screen. "Her heartbeat is increasing! She's stabilizing!"

The room erupted into chaos as the medical team scrambled to understand what was happening. While Dr. Carter was stunned, his eyes fixed on the amulet.

"This is a miracle," he muttered.

He reached out to take the amulet from her wrist and examined it closely. He noticed a store inside the amulet was broken, shattered into two pieces.

Dr. Carter was relieved as he gazed at Isabella's peaceful face, her chest rising and falling with each steady breath.

He made his way outside and saw Trevor, pacing anxiously in the waiting area. Dr. Carter's face broke into a wide smile as he approached him.

"It's a good news, Trevor. Isabella and the baby are going to be just fine." He informed.

Trevor's eyes lit up and he rushed towards Dr. Carter. "Thank you, Doctor! You're a miracle worker!"

Dr. Carter chuckled, "It wasn't just me, I think we owe a debt of gratitude to this," he showed the amulet. "I have to admit, I was skeptical at first but Isabella was clinically dead for a minute. I was about to call it but then I put this amulet on her wrist, and she suddenly came back to life."

Trevor's eyes were fixed on the amulet, "I bought it from a fortune teller. I didn't believe him, of course. I thought he was just a charlatan, trying to make a quick buck. But his predictions were accurate and he told me it was a lifesaver amulet."

"A fortune teller? Who is he?" Dr. Carter was curious.

"He was a crippled young man named Brooke Rancher, sitting on the street corner. And it's crazy that I even punched him before."

Dr. Carter's expression turned thoughtful, "I have to admit, Trevor. I'm a man of science. I don't believe in superstitions or magic. But what I saw today, defies explanation. That amulet did something. I brought her back to life."

"I know doctor, it's hard to explain. It's indeed a miracle."

Dr. Carter smirked, "I think you owe an apology for that fortune teller, Trevor. And now you should start believing in the impossible."

"Yeah, I will see him again soon. I want to help him in ways beyond just money. He's crippled, confined to a wheelchair. I have some connections in the medical field so he can get the best treatments he needs." Trevor said.

Dr. Carter nodded thoughtfully,"I'm sure he would appreciate it. That fortune teller just changed your life profoundly."

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