One month had passed since the fortune teller's warning. Trevor Dawson walked into their mansion and was greeted by his wife who was reading a book in the living room. And she could sense something was amiss.

"Darling? What's wrong?" Isabella asked.

Trevor's expression was somber and he avoided her gaze, "I've brought something for you to sign." He said and pulled out a folder from his briefcase.

Isabella's heart sank as she saw the divorce papers. She felt a lump form in her throat, but she refused to show any weakness.

"I know that this is what your family wanted," Isabella said bitterly. She took the pen from Trevor and signed the papers with a flourish.

Trevor's eyes flickered with guilt but he said nothing. He had made up his mind, and there was no going back. His family had been pressuring him to produce an heir and Isabella's inability to conceive had become a liability.

As they parted ways, Trevor said his farewell, "Take care of yourself, Isabella. Stay safe."

Isabella smiled, a cold, hard smile. "Don't worry about me, Trevor. I can handle myself."

As the days went by, Isabella began to feel weak. She was tired all the time, and her body ached in ways she couldn't explain. She brushed it off as stress and heartbreak, but deep down, she knew something was wrong.

It wasn't until she received the medical results that she realized the true extent of her illness. She had stage four cancer, and the doctors informed her she only had three months to live.

Isabella was devastated, but she was willing to accept her fate, but then something unexpected happened.

As she was packing her things, she stumbled upon a pregnancy kit and tried to use it. After that, she was shocked to discover that she was pregnant.

Tears streamed down her face as she processed the news. She was going to die but she was also going to be a mother, and it's ironic.

"What am I supposed to do now?" she whispered to herself.

Suddenly, the fortune teller's words echoed in her mind. 'I'm reminding you to not give up, no matter what life throws because there is a rainbow after the rain.'

Isabella realized that she had a choice to make and she could give up or she could fight for the life of her unborn child. And she chose to fight, no matter what the cost, she would give her child a chance at life, even if it meant sacrificing her own.

On the other side, Trevor Dawson joined a family gathering in his parent's grand estate. "Trevor, we discussed this at length. You and Isabella are now divorced and it's time you moved on. We need an heir and we've found a suitable match for you." his father, Henry said.

Trevor's gaze snapped up, "It's not easy, Dad. You forced me to divorce my wife just because she couldn't bear children. It's cruel."

While Victoria, his mother's expression turned cold. "We did what was best for the family, Trevor. You know the protocol, a Dawson must produce an heir to secure the family's legacy."

Trevor's jaw clenched, "I loved her, Mom. I still do. And now you're telling me I have to marry some stranger just to fulfill your expectations?"

Henry's face turned red, "Enough! You'll do as you're told. The family's reputation is at stake."

Just then, Trevor's phone buzzed in his pocket, he hesitated for a moment before pulling out. Then he glanced at the screen and saw a doctor's name.

Trevor excused himself and walked into the hallway, "Dr. Carter? What's going on?"

"Trevor, I'm afraid I had some bad news. Isabella has been admitted to the hospital. She's critical, she has cancer."

Trevor gulped and couldn't believe it. "What? How is that possible? She's fine when we're together."

"It was a late diagnosis, Trevor. And there's more. She's weeks pregnant."

Trevor's legs buckled, and he leaned against the wall for support. "Pregnant?? I-I didn't know."

"You have to be here. The cancer is aggressive, and we're not sure if the baby will survive."

Trevor's vision blurred as he processed the news. He felt like he'd been punched in the gut. He ended the call and turned back to his parents.

"I have to go." Trevor ran out of the house and into his car. He drove to the hospital, his mind reeling with the thoughts of Isabella and their unborn child.

When Trevor arrived at the hospital, he was directed to Isabella's room. He pushed open the door and his heart broke at the sight before him.

Isabella lay in the bed, her once-luminous skin now pale and clammy. Her eyes were sunken, and her hair was dull and lifeless.

Trevor's eyes welled up with tears as she approached the bed. He took Isabella's frail hand in his, feeling a surge of guilt and regret.

"I'm so sorry, Isabella." he sobbed.

Dr. Carter entered the room, "Trevor. Isabella's condition is grave. The cancer has spread, and we're doing everything we can to keep her alive. But I have to be honest with you, Trevor. She and the baby are on the brink of death."

Trevor was then shocked as he saw her body convulsing violently. The machines beeping around her seemed to grow louder.

"We have to operate now. We can't wait any longer."

His mind was a jumble of fear and panic. He felt like he was losing his grip on reality. "No, no this can't be happening."

Trevor stumbled out, and like a flash of lightning, a memory struck him. He remembered the fortune teller who predicted the biggest mistake of his life.

He didn't think twice, he sprinted out of the hospital. He had to find the fortune teller and ask for some help.

Trevor scanned the crowded street until he saw the guy. He rushed towards him and his face was twisted with shame.

"Please! You have to help me. My wife, my baby. They're in danger. I need your help to save them." Trevor begged and dropped to his knees in front of the fortune teller.

Brooke was unfazed by Trevor's sudden change of heart, "What makes you think I can help you, Mr. Dawson?"

"I don't know, just please do anything!" Trevor cried.

"But it won't come cheap. The price of saving your loved ones will be steep." Brooke said.

"I don't care about the cost, I can pay you a million, just save them."

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