Brooke now stood tall and proud as he had invested in a sturdy tent and a beautifully crafted table, adorned with an assortment of charms that sparkled in the morning light. It was another day of telling fortunes and seeing charms and he was excited as he had the fortune teller system, his companion since the day he stumbled upon it.

As he set up his stand, Brooke couldn't help but notice the curious glances from passersby. Some people did double takes, their eyes widening in shock as they took his transformed appearance.

Gone was the frail, wheelchair-bound man they had used to see in the street.

Brooke smiled to himself, knowing the fortune-teller system had been guiding him, providing him with valuable insights and rewards for his efforts. He had already sold 30 charms and the system had informed him that if he could reach 100, he would be rewarded with a blue pill that granted him a mysterious strength.

Brooke was determined to reach his goal and to get the reward.

As the day wore on, Brooke settled into his routine, greeting customers with a warm smile and offering them a glimpse of their futures. However, it wasn't all smooth sailing.

Some people were put off by the process of his charms, which ranged from moderately expensive to downright extravagant.

"Sorry buddy but I'm not made of money. Your charms are way out of my league." One potential customer said, shaking his head.

Brooke understands that not everyone can afford his wares. He made a mental note to consider offering more affordable options in the future but he has to discuss it with the system.

Despite the setbacks, Brooke remained optimistic. He had sold three charms so far, all of them bracelets that seemed to be popular among the younger crowd. As he packed up his stand for a brief lunch break, he noticed a sleek back car pulling up to the curb.

Two boys, identical twins with mischievous grins, climbed out of the vehicle and approached Brooke's stand.

The fortune-teller system sprang to life and flooded Brooke's mind with visions of the Davis Twins. He saw flashes of reckless behavior, of daredevil stuns and narrow escapes from death.

These boys had lived life on the edge, always pushing the limits and tempting fate.

Brooke's eyes narrowed as he took in the twins' arrogant demeanor. They were spoiled, entitled, and used to getting their way, but there was something more to them, something that hinted at a deeper complexity.

"Welcome, young gentlemen! Come to uncover the secrets of the universe, have you?"

"Oh, we're not here for the usual fortune-telling nonsense, Mr. We want to test your skills," Walter said and a grin spread across his face.

Brooke's eyebrows rose in interest, "Test my skills, you say? Well, I'm always up for a challenge. What is it you'd like to know?"

"We want you to predict what we'll have for dinner tonight," Watson spoke up.

Brooke chuckled, "Oh, a simple task indeed but I must warn you, I'm not a fortune-teller for fun and games. My abilities are not to be taken lightly."

Walter snorted, "Come on, Mr. We're willing to make it worth your while. If you can guess what we'll have for dinner, we'll give you 10,000 dollars."

Brooke's eyes widened and he leaned forward, his hands clasped together, "I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that, young men. This is not a game of chance."

Watson shrugged, "Then it's not a game at all, but if you're so confident in your abilities, why not take the bet?"

Brooke hesitated, then nodded. "Okay, but I'll change the terms of the bet. If I correctly predict your dinner, you'll purchase a selection of my finest charms, amulets, and talismans."

Walter and Watson exchanged a look, then grinned at Brooke.

"DEAL!" They chimed in unison.

Brooke smiled as he took a piece of paper and began to scribble furiously. His eyes closed in concentration. After a few moments, he handed the paper to the twins.

"Open this later, and you'll find the answer to your question," he said and there's a mystery glinting in his eyes.

"We'll be sure to open this later and see if you're as good as you think you are." The twins took the paper and their grins grew even wider.

With that, the twins turned and sauntered out of the tent, leaving Brooke who had a feeling that this was going to be an interesting evening.

"Do you think he'll get it right?" Watson asked.

"I'm telling you, that fortune Teller is a complete fake. There's no way he can predict what we're having for dinner." Walter chuckled.

"I don't know, but he seemed pretty confident. What if he's right?" Watson's brow furrowed.

Walter scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous, Watson. We're going to win this bet, hands down. I'm sure of it."

The twins hatched a plan to ensure they would win the bet so they bribed their cook to make four different dishes for dinner and then they would see if the fortune teller's prediction was correct.

With the plan in place, the twins sat down at the table and waited anxiously for dinner to be served.

The cook began to bring out the dishes one by one and the twins watched in awe as she revealed each dish, their eyes scanning the table to see if the fortune teller's prediction was correct.

There were eight dishes served: chicken parmesan, beef Wellington, vegetable soup, macaroni and cheese, grilled salmon with lemon herb butter, chicken fajitas, lasagna, and creamy mushroom risotto.

All the exact dishes are written on the paper and the twins are stunned in silence and can't believe the fortune teller had predicted it down to the last detail.

"No way," Walter whispered, his eyes wide with shock.

"How did he do it? This is impossible." Watson's face turned pale.

"Boys, I hope you're both prepared to eat every last bite of the dinner you requested. I've gone to great trouble to prepare it, and I won't have it go to waste."

The twins indeed requested a rather extravagant dinner, but now they were faced with the consequences.

"And don't think trying to sneak anything to the dog either."

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