"I don't know how to thank you enough, Brooke. You're my savior!" Trevor was thankful.

While Abigail on the side couldn't believe that Brooke was a friend of their boss. "Excuse me, Mr. Dawson, but I need to speak with you about something."

"What is it, Abigail?"

"It's about Lucy, I saw her take a customer's wallet and I'm sure she's been stealing from us now," Abigail said.

Trevor's face darkened, "That's a serious accusation, Abigail. I'll need to speak with Lucy about this."

"But I didn't do it, Mr. Dawson. Please, believe me!" Lucy protested.

Abigail's expression turned smug, "We found the wallet in her pocket and that's enough evidence."

Trevor looked torn, unsure of what to believe so he turned to Brooke, "I know you can know everything, Brooke. Can you tell me what's going on?"

Brooke nodded and his eyes locked on Lucy's distraught face, "Lucy is innocent and someone has framed her."

Abigail's eyes flashed with anger, but Brooke continued, "I can't tell the name of the person but I sense deception and malice. I would advise you Mr. Dawson to review the surveillance footage. The truth will reveal itself."

Trevor nodded, "I'll do that right now. Thank you, Brooke. Your insight is invaluable."

As Trevor disappeared into the back office, Brooke turned to Abigail and his eyes were piercing. "You might rethink your strategy, Abigail. The truth has a way of coming out."

Abigail's face paled, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Brooke smiled, "Well see about that."

Minutes later, Trevor emerged from the back office, a look of shock on his face. "You were right, Brooke. The surveillance footage shows Abigail slipping the wallet into Lucy's pocket. She framed her."

Abigail's face turned white as Trevor's words hung in the air, Lucy on the other hand looked relieved, tears of gratitude streaming down her face.

"Abigail, you're fired. Pack your things and leave. And Brooke thank you again for your help. You've saved me again from making a grave mistake." Trevor said.

Abigail stormed out of the store with her face twisted in anger. Brooke nodded in satisfaction. His fortune-teller system had done its job once again, revealing the truth and bringing justice to those who deserved it.

"As a token of appreciation, I want you to pick out any shoes you like and I'll give them to you for free," Trevor said.

Brooke was surprised and he waved his hand dismissively, "No, Mr. Dawson. I couldn't possibly accept that, I'm not used to receiving things for free, and I want to be fair."

Trevor was amused, "You're a rare breed, Brooke. Most people would jump at the opportunity to get something for free. But I like your style. Alright, pick out a pair and I'll give you a big discount, is that alright?"

Brooke wandered around the shop, taking in the rows of sleek, high-end shoes. His eyes landed on a stunning black pair with intricate designs and he walked over to examine them closer.

"Excellent choice, those are our limited edition midnight eclipse shoes, priced at 20,000 dollars," Trevor exclaimed.

Brooke's eyes didn't flinch at the price tag, "I'll take them."

Trevor's eyebrows shot up in surprise, "You're willing to pay 20,000 dollars for a pair of shoes?"

Brooke nodded, "Yes, I am. I believe in paying for what I want and I want these shoes."

Trevor admired Brooke's humility, "Okay, I'll get you fitted for the shoes, and after that, I'd like to invite you to dinner at that new restaurant that just opened up down the street, it's supposed to be one of the most expensive in town."

"I'd love to, thank you for the invitation, Trevor."

After Brooke was fitted for the shoes, Trevor led him to the restaurant where they were greeted by the master of the restaurant and shown to a cozy table by the windows. The ambiance was elegant, with soft music playing in the background and the aroma of fine cuisines wafting through the air.

As they perused the menu, Trevor asked Brooke, "So, tell me, what's your life story? How did you become a fortune-teller?"

Brooke's eyes clouded for a moment and Trevor sensed sadness behind them, "It's a long story, Trevor but I'll try to keep it brief." he said.

"I was an orphan because my parents died when I was seven. And it was a tragedy. But the real turning point came when I was hit by a trailer truck. I was lucky to survive but my legs were badly injured. It took me seven months of therapy and rehabilitation to get back on my feet."

"I'm sorry to hear that. That must have been incredibly tough for you." Trevor felt bad knowing it. .

Brooke gazed into the windows, "It was but the strange thing is, one day I woke up and started seeing things. Threads of people's fate, I call them. I could see the paths that people were on, the choices they would make, and the consequences that would follow. It was overwhelming at first but I soon realized that could use this gift to help others in need."

"And that's how you became a fortune-teller?" Trevor's eyes riveted on his face, fascinated by his story.

"Yes, I chose to use my gift to help people navigate their lives, make better choices, and find their way. It's not always easy but it's what I was meant to do."

Trevor had never met anyone like Brooke before, someone who a faced such tragedy yet had emerged with a sense of purpose and humility.

As they continued their dinner, Trevor Dawson found himself drawn to Brooke's quiet strength and wisdom. He realized that there was more to this fortune-teller than meets the eye and he was grateful to have him as a friend.

"Thank you for sharing your story with me, Brooke. You're an inspiration and I'm honored to know you." Trevor tapped his arms.

"The honor is mine, Trevor. And thank you for this wonderful dinner. The steak was perfect!"

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