The Rise of The Useless Heir

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The Rise of The Useless Heir

By: Hains OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 8 views: 138

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 Elliot is getting the short end of the stick from the friend he's helping with his business. And it turns out that his wife and friend are having an affair behind his back, making him feel so bad.  But a secret was revealed about him. For the past few years, he's been under constant surveillance and a special, top-notch place has been set up for him.  The bastards who get in his way are removed without a second chance.

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8 chapters
Chapter 1
A man in a white shirt and black cotton pants was walking briskly down a long hallway decorated with wooden walls decorated with abstract paintings. The man's face looked cold and hard, seemingly wrestling with his thoughts.Elliot Hester. His head was currently filled with questions about his salary at the office. He had just gotten the news of a raise from the company's employees, but he didn't get it at all. His wages were still the same as last time."Tom." Elliot knocked on the door of the office of the leader of the company he worked for, before finally opening the door.The man named Tom in the room gasped at Elliot's random entry into his room. "Hey, you can't just walk in." He got up from the chair, putting on a stern face. "Here, I'm the boss."Tom didn't like Elliot's casual behavior, disrespecting him as the leader of the company. Although they had been friends for a long time, but in the office, Elliot was no more than an ordinary employee like the others and the rule of
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Chapter 2
Seeing that smile, Elliot realized that Hani and Tom had been having an affair for quite some time. "How could you do something like this to me?" He squeezed her hand tightly. "What am I missing?"Elliot was inflamed. He wondered what made her turn away from him. All this time, Elliot had always tried to give Hani whatever she wanted, even if it was hard to get.Hani rolled her eyes. "Nonsense." She looked sharply at Elliot. "You should be self-aware and realize that you are a poor, poor man. The man who will never be able to give me anything at all."Elliot shook his head in disbelief at the words of his wife. "After all I've given you, you're saying I can't give you anything?"Tom grinned, embracing Hani intimately. "In reality, you can't make Hani happy. It's very different from me who can give her anything that makes her happy.""You're right, dear." Hani smiled, stroking Tom's hand on her shoulder. Even the look in the woman's eyes was very affectionate, in contrast to when she l
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Chapter 3
The white-haired man exhaled, turning his gaze towards the River. "I know all about you."Hearing that made Elliot frown even more deeply. "How do you know that?" Elliot paused, thinking that the old man before him was a bad person. "You're a stalker?"Marcus shook his head. "No, Elliot."Elliot's face showed even more confusion. He even wondered to himself, how did the old man know his name, when they had just met.Elliot's pupils widened as a terrible thought crossed his mind. "Are you a depkolektor?" That was his first thought.He thought that the old man in front of him was a depkolektor from an online loan application that had to be reimbursed many times, but he had never borrowed money from any bank.Elliot shook his head in a low voice. "I never borrowed money at all."Elliot wondered if it could be Hani who borrowed the money? If so, it would be a very hard thing for him. Who knows how many debts he had to pay off. Just thinking about it made her head feel like it was going to
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Chapter 4
Elliot cleared his throat. He was stunned. Unbelievable. "I will have more than 100 million dollars." He had never even seen how much money 100 million dollars would bring into his account."Did you forget the surname I just mentioned?" Marcus raised one eyebrow, thinking Elliot should be a little proud.Elliot fell silent again when he realized. "Oh, yeah, right. The Rodriguez family." He muttered almost inaudibly. He couldn't possibly forget the family name that was famous all over the world.Elliot had heard a lot about the Rodriguez family. A family that is famous for being extraordinary and very secretive. Even because of that, Elliot did not realize that the old man he saved earlier was Markus Rodriguez.Even so, Elliot still could not believe it completely. He looked at Markus with a suspicious face. "But, am I really your grandson? You could be making it up to trick me."Elliot was wary of every bad possibility that might happen because he didn't want the events of a few month
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Chapter 5
Elliot's eyes stared intently at Hani. "I'm not a thief."Tom, who was sitting casually on the sofa, chuckled at Elliot's answer. "If you're not a thief, what did you come here for?" He raised his eyebrows upwards. "Remember, you're no longer Hani's husband. So, you have no reason to come here."Hani snorted in annoyance at her ex-husband's words. She felt irritated. "I know you're just making excuses, Elliot. I'm sure you still like me, and you came here to wish me back to you, right? Don't expect it, Elliot!"Hani looked at Elliot with hatred. She would never go back to her ex-husband. Even if the man in front of her begged, Hani would not yield. She had suffered enough in one year of marriage together with Elliot."I'm just here to get my stuff." Elliot walked into the house, reluctant to argue any longer.However, Hani blocked his body and shoved him roughly. "You're shameless." Hani chuckled in annoyance. "You can't take things here because this is all my stuff."Of course, that
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Chapter 6
"Master, did you manage to get the necklace given by Mr. Jonas?""Yes," Elliot answered briefly. His mind was in turmoil. Even now, it was throbbing violently like it was about to explode.Although he ignored Hani and Tom's words, he heard them. They threatened to report him to the police. That made him feel a little worried.Dony noticed the messy look on Elliot's face. He felt certain that something had happened in the house earlier. "Are you alright, Master?""Yes." Elliot nodded, turning his face to stare out the car window for a moment. "Oh, I want to ask you to do something. Is it possible?""Of course, Master. What should I do?""Tom will report me to the police because I beat him up." He looked at Dony with a serious face. He squeezed his hand tightly. "You should take care of it."Dony nodded his head. "Yes, Master." Dony's eyes were deep, with a small smile behind his thick black beard. "You don't have to worry. That's the guy who's going to jail."Elliot nodded slowly. His
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Chapter 7
Elliot took a deep breath while closing his eyes for a moment. "Ah, the air is so fresh."Elliot looked up at the blue sky on an obvious morning. He felt at ease in his new home now. The luxurious house that he never imagined would be his home.Elliot took a walk in the garden, looking at the colorful flowers of various types. He smiled a little, enjoying the beautiful scenery with fresh air that he rarely enjoyed due to his busy work schedule."That necklace is perfect for you." Marcus approached Elliot with both hands folded in front of his chest.Elliot glanced at his grandfather and nodded his head. "Thank you."Elliot looked at the necklace and held it for a moment. The necklace was indeed essential to him. Of course, it was because it was Jonas's only necklace. He almost lost the necklace if he didn't take it immediately yesterday.Marcus nodded his head. Not long after, Dony came over to them. "Excuse me, Master." He bowed respectfully to Marcus. "Lord. Good morning."Marcus an
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Chapter 8
Elliot raised one hand calmly. "Wait a moment." He again tried to make the payment digitally, but the network inside his phone was still interrupted."Ouch, this bastard still won't get out of the way." Visibly annoyed, a slightly built man in a sports singlet pushed Elliot aside. "That's it, I'll get served first. I'm in a hurry." The man named Clay broke through the queue and pointed at one of the menus. "Cappuccino ice less sugar one."The waitress behind the counter raised her hands hesitantly. "Sorry, sir. You can't go ahead like this before this gentleman finishes his payment."The waitress pointed to Elliot as a code for the man to finish the payment faster because, honestly, the waitress also felt annoyed, and her work was interrupted because of Elliot's delay in paying the order."Yes, my goodness. I'm sure this guy doesn't have any money. He's just saying that his digital payment app is having problems." Alexa snorted in annoyance, looking at Elliot sharply. "If you don't ha
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