Chapter 6

"Master, did you manage to get the necklace given by Mr. Jonas?"

"Yes," Elliot answered briefly. His mind was in turmoil. Even now, it was throbbing violently like it was about to explode.

Although he ignored Hani and Tom's words, he heard them. They threatened to report him to the police. That made him feel a little worried.

Dony noticed the messy look on Elliot's face. He felt certain that something had happened in the house earlier. "Are you alright, Master?"

"Yes." Elliot nodded, turning his face to stare out the car window for a moment. "Oh, I want to ask you to do something. Is it possible?"

"Of course, Master. What should I do?"

"Tom will report me to the police because I beat him up." He looked at Dony with a serious face. He squeezed his hand tightly. "You should take care of it."

Dony nodded his head. "Yes, Master." Dony's eyes were deep, with a small smile behind his thick black beard. "You don't have to worry. That's the guy who's going to jail."

Elliot nodded slowly. His eyes sharpened, remembering the incident earlier. In his opinion, his beating was not too much. Elliot wanted to beat him again. If it's Tom who goes to jail, it's very good for him. He smiled a little, looking visibly excited.

Elliot looked at Dony with one eyebrow raised. "Can you do it?" There was both curiosity and excitement in his heart.

Dony nodded his head, then smiled at Elliot. "Of course, Master. It's a very easy thing." Dony looked forward again. "Don't forget that you are the successor to the Rodriguez family, so whatever you want, it will be easy to get."

Elliot nodded, finally understanding that the Rodriguez family was powerful and influential. The slight worry in his heart disappeared, turning into impatience to see Tom's destruction.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Tom was being treated by Hani. The man winced in pain, complaining incessantly every time Hani compressed the wounds on his cheeks and lips.

"How insolent!" Tom tilted his head as Hani was about to wipe away the blood on the corner of his right lip. "He must pay for what happened to me!"

Tom's eyes flashed with hatred. He could not accept and forgive Elliot for beating him so savagely. The man could not move to retaliate as he was beaten without pause.

"Aw, that hurts. Can't you slow down, huh?" Tom threw Hani's hands away from her face. "You can't do anything right. What a bitch."

Tom scolded Hani, which instantly made the woman feel uneasy. She didn't even dare to open her voice, replying to the man's words.

"I'm sorry." The word apology finally came out of Hani's mouth. Although she apologized, she was not a kind-hearted, patient person.

Hani silently held back her annoyance. Moreover, she had been feeling uneasy ever since thinking about the luxurious and nice car Elliot was driving.

Hani went back to treating the wound on Tom's face. She applied some red medicine to Tom's lips and cheeks, then taped a small bandage there.

Tom raised one eyebrow, smiling slyly after thinking of something. "Alright, I'll send my acquaintance to catch him."

Tom changed his sitting position to a more upright one, then picked up his cell phone and dialed someone's number.

The smile on Tom's face grew wider when his phone call went straight through to the recipient. "Hello, Mr. Andrew. There is something you must do. You have to help me, sir." Tom winced slightly as the cut on his lip stung. "There is someone who has been beating me up, and I need you to arrest him immediately. Lock him up right now. Can you help me?"

The man on the other side of the phone was a police commander. Andrew Harkco. When Andrew was a one-star cop, he always helped Tom solve any problems by accepting bribes from the man. The two had a pretty good relationship at the time until Andrew was appointed as a commander, and it was also based on his fraudulently solving cases with bribes. So, Tom was confident that Andrew would return to helping him as before.

"No." The answer given by Andrew made Tom instantly surprised. "You're the one going to jail."

Of course, that made Tom roll his eyes wide. He even jumped up from the sofa in surprise. "Why would I go to jail? What do you mean, Andrew?"

"You have committed violent acts and committed many crimes that harmed many people. We've got the report and all the evidence. You even planned to injure a man." Andrew's baritone voice sounded so loud in Tom's ears.

Tom's brow furrowed deeply. He felt that he had not committed any violent acts against anyone. He thought that the only person he had recently met and planned to do something about was Elliot. But the opposite happened. It was the man who had done violence to him.

This confused Tom. Especially if, with all the bad things he had done, Andrew should have stayed by his side, defending him because they were the same. The two had even gotten used to working together, so why did he want to put him in jail? Tom's head was now filled with questions.

He wondered if maybe Elliot had reported him. But Tom immediately shook his head. There was no way Elliot could do something like that, reporting him directly to the police commander. He knew very well that Elliot didn't have the money to make the report.

Tom sighed. "That's not possible. That doesn't make sense. How can you just accuse me of violence?" Tom protested Andrew's words. "I'm the one who has been victimized. My whole face is injured."

"Stop talking. You've done something stupid, and soon, you'll end up in jail." Andrew's words on the other side instantly made Tom's body tremble.

"Stop joking." Tom raised his tone of voice. He bit the tip of his index fingernail, then lowered the volume again. "I'll give you more money than before. So, hurry up and arrest the man named Elliot right now."

Tom's temper had reached its peak. He wasn't in the mood for jokes under these circumstances, and even jokes like that weren't Andrew's style. They had not contacted each other for quite some time because there were no problems that should involve the police.

Tom thought this was a dark comedy Andrew shouldn't have done to greet him. After all, who was the fool who had reported him to the police and charged him with an act of violence that he had not committed at all? Tom kept wondering who was behind it, even though his head denied that it couldn't possibly be Elliot.

Meanwhile, Andrew, on the other side, smiled a little. "You should immediately understand what I mean, Mr. Tom."

Right after Andrew said that the phone line between them was disconnected, it instantly annoyed him, and he immediately dialed Andrew's number again.

"Damn, how dare he hang up on me." Tom looked visibly agitated, with one arm around his waist. "Insolent!"

Tom was inflamed. The line didn't connect at all. There was only the operator's voice saying that the phone number Tom had dialed was out of range.

Tom threw his cell phone violently onto the sofa, which caused Hani to immediately approach him with a confused look on her face. "What's wrong?"

Tom ran his hands through his hair roughly. He shouted in annoyance. "Damn it!" His anger was completely uncontrollable. He threw the medicine box on the table to the floor. "Why would he do something like that? What does that mean?"

"What's wrong, Tom? What did he say?" Hani shook Tom's arm in concern.

Hani was curious about what had made the man in front of her upset. She hadn't listened to the conversation between Tom and his acquaintance earlier, which confused her.

"Shut up, damn it!" Tom pushed Hani's body so roughly that she collapsed onto the sofa with a thud. Tom squeezed his hair and rubbed his face furiously. "I'm going to jail. "Ah, damn it."

"Huh, what?" Hani's brow furrowed deeply, shocked at the man's words. He moved his head left and right, unable to believe it. "No way..."

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