Chapter 7

Elliot took a deep breath while closing his eyes for a moment. "Ah, the air is so fresh."

Elliot looked up at the blue sky on an obvious morning. He felt at ease in his new home now. The luxurious house that he never imagined would be his home.

Elliot took a walk in the garden, looking at the colorful flowers of various types. He smiled a little, enjoying the beautiful scenery with fresh air that he rarely enjoyed due to his busy work schedule.

"That necklace is perfect for you." Marcus approached Elliot with both hands folded in front of his chest.

Elliot glanced at his grandfather and nodded his head. "Thank you."

Elliot looked at the necklace and held it for a moment. The necklace was indeed essential to him. Of course, it was because it was Jonas's only necklace. He almost lost the necklace if he didn't take it immediately yesterday.

Marcus nodded his head. Not long after, Dony came over to them. "Excuse me, Master." He bowed respectfully to Marcus. "Lord. Good morning."

Marcus and Elliot just nodded their heads, returning Dony's greeting. The heavily bearded man bent half his body to face Elliot as he had something to tell his master.

"Master, I want to inform you that Tom has entered the prison," Dony reported that Elliot was waiting for. "I have also settled your business with Miss Hani. The files have been attached, and the court will process them quickly."

Dony did everything well, according to what Elliot had requested yesterday. Of course, it made Elliot feel amazed because the performance of his servant was high-speed in just a few hours, and everything was taken care of.

"Everything was done quickly." Elliot nodded his head, giving Dony a small smile. "I do not doubt your abilities. You're perfect indeed."

"He is indeed a reliable person." Marcus patted Dony lightly on the back, feeling proud of the man with the thick beard. "He's familiar with many things because he was groomed to help you, Elliot."

Dony bowed his head, seemingly flattered by the praise given by his Master and Lord. He only did what his master told him to do according to his abilities.

"What are you going to do next?" The question from Marcus' mouth made Elliot immediately fall silent.

Elliot looked thoughtful. He did not yet know what to do next and had never even planned anything in his life, so getting a question like that made him a little confused.

"Ah, looks like you still don't know what to do next." Marcus could read the look on Elliot's face well. He held Elliot's shoulders. "Since you are the successor of the Rodriguez family, you should be well-versed in business matters."

Elliot nodded his head. "That's right. If I can't do anything or don't understand business matters, it could be a mess." He already understood his position as the successor of the Rodriguez family.

"Yes, that's right." Marcus raised both eyebrows with a smile. "But you don't have to worry. Dony will help and teach you."

Elliot nodded. "So, are we going to study now?" His gaze fell on Marcus and Dony.

"Oh, for today, yes." Marcus patted Elliot's shoulder lightly. "You'll be studying for the whole day. Are you ready?"

Elliot nodded enthusiastically. "Of course."

Hearing Elliot's excited voice made Marcus feel happy. They immediately prepared the lessons that would be given to the Rodriguez family's successor.

Dony began to teach Elliot about business. Elliot observed and focused. Marcus also told Elliot about their family's influence in the business world.

Without feeling the time had entered the evening. Elliot stretched his aching body after sitting all day, paying attention to the lessons given by Dony and Marcus.

His head now felt dizzy. Elliot exhaled slowly, closing the book in front of him. "I still have a lot to learn."

Dony smiled in response to Elliot's words while tidying up the book. "You'll get used to this eventually." Dony placed the books onto the large bookshelf. "I've noticed that you have a high intelligence because you can understand and grasp all the lessons Lord Marcus and I give you. That's amazing."

Dony was amazed. He saw for himself Elliot's genius. Although there was a lot to learn, Elliot could easily understand everything.

"In addition, you also have a good physique." Dony gave a thumbs up to his master jokingly, breaking the ice. "Well-proportioned and handsome body."

Receiving such praise made Elliot feel very happy. "But I still feel lacking here."

Elliot pointed to one of the files before him and showed it to Dony. Dony nodded his head and went back to explaining the file. "We'll learn it little by little when you start working at the company, so it's not just theory."

Elliot exhaled. Meanwhile, Dony smiled and looked at Elliot proudly. It was like seeing his lord when he was Elliot's age and learning things like this. In the past, Jonas had also looked confused when learning this, but then the man had decided to leave the house.

Elliot got up from his chair while moving his waist left and right. "I want to go out to relax my mind."

Dony's brow furrowed deeply, looking at his master. "Where are you going, Master?"

"I remember there's a shopping center not far from here in the front, so I want to go there to look." Elliot had been curious since arriving here yesterday and wanted to know what the shopping center in this luxurious neighborhood was like.

Dony nodded his head. "Yes, Master. I will take you there."

Dony accelerated his hand movement to put the book onto the shelf, but Elliot stopped his hand. "No need. I want to take a walk to clear my head."

Dony was silent for a moment, listening to Elliot's words, then nodded his head. "All right. Don't forget to bring your Card, Master."

Elliot nodded. "I have also brought my cell phone." He showed Dony his cell phone. "I'm more than happy to make digital payments."

Dony smiled. "Yes, of course. It is indeed easier." He rubbed his beard lightly. "But just in case you want to make a bigger purchase."

Elliot nodded his head. "Take it easy. I just want to buy some snacks." He turned his body around and started walking out of the study.

Elliot walked casually out of his house to the shopping center. The distance was indeed not too far from the Rodriguez family mansion. It proved to take no more than 10 minutes before Elliot finally arrived at the shopping center.

Elliot glanced around to see what he should buy. Then, he saw many young people drinking coffee at a roadside coffee shop. Elliot thought that drinking coffee was the best choice when his head still felt so dizzy after studying all day.

Elliot immediately took the queue, and it turned out that the coffee shop queue was quite long. Until it was his turn, Elliot came forward to the cashier's desk. "Americano 1."

"Okay, just a moment." The waiter at the coffee shop immediately made Elliot's order, and in just 1 minute, a cup of Americano coffee was finished. "The order is finished."

Elliot nodded, then took out his cell phone to make the payment. He logged into the mobile banking service and brought the phone's camera closer to the monitor screen, but it turned out that the internet network was down.

"Do you want to pay by card, cash, or digitally?" The waitress looked a little annoyed, waiting for Elliot's payment.

"Oh, wait a minute. I'll pay digitally." Elliot tried to update his cell phone network, but it was still down.

Elliot was still calm, even though the people behind him kept whispering. The annoyed look on their faces showed that they had been waiting in line for a long time.

"Oh, come on, it's taking so long. Can't you hurry up?" One of the women behind Elliot clucked, protesting to Elliot with an annoyed look. "Don't you have any money at all? Then get out of the way!"

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