"System, can you please bring me back to my apartment now?" Brooke begged, he was now exhausted as it seemed like no one was interested in his service.

"Of course, Brooke. But before I do, I just want to congratulate you on making your first fortune telling today!" the system replied.

Brooke let out a dry laugh, "Yeah, It was a real success. One client a day."

"It's a good start, Brooke. And I have to say, I'm impressed that you managed to sell that amulet to Sabrina for 1000 dollars. You're a natural-born salesman."

Brooke rolled his eyes, "I guess, I just got lucky."

As he waited for the system to teleport him back to his apartment, his mind began to wander. He couldn't help but think about Oliver Miller, the bully who made his life a living hell in the orphanage.

"I hope he's not in danger tonight," Brooke muttered to himself, and he also hoped Sabrina successfully made him wear the amulet, just in case.

"You know, system. I never thought I'd say this but I hope Oliver learns his lesson. I'm not wishing him harm or anything but maybe if he gets a taste of his own medicine, he'll learn to believe in fortune-telling."

"You're a complex one, Brooke. But I think you're doing the right thing. Now, let's get you to go back to your apartment. You've had a long day."

With a flash of light, Brooke found himself back in his small apartment, surrounded by the familiar comforts of his TV and bed. After he was involved in a tragic accident, he was helped by the trailer truck's company and offered him a substantial sum of money as compensation. He was supported by this cozy little apartment and he's thankful for it but still, he's hurt that he lost both legs.

Brooke took the remote and flipped through the channels until he landed on a live racing event.

He watched the cars zoom around the track and his eyes began to glaze over. But then his attention was snapped back to the screen. One of the cars had spun out of control and Brooke knew it was Oliver's Miller's car.

"Oh no. He didn't wear the amulet, did he?" Brooke gasped.

The camera panned to Oliver's car. Brooke felt guilty but he knew he had warned Oliver. He had given him the chance to protect himself and Oliver had refused.

As the commentators began to speculate about the cause of the accident, Brooke felt vindicated. Maybe, Oliver would learn his lesson tonight.

As he continued to watch the event, Brooke knew Oliver's accident was just the beginning, and that his journey as a fortune teller was far from over.

"System, I think it's time I started taking my fortune-telling seriously. I have a feeling things are about to get a lot more complicated." Brooke said.

Sabrina Johnson sat on the bleacher and her world came crashing down as her eyes fixed on the track below. Her boyfriend, Oliver Miller crashed into the wall of the track.

"This can't be happening!" Sabrina watched in horror.

The crowd around her was in an uproar but she was frozen in shock and couldn't believe what she was seeing.

The paramedics rushed onto the track and Sabrina watched as they carefully extracted Oliver from the wreckage. She felt like she was being stabbed, her heart was aching with every beat. Oliver's face was bloody and looked like he was in a lot of pain.

Sabrina jumped up from the bleacher and rushed down to the track, pushing her way through the crowd. "Oliver!" she cried and tears streamed down her face. The paramedics were loading Oliver into the ambulance and Sabrina climbed in beside him.

"Why didn't you listen to me, Oliver?" She sobbed and held his hand. "I told you to wear the amulet. I told you the fortune teller was right, that you would be in an accident tonight."

Oliver's eyes fluttered open, and he looked up at Sabrina, "I'm sorry, I thought it was just superstition." he whispered.

Sabrina was relieved he was still alive, "It's okay, just hang in there."

Two days later, Brooke was back in the streets for another day of duty as it was the fortune-teller system task for him. He's still not accustomed to this routine and it felt like a chore. But he takes this as an opportunity to change his life, that even if he's crippled, he can make a living.

Brooke patiently waited for his second client, and as he was lost in his thoughts. A commotion erupted in the distance. He saw people begin to rush in his direction, their faces filled with excitement and curiosity.

His eyes widened in surprise as the crowd grew larger, spilling out of the tent and onto the street.

"What's going on?" Brooke asked one of the onlookers and a young girl with a look of wonder on her face.

"A beautiful lady just told us that you predicted an accident for a racer guy the other day and it happened! We all want to know our fortunes now!" she exclaimed.

Brooke's eyes scanned the crowd and he found a familiar lady who had started the frenzy. Sabrina stands at the edge of the crowd, with a knowing glint in her eye.

"Umm, I didn't know you were going to advertise my services so enthusiastically," Brooke said.

Sabrina chuckled, her eyes twinkling, "Someone had to, you're too modest for your good."

As the crowd began to murmur and push forward, Brooke held up his hands, trying to restore order.

"One at a time, please! I'll do my best to tell your fortunes but remember, it's all free. However, I have some protective charms available for sale, just in case you want to avoid any potential harm." Brooke explained.

Suddenly, a wealthy arrogant man caught everyone's attention. He pushed everyone aside as he entered the tent.

"I've heard your predictions are nothing short of miraculous. I've come to put that claim to the test." the man sneered.

"Okay, old man. Let's see what the future holds for you." Brooke said and fixed his eyes on the client's palm.

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