"Everyone! This crippled boy thinks he's got a purpose in life. But he's nothing but a waste of spacing, got nothing to do with his life so he's resorting to scamming people with his fake fortune-telling nonsense!" Oliver said, and his voice was loud enough to draw attention from passersby.

Brooke's eyes narrowed, but he maintained a calm tone, "I'm not a scammer, Oliver. I'm just trying to make a living. And my readings are free, so I'm not taking advantage of anyone."

Oliver snorted, "Save it, Brooke. You're just trying to prey on people's superstitions. Don't believe a word he says, folks. He's cursed and his visions are just a bunch of make-up garbage."

Brooke sighed heavily, "You asked me for your fortune and I just simply answered you. And I'm not forcing you to believe me but be careful anyways."

Oliver's smirk faltered, "You're ridiculous. I'm not going to let some cripple wild imagination scare me."

As Oliver turned to leave, his girlfriend Sabrina approached Brooke, "Hey, I'm so sorry for what Oliver said. He can be a bit of a jerk sometimes." She apologized and her eyes sparkled with sincerity.

"It's alright," Brooke smiled bitterly. His eyes locked onto her, and for a moment, the fortune-teller system's mystical energy coursed through his veins and began to hum, and visions flooded his mind.

He went into the past and saw Sabrina Johnson, with her curly brown hair bouncing with each step approaching Oliver Miller. It was their first date, their first kiss, and the countless moments they shared.

The visions played out like a movie in Brooke's mind and he could rewind, fast forward, and pause at will.

One particular scene caught Brooke's attention, he saw Sabrina struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea and Oliver, diving in to save her from drowning.

Brooke's eyes snapped back into focus and he gazed at Sabrina with an unnerving intensity.

"You should learn to swim, Sabrina Johnson. It's never too late to learn." Brooke seriously said and her eyes widened and took a step back.

"How did you know my name? And what do you mean?" she was confused.

"Oliver won't always be there to save you from drowning Sabrina. And tonight he might not be so lucky. He shouldn't have joined the race tonight."

Sabrina's eyes darted back and forth, her mind racing with the implications, "What can I do to save him?"

Brooke's expression remained enigmatic, "The threads of fate are tangled and I've seen the possibilities. But I can help you, I can give you an amulet to protect Oliver tonight."

Her eyes lit up with hope, "Really? How much does it cost?"

Brooke's smile was a thin, mirthless line. "One thousand dollars."

Sabrina's face fell and hesitated, "I don't know if I can afford that.

"You can't afford not to, Sabrina. The choice is yours." Brooke's gaze seemed to bore into her soul.

Sabrina deliberated and remembered what Oliver said that he might be a scammer wasting people's money. But Brooke's words had struck a cord and she couldn't shake off the feeling that he was telling the truth.

"What if you're just trying to scam me?" Sabrina asked.

Brooke chuckled, "You'll have to decide for yourself, Sabrina. The choice is yours but don't say I didn't warn you."

Sabrina stood there and torn between her doubts and fears, she had to make a decision that would change the course of her life forever.

"I'm afraid something will happen to Oliver so I'll take it," Sabrina said and handed over the money.

Brooke's face lit up with a wide smile as he took the cash, "Excellent choice, Sabrina. Now, listen carefully. The amulet's power is only activated when it's worn on the neck of the person it's meant to protect. Make sure Oliver wears it tonight and he'll be safe from harm."

Sabrina nodded and tucked the amulet into her pocket, "I will, thank you. "

Before she left, Brooke called out to her, "Remember, the amulet's power is only as strong as the faith you have in it. Believe in its power and it will protect Oliver. "

Sabrina returned to the car, where Oliver was waiting, his face twisted in annoyance. "What took you so long?" he asked and his voice gruff.

Sabrina hesitated not wanting to reveal the truth, "I had to use the comfort room," she lied.

Oliver raised an eyebrow but didn't press the issue, "Let's get going then. The festival's over and it's getting dark. I need to get to the racing event."

As they drove away, Sabrina couldn't help but feel uneasy, she knew Oliver was a skilled racer, but she also knew that accidents could happen to anyone. She glanced at the amulet in her pocket and she wondered how to get Oliver to wear it.

As they approached the racing venue, Oliver's confidence grew, "Baby, I'm going to win tonight. I can feel it." He said his voice full of bravado.

Sabrina's anxiety spiked, "Oliver, please be careful. You're being too confident. Anything can happen."

Oliver's face darkened, "What gotten into you? You're not usually like this. Are you believing that crippled guy nonsense?"

Sabrina took a deep breath and pulled out the amulet, "Yes, and I want you to wear this. It's for your protection, Oliver."

Oliver's eyes narrowed, "What is this? Did you spend money on that scammer's trick? You're stupid, Sabrina."

"Just wear it, please," her face flushed with embarrassment.

But Oliver was having none of it. He snatched the amulet from Sabrina's hand and flung it out the window. "I don't need some fake amulet to protect me. I'm a skilled driver and I know what I'm doing."

Sabrina's eyes sank as she watched the amulet disappear into the darkness. She was at a loss. Minutes later, they arrived at the racing event and Sabrina's anxiety reached a fever pitch.

She could only hope that Oliver would be safe despite his refusal to wear the amulet.

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