chapter 3: A surprising Twist

"Could he have escaped from Alcatraz?" the one in the middle speculated, glancing around at the group.

"Maybe. The commander of Alcatraz Island held a press conference yesterday, announcing that three prisoners had escaped," the person on the left added, leaning forward with interest.

"He’s probably one of them, and that's why he's here today," Keisha, the light-skinned girl on the right, chimed in, her eyes wide with excitement.

"How do you know?" Sophie asked, her tone playful but curious.

"It's obvious - it was all over the news yesterday, and now he's suddenly appeared!" Rachel exclaimed, clearly impressed by the unfolding mystery.

"Rachel’s absolutely right!" Sophie agreed, nodding at her friend's keen observation.

As the group erupted into laughter again, drawing the attention of the crowd, Tyler felt his patience snap.

"I don't have time for your jokes!" he exclaimed, pushing his way past them.

Tyler knew Emily's three friends had never liked him, and the feeling was mutual. They consistently looked down on him, considering him unworthy of Emily. He was aware that their disdain had heavily influenced Emily, pushing her to consider divorcing him because he didn't meet their lofty standards of success.

They saw him as incapable of providing the luxurious lifestyle they coveted.

Despite this, Tyler had always strived to provide for Emily, even after the public humiliation he faced at his father's funeral. His stepbrother had labeled him a "bastard son" in front of everyone, a moment that had left a deep scar. Yet, Tyler had persevered, determined to prove his worth not just to Emily, but to himself.

On a fateful evening, Emily approached Tyler after he had lost everything—the company he built, the lifestyle he once knew, and the luxury he once enjoyed—all taken away by his stepbrothers.

"Tyler, I need a million dollars to buy a ticket to Dubai and complete my doctoral program," Emily informed him, her tone urgent.

Tyler, despite his setbacks, worked tirelessly to raise the funds. As the deadline drew near, Emily grew increasingly anxious. With just one week remaining to secure her ticket, Tyler had managed to raise half the amount. Desperate and with only three days left before the tickets would sell out, he sought advice from a colleague at his new workplace, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, where he had recently been appointed as an accountant.

"Look, Tyler," his colleague began, leaning in, "you've got a knack for financial management. There's a way to get the rest of the money, but it's risky."

Tyler listened intently, weighing his options. He felt compelled to follow his friend's advice, knowing that securing the remaining funds was crucial to saving his wife's ticket to Dubai.

Unfortunately, Tyler was caught by the business management team as he attempted to siphon funds from the organization.

The sudden shift of the guests' attention towards the three friends left Old Ms. Harrington in amazement. She stood up from her ergonomic chair worth over $300,000, a gift from her granddaughter Emily, and wondered what was happening among them.

"Where's my wife, Emily?" Tyler exclaimed, his eyes scanning the room frantically.

The presence of the esteemed figures of San Francisco was unmistakable. The Harrington family, well-known as the second richest family in the city, had a net worth that topped the charts during a time when San Francisco was still an unknown city. Now, as the city drew global attention for its luxury, the Harringtons strove to maintain their prominence.

The guests, a mix of old friends, business partners of her late husband, and Emily's friends, turned their attention to Tyler's outburst.

Old Ms. Harrington, the matriarch of the family, carries significant weight with her words not only within her family but also among the upper echelons of the wealthy world. As the last surviving elder of her generation, her influence is unparalleled.

She has two sons, Richard and Jaxon, who consistently adhere to her wishes, regardless of the difficulty. They suspect that complying with her requests may simply be a strategy to ensure a more substantial inheritance of the family assets.

At 80 years old, Ms. Harrington lived among her family with the vitality and spirit of a young teenager. She has one male grandchild, Andrew, and two daughters, Carolina and Emily. Andrew is older than Carolina, while Carolina and Emily seem to be the same age, with Emily being just a month older than Carolina.

Carolina always felt a pang of jealousy towards Emily, believing she was the only granddaughter their grandmother truly favored. Emily, a stunning and accomplished doctor, had a million followers on social media, her fame a constant reminder of Carolina's own struggles for recognition.

Though Carolina was also a social media sensation, her fame was fueled by provocative posts, including a popular photo of her leg that garnered hundreds of likes. Despite her online presence, she couldn't match Emily's level of influence and respect.

"Who is this rude, mannerless man?" a voice from the crowd rang out, fixing a stern gaze on Tyler.

Tyler, desperate and frantic, tapped the shoulder of a guest in front of him. "Excuse me, have you seen my wife?" he asked, his voice laced with desperation.

The guest shook off Tyler's hand, her eyes blazing with anger. "Are you blind? Do I look like your lost wife?" she sneered, her voice dripping with disdain.

Tyler's eyes darted around the room, his apology hanging in the air.

"Emily... Emily... I'm back home," he called out, his voice laced with desperation. The crowd remained silent, their gazes fixed on him with a mix of curiosity and disdain.

Old Ms. Harrington's voice broke the silence, her tone venomous. "Who dared let this fallen-from-grace-son-in-law into our grand mansion?" She spat the words, her eyes blazing with contempt.

Tyler's face reddened as he took a step back, the familiar sting of her harsh words hitting him like a slap in the face. It had been four years since he'd lost everything, and Old Ms. Harrington had never missed an opportunity to remind him of his fall from grace.

"Who allowed him in here?!" she demanded again, her voice echoing off the walls.

The gatekeeper, Diego, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, knelt down before her, his head bowed in submission. "I-I apologize, ma'am. I didn't mean to let him in. He sneaked past me, I swear!"

"Diego, you foolish man! How many times must I drum it into that thick skull of yours? People like Tyler don't belong here! Especially not in my mansion!" Old Ms. Harrington's face was red with rage, her eyes blazing with intensity.

"I tried, Old Ms, I swear on my mother's grave! I turned away some guests, locked them out... but he slipped past me, and now..." Diego's words trailed off as he realized his mistake.

Since Tyler's incarceration, Old Ms. Harrington had explicitly decreed that upon his release or death in prison, he would be perpetually banned from the estate. She had made it clear that Tyler's criminal transgressions had rendered him persona non grata, and his name had been forever etched on the blacklist of people unwelcome into the family of Harrington. Old Ms. Harrington had sternly admonished all the mansion's staff, including Diego the gatekeeper, to deny Tyler entry under any circumstances.

"What?!?! You dare to lock my guests out in the scorching sun?!?! You'll pay for this insolence, Diego! How could you be so cruel, so heartless?! My friends, my dear friends, suffering like animals outside these gates... all because of your incompetence!" Old Ms. Harrington's voice was a thunderclap, her words dripping with venom and outrage.

Old Ms. Harrington was throwing a lavish party to celebrate her granddaughter Emily's remarkable nomination as one of the world's top doctors. To mark this momentous occasion, she had invited her old friends and acquaintances from various countries, all prominent figures in the elite social circle, to join in the festivities. Emily's achievement was a historic first, as she was the first in their family to be recognized among the prestigious doctor awards, which had never been bestowed upon anyone in their family before.

"Forgive me, ma'am, please!" Diego begged, his voice trembling.

"Get the hell out of here now and go let those guests in, now!" Old Ms. Harrington exclaimed as Diego scrambled to his feet, ready to rush out and unlock the gate.

But as he stood up, he hesitated, recalling the master card that controlled the gate's mechanism. Only those with the card could enter the mansion. A surge of anger and curiosity drove him to search Tyler's body.

"You cunning devil! How did you manage to outwit me?" Diego snarled, his hands rummaging through Tyler's pockets. "Where's the gate pass you used to gain entry?!"

As Diego's search intensified, his hand closed around a mysterious object in Tyler's back pocket.

"I knew you were hiding something!" he exclaimed, revealing a blue-rope wristband.

But his triumph was short-lived, as his fingers delved deeper and uncovered a shocking discovery.

"Look what I've found!" Diego announced, holding up the master pass card.

"How did you obtain this?!" he demanded, his voice echoing through the room. The guests' whispers and furtive glances intensified, their eyes fixed on the incriminating evidence.

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