The First son of Salvador
The First son of Salvador
Author: CO2
Chapter 1

Wash away beach, Sydney.

The sun gradually set on the horizon of the Pacific Ocean, it's dull orange glow simmered over the water surface and the evening sky, the tourists and beachcomers were scattered over the coastal sands, either packing up to head home or still having fun

A huge tidal wave swept over the ocean, rushing towards the beach, everyone who stood on the sands watched in awe as the waves rushed towards them, and on top of it, a young handsome man surfed over the waves. They all cheered and applauded him, increasing his confidence, he let out a wide grin as he tamed the waves, surfing with grace and elegance until of them suddenly washed him off his board while another one rose up and drowned the surfer completely, the crowd that cheered him let out a unanimous gasp, followed by a period of quiet as they waited for him to resurface...which he did

The cheers were on again in a celebratory style as the surfer rose out of the water with his board tucked in his left arm, while he threw his right fist to the crowd that cheered him, he shook his head aggressively as his dark brown hair which was usually curly was all soaked and had covered his eyes, he wore a silver necklace with a cross as the pendant, his athletic physique was made even more glorious by his tanned olive skin, he began to step away from the scene and crowd cheered him off.

"Angelo!" some one called his name out, Angelo was still brushing off the water in the hair and eyes with his fingers but struggled to look up a bit, it was Walter, his newly found friend here in Australia, his skin was pale white unlike Angelo's and he held his own surfing board in his arm

"You had another bath today mate?" he asked with his harsh British accent, Angelo laughed mildly and looked back at the ocean

"The waves sure were strong today, it's like the harder I try the more powerful they just become, I lasted a lot longer than usual though..." Angelo paused immediately, he looked back at Walter who was about to laugh

"Why do you have to make everything so awkward you asshole" he cursed, Walter laughed hard and Angelo bowed his head embarrassed

"You'll get better eventually, spend a little more time here in Sydney and I'll show you the ropes, then you can surf the seas as long as you, wherever you want" Walter patted him on the shoulder, he noticed that Angelo had gone silent

"Is there any problem?" he asked, Angelo who had zoned out earlier suddenly seemed to regain his consciousness, "what's on your mind mate?, you looked disturbed"

"Nah it's nothing, I just remembered that I have only a few days left to spend in this place" Angelo replied

"Why?, you gotta go to work or something?, your dad's a billionaire, it's not like you got a job or anything"

"Nope, but I've already made up my mind to visit a new city every three weeks, and if I extend my stay here then I'll mess up my checklist for the year"

"Fuck that mate" Walter hissed "you ain't got anything better to do wherever you want to go next, so reserve two spots on the check list for Sydney, where is your next location supposed to be anyway?"

"Bali" Angelo replied

"See?..., it's literally just the same as Sydney, nothing to do but visit another beach, push it forward or something and stay here, and I'm gonna make you a master of the tides buddy" he patted Angelo's shoulder

"I guess you're right" Angelo concluded as he watched the sun set further, "I'm kinda hungry, what was that restaurant you talked about this afternoon?"

"Oh it's uhh..."

"Angelo Rocco Salvador"

The two young men turned around slowly as a husky Latino voice recited Angelo's full name. They saw three men dressed in black suits and dark sunglasses, two very huge men stood behind, most likely body guards while a shorter guy stood ahead of them

"Who the hell are these guys" Walter asked, his agitated face turned into confusion as he saw Angelo stare at the three men, his eyes wide open and his body was frozen

The shorter man who called his name earlier stepped towards Angelo and Walter, he carried a scroll in his hands and handed it over to Angelo with a bow

"Your father sent us to deliver this message for you, young master". Angelo and Walter glanced at each other before he took the scroll and began to open it, Walter wondered what kind of society he must be tangled with, using ancient style scrolls to send message rather than just sending a text or something. Angelo read the contents of the scroll, only murmuring a few words as he did, Walter tried to peep into it with a side eye.

Angelo slowly folded the scroll and handed it back to the men in black

"Are we permitted to leave young master"

"Yeah sure, of course" he replied sharply and turned to Walter. The men bowed again and began to walk away

"Hey what was that about?" Walter asked anxiously, Angelo was silent, he let out a sigh and blinked slowly, "My father is dying"

Walter glanced at the ground and back at Angelo, not knowing what to do or say next, this was probably the most random turn of events in a day that he had ever seen in his life, he cleared his throat in an attempt to break the silence but Angelo still didn't say anything

"So what are you gonna do now?"

Angelo clenched his fist and squinted his eyes, "I have to go home, as soon as I can"

"Whoa is it that urgent?, how bad is it?" Walter looked very disturbed at this point

"I don't know for sure, I just have to see him myself"

Angelo began to walk away, his surfboard still tucked in his arm

"Hey, Rocco..." Angelo stopped and turned to Walter, "If you ever need my help again you can always call"

"Rocco?" Angelo asked, Walter smirked and both of them laughed it off, Angelo continued to walk off, his cheerful face vanished immediately he turned to keep going, he knew the implications of this news that had just arrived, he was the first son of the Great Salvador family, and if the situation was as bad as the news presented, then a great deal of duty and drama was about to unfold.

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