Chapter 2

Palermo Falcone Airport, Sicily

Angelo stared out the window as his private jet touched down on the airport runway, it was the first time in so many years that he'd be stepping foot on Italian soil, his homeland, the place he was born, and he didn't know how to feel at the moment, so many memories in this city, some of them good, most of them not so pleasant

He could still remember the day his mother died and how close he was to joining her on that bloody afternoon, she had come to pick him up from the mansion where he was being home schooled, which he did because his father knew how dangerous it would be to let him school in the public. His mother was escorted by two black cars stacked with body guards as expected, and these were the kind of sights that Angelo grew up to experience everyday.

An enemy of his father who had perfectly prepared their ambush attacked the three vehicles containing himself, his mother and all the guards, and they were all murdered that day as nearly a thousand bullets were pumped into the three cars from all directions, giving victims within no chance to survive, but somehow young Angelo did, and no bullet even came in contact with him. It was a miracle that the Salvador family actually celebrated, their heir survived an ambush and deadly assault, there was no better way the gods could send a message to them that this child was a special one, the one who was truly meant to carry the family mantle, but young Angelo couldn't make sense of any of that, everyone seemed to be so casual about the fact that his mother was drilled with bullets to death, it felt almost like she was just a part time worker who just had a workplace accident and had to retire, nobody except him seemed to actually grieve, nobody seemed to really care, not even his own father, a man whom he'd just seen for the first time in his life as a result of this incident, he heard a few talks about his house making plans for a grand retaliation battle, but he could tell that it was just because of their business, not because they wanted to get revenge for his mother's death.

Angelo had to grow up all alone from then, he learned more about his family as the years went by, but he could never bring himself to accept the fact that nobody could be less bothered by his mother's brutal murder, his father even married another woman just shortly after his mother's death, and the older he grew and the more he got to know and understand, the greater the hatred for his family grew, until he decided that he'd never have anything to do with them ever again, and walked away to live on his own, far from all the drama and chaos that his Mafia family was engaged in on a daily basis.

Angelo stepped out of Gulfstream, his sunglasses over his eyes while he adjusted the sleeves of his deep blue suit, he walked out of the plane with the aura and mannerisms one would expect from the heir of Salvador

"Welcome home young master" the attendants, all dressed in black corporate suits greeted and bowed as Angelo stepped towards them, he was irritated by the whole charade, same way he felt towards almost everything about his family, but he just had to be composed and go with the flow, he didn't respond and just casually walked into one of the black Maybach's that was stationed behind, the convoy began to move once the young master had gotten in, and they headed for the Paradiso, the Salvador family mansion, in Sicily.

Night had fallen in the big city, the massive and glamorous mansion of the Salvador family was bustling and filled with people, a party was been held and food and drinks were all over the place, wine was been served by the butlers and the aristocrats who were present were all laughing and talking with one another, a big event was definitely going on this evening

Lucia Salvador, wife of the great Bonucci, the patriarch of the Salvador empire, was present at the party of course, she wore a beautiful red grown and her neck and ears were sparkling with diamond accessories, her short jet black hair and deep red lipstick complimented her outfit, she was definitely the most outstanding woman at the event, despite the fact that she was in her early fifties, in a event where so many stunning young women were present

"Mr Silva, lady Juana, it's so nice to see you two again" Lucia greeted, she warmly embraced a couple who appeared to be familiar guests

"It's a pleasure to see you too lady Lucia, how long has it been?" Silva asked cheerfully

"Long enough dear, the last few years have been so busy for all of us, we need to make retreats like these more often don't you think?"

"Definitely, very, very important" Silva agreed, he took a sip of champagne from the glass in his hand

"What about the children, Lucia, would they be attending?, or?"

"Of course Juana, of course" she replied the lady with a huge smile, "Gio and Marcel would be here anytime from now, you know my sons can never pass on important family events like these..."

"And what about Angelo?"

The three of them suddenly became silent, the smile on Lucia's face disappeared rapidly and she began to look anxious

"Angelo...well uh"

"Mother we're here" Giovanni called out, Lucia turned to see her sons, Gio and Marcel were wading through the crowd and quickly tried to get to their mother, she hugged both of them deeply and kissed Gio on his cheek

"My children!!, my boys are back home!!" she shouted joyfully, the boys giggled while Silva and Juana laughed

"Welcome sons, good to see you boys again" Silva greeted them and offered a handshake which both of them accepted

"How have you boys been?, how's life in the States?"

"Well uh, college has been pretty tough ma, I gotta be honest, but I'm gonna pull through eventually, I guess" Marcel replied

"Business is great as usual, I'm handling all our family shares and businesses in the US, and uh... yeah, my girlfriend and I are...well were making preparations for our wedding"

"Oh my God!!, you're getting married Giovanni, when is the wedding?" Juana was very excited by the news

"We haven't fixed a date yet, she just accepted my proposal after all..."

"But we'll see to it that it will be as soon and grand as possible, I mean you have a mother like me, everything about you must be the best of the best" Lucia cut in, bragging and smiling sinisterly while mildly massaging her sons shoulder, Gio was very tall and towered well over her, even though she wore heels

"You two boys have really grown to be fine young men, the future of the Salvador empire is surely in safe hands with you two"

"It sure is Silva, it surely is..."

The party became silent all of a sudden and everyone began to turn towards the door, Gio, Marcel, Silva and Juana had their jaws drop while Lucia's face was that of pure scorn and hate, the plague, the prodigal son, the weak link and stain of the Salvador dynasty had returned, Angelo Salvador stepped into the mansion, and the real drama was just about to begin

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