Chapter 8

Easter Sunday, 6: 30 AM

Sophia woke up from her bed in her apartment in Stamford street, the early morning sun rays pierced into her eyes through the glass windows, she could hear the church bells and voices of the citizens on the streets, everyone were getting ready to celebrate the Lord's resurrection, she took off the white blanket that covered herself revealing her blue-green pajamas, her bright red hair was messy and all over her face, she had to get ready for church and then head over to Walter's place, she lived alone ever since she left her family home at the age of nineteen.

She walked past a table in her room to get to the bathroom, but took a few steps back to glance at it again, there was a family portrait sitting on the table, a man, his wife and a very young red haired daughter. Sophia gazed at the potrait, just like she did every morning, it had already been five years since she cut herself off from her family after she learned that they had betrothed her to an Irish Duke's son and forced her to marry him once she was done with highschool, so she did the only thing she could, run away from Dublin and all the way to London to start a new life, her parents could marry the Duke's son themselves for all she cared, she just couldn't bring herself to spend the rest of her life with someone she didn't love. She turned away from the photo and went about her daily routine, took a shower and got herself ready for church, she wore a green and white gown with gloves and a big hat, then stormed off the apartment

Easter was a Christian holiday that symbolized a new beginning, a new era of peace, salvation and prosperity, as the Lord resurrected on this day to become the savior of humanity, and the sermon in church was all about this topic, Sophia could feel it in her life, her denial of her parents plan for her life and choosing her own destiny was her own start of the new era, giving up her old life of royalty, the suffocating customs and traditions, for a life of freedom, a normal life, a new beginning. Once the church service was over, she headed back home to change into something more casual so that she could head over to Walter's place to celebrate Easter with his family, just like she did every year since she came to London. They were the only family she had as she could no longer go back home to hers, deep down within her she missed her parents, but she just couldn't bring herself to fulfill their wish, and she didn't want to try.


Angelo stood in front of a mirror in an apartment he rented last night, there was only a bed to sleep in it as he hadn't gotten anything to furnish the place yet, he wore a black top and green jacket over it, he tried combing his brown curly hair but decided to just ruffle it and see how it looked, it seemed okay to him, he put on his jeans and finished the drip off with a pair of sneakers and a small chain necklace, he didn't have much money anymore but at least he still had some good clothes, if he was going to live here from now on then he was going to make the most of it.

Angelo took a bus ride and got to Walter's family home, it was a simple bungalow with a lawn, he could hear the voices of some children within the home, he just stood there and took a good look at the place, taking it all in, the simplicity, the peace, he could feel the tranquility inside himself by just being in such a humble neighborhood, he began to walk towards the door...


He hopped to his side and turned sharply, only to see Sophia standing behind him, with the same heartwarming smile she had yesterday

"Jesus, you scared me"

"Oh I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry"

"No it's okay, it's fine" he scoffed and put his hand in his jacket pockets

"Did Walter also invite you for the Easter gathering?"

"Well not really, but he told me about so I guess he just expects me to show up." Sophia giggled and he smirked, "I mean you're his friend after all, you're supposed to come anyways"

"Yup" he replied, "can we go in now, I feel like we've been standing here for too long"

"Oh yeah sure" Sophia moved quickly towards the door and began to knock while Angelo took his time going over, Walter opened the door to welcome them in

"Hahh!!!, Angelo you actually came over!!!" the two men did a thunderous hand five and embraced each other while they laughed

"Really nice place you got here man", Angelo looked around the house, there were so many decorations and family portraits, toys and stuff were scattered all over the floor as there were children playing around in every corner of the house

"Walter your mom's in the kitchen right?" Sophia asked, she could smell her favorite muffins already, "I gotta go be with her, I'd be right back"

"Just make sure you leave some for us" Walter laughed and so did Sophia, she was notorious for eating half of the muffins before they were ready to be served

Walter noticed Angelo gazing at the family portraits on the walls,

"You need anything bro?"

"Nah I'm good, for now"

"We don't have much but we try our best to make our holidays as great as we can, I know this must be very different from where you come from"

"Are you kidding me?" Angelo scoffed and turned to Walter, "this...what you guys got going here, this is everything, everything I ever wanted, a happy loving family, everyone just coming together to celebrate the holidays, the family bonding time, it's all anyone could ever want Walter, you're lucky to have all of this man, it's more than enough"

Walter was silent, no one has ever made him feel so important just for being a middle class citizen with a happy home, but he could feel pain in Angelo's speech, this man in front of him must have been very scarred, he knew that Angelo wasn't on good terms with his family but he didn't know what they did to him that hurt him this badly.

Walter took Angelo round the house to introduce him to his family members, he met with Walter's brothers and sisters, they were six kids in their family and Walter was the fourth child, he also met Walter's parents, and got a taste of the heavenly muffins that Sophia was obsessed with, Angelo felt so happy and alive, this was the life he'd always dreamed of, the happy family life he never got to experience

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