All Chapters of The First son of Salvador : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
15 chapters
Chapter 1
Wash away beach, Sydney. The sun gradually set on the horizon of the Pacific Ocean, it's dull orange glow simmered over the water surface and the evening sky, the tourists and beachcomers were scattered over the coastal sands, either packing up to head home or still having fun A huge tidal wave swept over the ocean, rushing towards the beach, everyone who stood on the sands watched in awe as the waves rushed towards them, and on top of it, a young handsome man surfed over the waves. They all cheered and applauded him, increasing his confidence, he let out a wide grin as he tamed the waves, surfing with grace and elegance until of them suddenly washed him off his board while another one rose up and drowned the surfer completely, the crowd that cheered him let out a unanimous gasp, followed by a period of quiet as they waited for him to resurface...which he did The cheers were on again in a celebratory style as the surfer rose out of the water with his board tucked in his left arm
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Chapter 2
Palermo Falcone Airport, Sicily Angelo stared out the window as his private jet touched down on the airport runway, it was the first time in so many years that he'd be stepping foot on Italian soil, his homeland, the place he was born, and he didn't know how to feel at the moment, so many memories in this city, some of them good, most of them not so pleasant He could still remember the day his mother died and how close he was to joining her on that bloody afternoon, she had come to pick him up from the mansion where he was being home schooled, which he did because his father knew how dangerous it would be to let him school in the public. His mother was escorted by two black cars stacked with body guards as expected, and these were the kind of sights that Angelo grew up to experience everyday. An enemy of his father who had perfectly prepared their ambush attacked the three vehicles containing himself, his mother and all the guards, and they were all murdered that day as nearly
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Chapter 3
Angelo Salvador calmly walked into the large room, all eyes were fixed him as he went, the three body guards who had been following him the whole time made sure that there was space between him and the crowd as they walked by him at both sides while the other one marched in behind him, the first son and heir of the family had arrived and his entrance alone had already made a statement. He walked up to his step mother Lucia and her sons, his half brothers, who were having a conversation with Mr Silva and his wife Juana, their distant relatives from spain, the couple were happy to see him of course but Lucia and his brothers were cold and startled, it had been almost a decade since any of them set eyes on him, the last time was when he left to the US to study in college, but dropped out of the institution and never set foot home again or called any of them. A lot of parties, events and gatherings just like this one today had been held during this period, so many family members and gue
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Chapter 4
Bonucci Salvador stood over the crowd which had filled up his mansion, he looked down to his two sons who had been engaged in a heated brawl just a few seconds earlier, body guards and bouncers quickly rushed into the scene only to see that the fight was already over. Gio and Angelo patiently waited for their father to speak "Giovanni Andreas Salvador, so this is how you welcome your elder brother home, by disgracing our family in front of the whole world right?." Lucia held on to Marcel tightly, she was very frightened once she realized that Bonucci was vexed at Giovanni instead of Angelo, her plan had badly backfired "Honour, respect and loyalty, these are the three things our family pride ourselves in the most, but you've broken them all today by displaying such shameful behavior Giovanni, and I used to think that you were smart..." "Father I..." "Utter another word and today will be the last day you'd have a tongue, by challenging your elder brother you have proven to me
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Chapter 5
"What is this?, what is going on here?" That was all Angelo could think about as the beautiful young girl who was meant to be his bride stepped in front of him, along with her very dangerous looking father Herrera scanned Angelo from his head to his feet, he was still looking pretty rough due to the brief fight he had with his brother "What happened to you boy?, who shows up to a ceremony looking like this?" Angelo felt stiff after hearing Herrera's husky voice for the first time, but more so because he didn't know how to answer that question "Well...I..." "My son confronted some drunkard who tried to ruin this party and put him in his place, I apologize if you do not find his appearance pleasant, let us focus rather on the reason for this event my comrade" Bonucci stepped in for Angelo and pulled him gently so that he could be closer to Loretta, then he made both of them face the crowd "Mom, did you know about this?" Marcel asked Lucia, who still had disbelief all over
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Chapter 6
Angelo sat on the bed of a hotel that he'd booked last night after the whole drama, he looked out the window as he watched the sun rise, it was beautiful as it slowly lit up the sky, his head was flooded with thoughts, he began to feel like he might have made a mistake, he checked all of his bank accounts, they were frozen, his father acted very fast, and this was just phase one, he sighed in disappointment and bowed his head. Confusion, distress, pain, we was going through all sorts of emotions, and all he had left was some cash in his luggage, which wouldn't be enough for him to live on for a month. He had made up his mind to not go back to that house, but he badly needed to leave this city, this country all together, he didn't have enough money for that, and he definitely wasn't dumb enough to involve the police into this situation, because to be honest, he had every right to sue his family, but that would only make things even worse for him. Angelo was about to fall asleep when
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Chapter 7
A week had passed since Angelo's banishment was placed, he had no money and no identity, he was only able to receive the money that Walter sent to him through an old account he possessed that wasn't registered with his credentials, Angelo arrived at Newport, England on a fishing boat, he happened to know a popular smuggler in Sicily and paid him a few bucks to help him find his way into England as he had no money to process any documents or get a plane ticket, he had to pretend to be a fisherman and helped the men on board offload their catch once they got to the port, after which he washed himself and got headed for London, he couldn't believe that this was the life he was going to live now, being a mere migrant with no identity, all the money he had earned in his life were all lost in a single day, and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it, he couldn't even go on a quest for vengeance and destroy the Salvador family one way or the other because he'd only become an even w
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Chapter 8
Easter Sunday, 6: 30 AM Sophia woke up from her bed in her apartment in Stamford street, the early morning sun rays pierced into her eyes through the glass windows, she could hear the church bells and voices of the citizens on the streets, everyone were getting ready to celebrate the Lord's resurrection, she took off the white blanket that covered herself revealing her blue-green pajamas, her bright red hair was messy and all over her face, she had to get ready for church and then head over to Walter's place, she lived alone ever since she left her family home at the age of nineteen. She walked past a table in her room to get to the bathroom, but took a few steps back to glance at it again, there was a family portrait sitting on the table, a man, his wife and a very young red haired daughter. Sophia gazed at the potrait, just like she did every morning, it had already been five years since she cut herself off from her family after she learned that they had betrothed her to an Iris
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Chapter 9
Angelo and Sophia spent the rest of the day talking and having meals with Walter's family, Sophia was already a member of the family at this point as she had known them for almost five years, Walter was her first ever customer when she opened the Ginger lady cafe and they had been friends since then. Angelo got a lot of questions asked about his family and background by Walter's parents and siblings, he made up a lot of stories and Walter covered the rest for him. Sophia found it a little awkward as Angelo's stories sounded a lot like the ones she made up about her own background when she first met Walter's family, it was probably just a coincidence, she thought. Once the day got dark, Angelo and Sophia decided to head for home and exchanged final pleasantries with their Easter hosts, it was a heartwarming event and they definitely looked forward to another holiday gathering. The both of them stood outside the house as they were the only ones who were leaving today. "What a love
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Chapter 10
Sicily, 6:00 PM Three black Roles Royce limousines arrived at a mansion that belonged to the Salvador family, this was just one of their many houses here in Sicily alone, it wasn't as big as the Paradiso which was their main family residence, but it was just as elegant. Several bodyguards stepped out of each car, all of them dressed in the customary black suits and dark sunglasses, they arranged themselves at both sides of the cars waiting for their master to step out. Bonucci Salvador rose from the second limousine which was in the middle, he looked around himself to see the environment while his guards shut the door of the car, he walked forward towards the entrance of the mansion and his guards marched behind him, two stayed behind for surveillance and two guards were already stationed at the large golden doors of the mansion before Bonucci even arrived, as he entered into the house, sixteen maids who were all of the same height and body size were arranged on both sides of the wa
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