Chapter 10

Zach was forcibly taken into the car. He thought that aside from the driver and Jeremy, there was no one else inside. However, sitting in the back seat with a stoic expression was Mrs. Grace, right next to Zach.

Zach glared at Jeremy, who had just gotten into the car. “You’re full of surprises today.”

Jeremy ignored him and instructed the driver to start the car. For a moment, the atmosphere was tense and silent. Zach tried to ignore the presence next to him, but the oppressive aura was too strong.

Zach gave in. “What brings you here?”

“You and the trouble you’ve caused.” Her voice was calm but carried the weight of invisible needles.

“I was there only as a witness. Everyone, even the inspector, knows that.” He glanced at Jeremy again. “Your subordinate here blew things out of proportion, dragging me out of there.”

“If you don’t want such things to happen again in the future, never get involved with the police again.”

That wasn’t advice. Zach clearly understood that her statement was a threat, not a concern.

“I’m not a fugitive,” Zach retorted.

“I’ll make you one if you dare defy me.”

Zach closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Arguing with this old woman would only provoke his anger. “I didn’t do anything that would harm you in the future.” He tried to assure Mrs. Grace.

“Not all betrayals start with intent. You might take advantage of the opportunities presented to you.”

Zach quickly turned to her. “Is the Bennett family involved in illegal business? Prostitution, drugs, or something? Why are you acting like you have traces of crime at the police station?”

“People are watching, Zach. You came with a beaten thief. If any media saw you and recognized you as the Bennett family’s son-in-law, what would happen?”

“Just explain the actual situation. I’m only a witness.” Zach emphasized his last sentence.

After that, Zach didn’t hear another word from Mrs. Grace until they arrived at the mansion.

That night, Zach received news that Mrs. Grace had left the country for a business trip. “She still had time to come to the police station amidst her busy schedule?” Zach laughed bitterly. “I must be special then.”

Zach had been unemployed ever since he became a member of the Bennett family. Not because he was lazy or too indulged in his mother-in-law’s wealth, but because it was one of Mrs. Grace’s conditions. Zach was forbidden from engaging in any productive activities, especially work.

It would be a pleasure if Zach were the type who enjoyed laziness and indulgence, but he wasn’t. Zach felt psychological pressure, feeling useless and utterly bored.

“I dreamed of a luxurious life since I was a kid. Having unlimited access to pleasures.” Zach exhaled heavily. “But now that it’s all in front of me, why do I feel empty?” He pondered to himself.

“What kind of life is this?” Zach had just sat down on a garden bench at the mansion when he heard a laugh he recognized all too well.

Without looking at the source, Zach could already guess who and what the person was doing.

“No, darling.” The sultry voice came from the entrance. Sarah was stumbling in, her face flushed and eyes half-closed. The thick scent of alcohol emanated from her.

A man followed behind her, chuckling. His gaze showed he was hungry.

“Let me go, you damned servant!” Sarah cursed as a servant tried to support her nearly collapsing body. She pushed the servant away and scolded, “Keep your filthy hands off me! You lowly servant!”

The strange man, different from the one Zach saw yesterday, swiftly wrapped an arm around Sarah’s waist. As a man, Zach knew the meaning of the look in the eyes of the man now with his wife. And it wasn’t the first time Zach had witnessed such a scene.

“Darling, take me to my room.” Sarah requested in a coquettish tone, one hand around the man’s neck. “I’m so tired.”

“Of course. I’ll take you to your room.”

Sarah giggled like a lunatic. “No Mama tonight. I’m free to do whatever I want.” She then kissed the man. “I’ll spend the night with my handsome man!” She cheered as if she had just won a gold medal.

Zach saw and heard it all. The man sighed deeply and looked away. “There’s no point in warning your wife, Zach,” he said to himself.

The night grew late, and Zach decided to return to his room. He and Sarah had long been in separate rooms—even from the beginning. They had never shared a room since their marriage. Sarah claimed to be too disgusted to imagine herself sharing a bed with Zach.

Initially, Zach felt hurt and humiliated. However, as time passed, Zach learned the true meaning of disgust. His wife preferred sharing a bed with random men rather than her lawful husband.

Those disgusting sounds could be heard from outside Sarah’s room, directly across from Zach’s. “Hasn’t any of those men managed to get her pregnant?”

Zach had decided not to care about the future of his household. His pride had long been shattered, and having a child from a stranger who slept with his wife was the worst thing Zach had imagined for a long time.

The next morning, Zach was greeted by the man from the previous night. The man emerged from Sarah’s room simultaneously with Zach. Zach tried to ignore him, but the mocking call stopped him.

“You still look the same as before. Pathetic.” The man sneered, belittling him.

Reluctantly, Zach turned and faced his interlocutor. “Have we met before?”

“I came here a week ago. Did you forget?”

Too many strange men had been brought to this mansion by Sarah while Mrs. Grace was away, and Zach was too disgusted to pay attention to them. Zach furrowed his brow. “Ah, maybe?”

“I always wondered who the Bennett family’s son-in-law really was.” The news of Zach and Sarah’s wedding had been covered by the media, but not Zach’s identity. “I heard he also came from a respectable family.” The man’s eyes scrutinized Zach from head to toe. “I’ve long wanted to ask this. Are you really from a reputable family? Who are your parents? Sarah never talks about you.”

“Probably not better than your family.”

“That’s not an answer.”

Zach was about to respond when Sarah exited her room. Despite looking tired, she still appeared stunning. Her nightgown clung to her beautiful body, slightly disheveled. “Don’t talk to him, or your days will be cursed.”

Zach clenched his fists as the man laughed at him. Zach no longer felt hurt seeing Sarah getting intimate with strange men in front of him. However, the insults never stopped, and that made Zach disgusted and even hate himself.

“Darling, last night you were incredible.” The man kissed Sarah’s cheek while glancing at Zach. “It’s a pity for the man who never gets to make love to you despite living under the same roof.”

Sarah smiled with satisfaction as Zach walked away. “Let’s see how long you can endure in this family, Hayes!”

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