Chapter 9

The police finally arrived to arrest the thief along with the victim for further questioning. Zach and Hannah were also required to come along since they were considered witnesses, and Hannah had to explain about the thief who was now semi-conscious from the injuries she inflicted.

In the car, Zach still felt uneasy about the woman next to him, Hannah. She appeared calm, her face showing no expression. How Hannah had subdued the thief in such a short time still replayed in his mind.

“Did you learn martial arts?” Zach asked, breaking the silence. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the police officer driving the car listening in. “You’re quite brave.”

“Shut your mouth.”

“I was just asking,” Zach said quickly.

Zach slightly recalled what had happened yesterday when he was at the bar talking to the woman, but he didn’t quite remember their conversation, only the moment before he left the bar.

They finally arrived in front of the local police station. There, the bag thief was arguing with his victim, while Zach and Hannah sat at another table.

Suddenly, the thief hurriedly stood up. His sharp gaze was directed right at Hannah, who was being questioned by the inspector. “This bitch!” the thief shouted. “She attacked me first. Look at my face! My poor nose!” the thief whined with a mixed expression of pitifulness and anger.

Receiving no immediate response from Hannah, the man grabbed Hannah’s collar, causing everyone to panic, including Zach.

“Stop, you idiot! This is a police station!” Zach shouted, trying to release the thief’s grip on Hannah’s collar.

“You violent bitch! Arrest her! I’m pressing charges for breaking my nose!”

Hannah didn’t react at all. She appeared very calm, even though her appearance was now disheveled.

“Look, look! Her expression alone is like a psychopath!”

The inspector, who was getting annoyed with the commotion, finally acted. “Be quiet or I’ll break your neck!” The shout successfully silenced the entire room. “Go back to your seat, or I’ll drag you back myself.”

The thief released his grip. The burly and muscular inspector ordered his subordinates to return the thief to his original table.

He sighed heavily and adjusted his brown uniform. “Alright. I’ll start with you, miss.” The inspector asked for her name, address, and several questions related to the incident. Meanwhile, Zach, who was sitting next to her, just listened while waiting for his turn.

“So, you saw him robbing that woman’s bag?” The inspector’s finger pointed at the thief. “Then you chased him, beat him up until his face looked like that. By yourself?”

“Yes,” Hannah answered without any hesitation.

The inspector made a note on his computer. “Dangerous girl.” The words were spoken softly but were still audible to both people in front of him.

Zach began to feel uncomfortable when he saw the inspector smirking dismissively at Hannah. He didn’t know what that smile meant before more questions followed.

“You risked your life just to help that woman? What’s your relationship with her?”

Zach opened his mouth, but Hannah stopped him first by saying, “I don’t know that woman.”

“You’re lucky with your martial arts skills, miss. But as a warning,” the inspector continued, glancing at the cut on Hannah’s neck. “Don’t act like a hero—”

“Wait a minute,” Zach spoke up. “What do you mean by saying that? She was trying to help that poor woman—”

“I’m not asking you, sir.” Sharply and piercingly, the inspector warned Zach.

Before the questioning could continue, someone with broad steps entered the room and approached Zach. Jeremy and several bodyguards were at his sides.

The inspector, seeing this, sighed deeply. He muttered with a tired-looking face, “What now?”

“Mr. Zach, I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Are you alright?”

Although he had expected it, Zach was quite impressed with Jeremy’s swiftness in finding him at the police station. He didn’t know how far he had run from the car chasing Hannah and the thief, but it surely wasn’t easy to find Zach.

“Do you have a chip implanted in my body?” Zach accused, narrowing his eyes.

Jeremy didn’t answer and instead chose to stare at the inspector. Whatever happened, the thin-bearded man’s expression suddenly changed. His eyes widened for a few seconds.

Jeremy smiled. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding here,” he said. “Inspector, thank you for your work. But let me be Mr. Zach’s spokesperson.”

Zach found Jeremy’s words excessive. What spokesperson? “I’m just a witness here. Don’t talk as if I’m about to be thrown in jail—”

“Sir,” Jeremy interrupted. “You’re expected by Mrs. Grace.”

Two bodyguards stepped forward. Each of them grabbed Zach’s arms to pull him away from the table.

“No, let go! I’m not done here.” Maybe he was the only person who didn’t want to leave the police station quickly because it felt unjust. Zach wanted to continue the police questioning further because he felt it was only right.

However, Jeremy’s arrival and whatever he did made it possible to drag Zach away, dismissing his rights as a witness. “I said let go, you idiot!” He turned to the inspector. “Inspector! Don’t you see what’s happening to me? I’m being forcibly removed by them. They’re preventing me from giving my testimony!”

The inspector cleared his throat and raised his head. “That’s not a big deal. For witnesses, this girl and that woman are enough to give statements.”

Not only Zach but Hannah was also puzzled by the inspector’s explanation. Zach said, “How is that possible? You were just blaming her for helping that woman.” He pointed to Hannah, who had been silent.

“Don’t speak carelessly. Who’s blaming who? I was just warning her to be careful—”

“What nonsense is this!” Zach glanced at Jeremy. “Do you think I’m causing trouble just by giving testimony at the police station? Is it Mrs. Grace who ordered you?”

Zach’s eyes sharpened, his brows almost meeting, and he couldn’t help but feel suspicious. Zach wasn’t stupid; he knew the Bennett family always prioritized their public image.

Zach shook off the hands restraining him, then approached Jeremy. He whispered to him, “You’re afraid I’ll reveal my identity as the Bennett family’s son-in-law, aren’t you?” He grinned.

The atmosphere in the police station suddenly became tense after the brief commotion. Even the thief was quiet, his curiosity piqued. Meanwhile, Hannah kept her gaze on the table, her eyes appearing relaxed with slightly lowered eyelids.

“Mr. Zach—”

“Why are you doing this?” Zach didn’t know what made the inspector suddenly release him just like that. But it was clear the inspector wouldn’t do it so easily without Jeremy being there.

“I didn’t do anything. Besides, the inspector said your testimony isn’t that important.”

“Nonsense—” But before Zach could protest further, the two bodyguards dragged him again. This time Zach couldn’t resist, even until he was out of the room.

Hannah glanced at the inspector. “What has the Bennett family done to you, Inspector?”

The sudden question made the inspector pale.

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