Chapter 13: The Call of the Sentinel
Years had gone by since the final battle that brought peace to the kingdom, yet Ariadne was still watchful. Her people kept the memory of the celestial relic close to their hearts, a lesson for when darkness befell them once more. The scars of war had long since healed, but Ariadne knew vigilance was their shield against complacency.

Thus, in the dead of night, when the whole realm was sleeping under the starry heavens, Ariadne often used to mount the ancient tower overlooking the kingdom. Tonight she had done so; the wind was cool, bearing in from afar the whispered echoes of forgotten tales and lands long since passed. The celestial relic pulsing with that soft tinge now within the sanctum of the castle reminded that its power was only dormant.

Her thoughts strayed then to the loyal allies who had stood beside her that fateful night and in the struggles since. Thalia, Keeper of Lore, had slowly grown to be Ariadne's closest confidante, with wisdom at times of hesitance shining li
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