Chapter 14: Shadows of the Eclipse

Peace had stayed within the kingdom for a long time, and yet, Ariadne knew that peace was a fleeting gift. The sentinel's waking had strengthened their defenses, yet rumblings of discontent persisted within the shadows of the realm. Still more years slid by with Ariadne ever watchful for the subtle changes in the ley lines and celestial energies that wove through their world.

It was an autumn morning, with leaves golden upon the breeze, when Ariadne received an urgent missive from the southern border. Sealed with the royal crest, the parchment bore news of villages plagued by strange happenings: withering crops overnight and livestock falling for no reason into sicknesses, with stories about dark figures haunting the light of the waning moon in the woods.

She summoned around her Thalia, Seraphina, and Captain Leander—her advisors. Ariadne brooded over the chilling reports spread before her. "These disturbances cannot be coincidental. There is a darkness at work again, always avoiding
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