Chapter 15: The Celestial Convergence

Ariadne and her companions gladly welcomed the brief moment of peace that followed their difficult victory over the shadows spawned by the eclipse. Warm peace embraced the kingdom as its people celebrated the strength in their unity and the bravery that fortified their will.

Yet, beneath the surface tranquility, Ariadne's mind remained alert to the slightest changes in ley lines and celestial energies that interwove with their world. She knew peace to be but a fleeting gift, ever fragile and needing to be protected from the chthonic forces that lurked at the turn of every wind.

As the seasons turned, and the land burst into bloom under a canopy of spring blossoms, reports began to filter down from the northern reaches of the kingdom. Whispers, too, rode upon the wind that spoke of anomalies—strange happenings that mirrored preceding disturbances of the eclipse. Crops withered overnight, streams ran dry, and a chill settled on the land despite the warmth of the sun.

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