Chapter 20: Whispers from the Past

Days after the retrieval of the Eclipsed Heart were quite eventful within the kingdom. Ariadne and companions are in the depths of unraveling mysteries hidden within the relic, and the kingdom is on high alert against any other looming danger. It pulsed with energy in cadence with the ley lines, its mysterious power drawing in scholars, mages, and warriors.

It was evening, and Ariadne stood in the great library surrounded by ancient tomes and scrolls; Thalia came up to her holding a worn parchment and a cryptic smile on her face.

"I found it," Thalia said, stiff with excitement. "It is about a hidden chamber under the temple where we have located the Eclipsed Heart, and it contains the authentic history of the artifact, along with how to unlock it."

Ariadne's eyes dilated with interest. "We must go there at once. If we are to understand the Eclipsed Heart, then we need to uncover every secret it holds."

Thalia nodded, and together they gathered Seraphina and Captain Leander. With the
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