Chapter 21: Gathering Storm

With the power of the Eclipsed Heart resounding in all, the kingdom of Ariadne surged anew with life, the revitalized ley lines strengthening the realm against future perils. What had once been somber skies burned with colors of hope, and its people—united by purpose and spirit alike—rallied behind their queen.

Yet, deep down, Ariadne knew that the hard-won peace was precarious, always standing on the edge and ready to tip into chaos at any moment. Visions of the Eclipsed Heart showed more than just their safety in present times—something building at the horizon, a tempest that could dwarf anything they had faced until now.

One morning, as Ariadne sat in the great hall of the palace surrounded by trusted advisors, a messenger came forward, quite breathless and urgent. He reported that from the distant borders there is news of a rising power in the east, a dark force whispering up both fear and reverence.

"Your Majesty," the messenger said, bowing deep. "Scouts report that a great host
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