Chapter 32: Gathering Storm

The night loomed before them, endless in its chaos and war. The dark army was a twisted mass of shadows and nightmares that pressed hard upon the defenders of the realm. The air was heavy with the ring of steel, the crumble of magic, and the cries of the wounded. Ariadne stood at the forefront, her light shining like a beacon in the gloom as the relic pulsed with energy in her hand, holding back the waves of darkness.

At her side, companions proved their own worth in nobility. Captain Leander led his lot into combat without flinching, a whirlwind of brawn and grace. From her coven across the field, Thalia gave vital support and leadership for ancient knowledge and spellcraft. Seraphina had harnessed enough power from the relic to craft wards of protection and blasts of offense that held the enemy at bay.

Yet despite their best combined efforts, that dark figure at the head of the enemy seemed impervious to their attacks. Cloaked in shadows, his eyes burned with malevolent fire as he l
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