The God Emperor Reincarnation
The God Emperor Reincarnation
Author: Junaidi Al Banjari
Chapter 1. Trapped at the Gate of Reincarnation

In ancient times, in the heavenly realm, a war erupted between the gods and the Demon Emperor and his army. The Demon Emperor was once one of the three highest god emperors, but he rebelled and was cursed by the Heavenly Emperor to become a true demon.

When the Heavenly Emperor left, leaving the Heavenly Kingdom under the rule of his son, the God Emperor of Light, the Demon God Emperor attacked. The God Emperor of Light was known for his extraordinary power and noble nature. Along with his four personal guards, the Four Elemental Ruler Gods, who possessed elemental powers according to their names, they prepared to face the attack of the Demon Emperor and his army, which consisted of demons with powers equivalent to the gods.

The Demon Emperor attacked the Heavenly Palace, and battle ensued. The gods and demons unleashed their powers, creating fire, meteors, and storms. However, the God Emperor of Light and the Four Elemental Ruler Gods managed to fend off the attack with their combined strength. The power of the God Emperor of Light surpassed that of the Demon Emperor, putting the latter at a disadvantage.

The gods were shocked to see the Demon Emperor wielding the strongest sword in the universe, the Emperor’s Light Sword. The heavens trembled, and Nirvana shook. The Demon Emperor intended to eliminate the God Emperor of Light, the strongest god emperor, who was considered an obstacle.

The Emperor’s Light Sword, which had turned into a sword of darkness, swiftly shot towards the God Emperor of Light. Once the sword was unleashed with its full power, it would not stop until it claimed a soul.

The Four Elemental Ruler Gods moved to protect him. They sacrificed their lives to save the God of Light. The sword was now in the hands of the highest god, the Emperor. Enraged, the God Emperor of Light attacked the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor was certainly aware that the Light God Emperor's power was becoming complete with the strongest sword of the gods in his hands. He fled, not wanting to perish. However, the Light God Emperor, in his fury, continued to pursue him. In a moment of carelessness, the Light God Emperor was caught in the Demon Emperor's trap and fell into the gate of reincarnation.

Thus began the story of the reincarnation of the Supreme God Emperor.

Ten Thousand Years Later

"Where am I?"

A figure lay at the bottom of a ravine. A young man, around eighteen years old, had his eyes closed. Only his soul was awake, but his body remained unresponsive.

The young man was in a state of panic. He felt pain all over his body. He couldn't open his eyes. Only his ears could hear what was happening around him.

"Tian Yun... Are you alright?"

A faint voice called out in the young man's ears. The voice came from the top of the ravine. The young man tried to open his eyes again but was unable to do so. He resigned himself to staying still with his eyes shut.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps approached the young man, who was called Tian Yun.

"Ahhh, it appears he is severely injured. This boy has fainted because he couldn't withstand the pain," said a middle-aged man around forty-five years old who squatted down to check on the young man named Tian Yun.

The man also noted that Tian Yun's body was incredibly weak and fragile. His body hadn't yet developed the level of resilience needed to withstand injuries. Even the cell-regeneration process in his body was too slow.

"Even though we have given him various rare potions, it seems this child really has no talent," he said again.

"Brother Chao, I think that's enough for today. This child can no longer continue with the training we are giving him. If we give him another godly recovery pill, he will surely die from ingesting too many of those pills," said the other man, who was five years younger.

"Hmmm... You are right, Brother Zhao. Let's take this boy back home."

Tian Yun is the young master of the Tian family and lives in Zuanshi City. The Tian family is both the leader and ruler of the city.

In Zuanshi City, there are only two powerful families: the Tian family and the Li family. Every five years, they hold a competition to determine who will be the leader and ruler of the city.

This year marks the fifth year since the last leadership selection. This means that soon there will be a battle between the young and the old generations of the two major families in Zuanshi City.

As the young master, Tian Yun will represent his family from the younger generation in the battle. However, Tian Yun is considered to be lacking in talent.

"Did he faint again during training?" asked an elderly man dressed neatly and cleanly like the head of a large family, with a disappointed look on his face when he saw Tian Chao and Tian Zhao coming in carrying the fainted Tian Yun.

"You are right, Father. This child is nothing like his father, who had abilities above average in our family. He is too weak and fragile, too easily discouraged, and very difficult to teach. We have given him all kinds of rare potions, but there have been no results at all," responded Tian Chao, who also appeared disappointed.

“Hmmmm... it seems this time the city leadership will fall under the control of the Li family. Not to mention the younger generation, in which we currently don't have any talented individuals; even our older generation may not be able to match the strength of the rapidly rising Li family,” said Tian Seng Jin, the patriarch of the Tian family and the grandfather of the unconscious Tian Yun.

Tian Seng Jin then entered his room and let his two sons carry his grandson to the resting place not far from his room. A gloomy expression appeared on the old man's face as he entered his resting chamber. He was indeed contemplating the upcoming competition that would soon be held to compete for the position of ruler in the city of Zuanshi.

“In this family, I am the only one who has reached the second level of the Martial King realm. Meanwhile, the other Tians have at most reached the seventh level of the Martial Master realm. Our enemies have more than three people who have already reached the Martial King realm,” Tian Seng Jin lamented in his heart.

The old man was truly in despair. At a time when their family had to face the Li family, which was rumored to have made significant progress in martial arts, their own family was experiencing a drastic decline. Until now, he was the only one who had reached the second level of the Martial King realm.

After Tian Cao and Tian Zhao left Tian Yun's room, where he was now resting, the young man began to regain consciousness. He seemed to struggle to sit up on his bed, despite the pain and soreness attacking his entire body. With great effort, Tian Yun tried to sit up on the bed.

“What exactly happened? Why am I here? My whole body feels very painful, as if all my bones are broken.” Tian Yun lamented with a big question mark in his mind.

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