Chapter 2: The Weak New Body

"What exactly happened? How did I end up in this place? My whole body hurts as if all my bones are shattered," Tian Yun groaned with a huge question mark in his mind.

Tian Yun now tried to position himself in a cross-legged sitting posture and attempted to muster his strength. How shocked the young man was when he felt that the power within his body was very small!

Even so, he tried to use that energy to heal himself. In no time, the body of the young man, whose soul was actually trapped inside the body of the Light God Emperor, managed to heal itself with ease.

After feeling somewhat better, Tian Yun got up from his bed. He took a basin of water that was not far from him. Again, he was shocked when he saw that the face in the water was not his own.

This was, of course, easy to answer because, at that time, the soul of the Light God Emperor had entered the body of Tian Yun, who had actually died when he fell into the ravine.

"It seems my soul is in this young man's body." muttered the Light God Emperor, who was in Tian Yun's body.

The Light God Emperor then tried to use his power to increase the cultivation within his body. However, he failed to do so because suddenly he vomited blood. He realized that this young man's physique was too weak. He didn't even have the physical strength to support the true power of the Supreme Light God Emperor.

"This young man's physical strength is too weak. If I forcefully use my techniques, this body will be completely destroyed, and I will perish along with it. Alright then, I will try to merge with this body and live his life," the Light God Emperor said to himself.

The Light God Emperor then meditated. He worked on restoring his energy and merging with his new body. Moments later, all kinds of memories, thoughts, and everything that belonged to the young man began to integrate into him.

Tian Yun instantly became a part of him. The Light God Emperor now knew that his current name was Tian Yun, and there were all kinds of stories about the young man.

"This young man is pressured by his own family because he doesn't have the ability to learn martial arts quickly. How could he overcome everything by learning in such a manner? No one would be able to achieve the expected progress with this kind of training," murmured Tian Yun, or the Light God Emperor, after absorbing the knowledge in his new body.

Knock, knock, knock...

The sound of someone knocking on Tian Yun's door was heard from outside.

"Who is it?" Tian Yun asked in a rather loud voice.

The person knocking on the door was a servant in the Tian family's household. He was surprised to hear Tian Yun's assertive voice, as the young man usually spoke in a listless manner.

"It seems the young master is already awake. Patriarch Tian is calling for the young master to meet him in the meeting hall. The young master's uncles are also gathered there," the servant said to Tian Yun.

"Alright, Uncle Bhu! I will go meet them shortly," replied Tian Yun from inside the room.

Tian Yun's personal servant, named Bhu Nan, frowned at his young master's behavior. It was unusual for him to be addressed as "uncle" by the young man.

Often, Tian Yun would call the man, who was around forty years old, with harsh terms akin to calling an animal. But this was the first time he was addressed by his own name and in a friendly manner by the young master.

With a confused yet somewhat pleased expression, Bhu Nan left Tian Yun's room. Meanwhile, Tian Yun was cleaning himself in the room, in a prepared bathtub.

After tidying up and getting dressed, the young man left his room and headed towards the meeting hall. There, he saw many family members gathered.

"Respectful greetings to the leader and all uncles!" Tian Yun exclaimed, bowing to the elders present.

What Tian Yun did made the elders and even the patriarch of the Tian family a bit confused. It was unusual for that boy to behave as politely as he had just shown. Usually, at every family meeting, he would act as he pleased. Even so, none of the family members, not even the patriarch, questioned him.

"How are you, A-Yun?" the patriarch of the Tian family asked Tian Yun.

"I'm feeling a bit better," Tian Yun replied briefly.

"Hmmm. Sit next to me," said Tian Seng Jin, patting the empty seat beside him.

Tian Yun complied with his grandfather's words. He walked towards the chair near the patriarch of the Tian family. He then sat down and observed his surroundings while adjusting the knowledge and memories in his head.

Basically, Tian Yun's current state was more like that of the Emperor of the Light God in terms of his soul and memories. Only the body of the young man was entirely Tian Yun's. So, it could be said that Tian Yun, at this moment, was the Light God reincarnated in his body.

The reincarnation that happened to the Light God this time was not through the process of birth but through resurrection from death. That's why the Emperor of the Light God had to make many adjustments because his soul essentially replaced someone else's soul in that body.

"Listen, all of you! In a month, our battle with the Wan family will take place. Seeing our current condition, it seems the city's leadership will be handed over to them. This is because, on our side, both the older and younger generations who will represent the family in the fight do not have the high abilities needed to face them."

Patriarch Tian paused. He saw the tense faces of his family. He then continued his speech.

"So I have decided that instead of being humiliated in the fight, it is better to directly hand over this power to them, with the reason that we feel we have led the city for too long and want to take turns with them," said Tian Seng Jin.

The words of Patriarch Tian caused a commotion. It was clear that the members of the Tian family did not agree with their leader. One of them, the eldest son of Patriarch Tian, spoke up.

"Patriarch, I disagree!" said Tian Chao.

"Do you have a solution, Tian Chao?" responded Tian Seng Jin, asking in a tone full of emphasis.

The atmosphere became extremely tense. The members awaited what would happen next.

"Do you have a way to ensure that our family will not be humiliated in public later? Among the older generation, only I have reached the level of Martial King, even then only at the second tier, but I am the patriarch of the family, and it is impossible for me to step down and fight directly. Meanwhile, among the younger generation, we have no one to rely on. All of your children are daughters, except for Tian Cheng's child, this Tian Yun. But you all know his capabilities, don't you?" Tian Seng Jin shouted again, visibly starting to get angry.

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